KumuluzEE to become a member of MicroProfile.io

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Matjaz B. Juric

Mar 21, 2017, 6:53:02 AM3/21/17
to MicroProfile

Dear All,

KumuluzEE is pleased to join the MicroProfile.io.

KumuluzEE, the open-source Java EE microservice framework, provides full support for MicroProfile 1.0. KumuluzEE has been one of the first microservice frameworks for Java. The development started more than two years ago. Current version is KumuluzEE 2.1. In addition to MicroProfile 1.0, it provides basic config support, dynamic datasource configuration and support for KumuluzEE Logs, a microservice logging framework, based on Log4j2.

In April we plan a major new release, KumuluzEE 3, with some features included in MicroProfile 1.1, including:

- Added support for configuration (env and etcd/Consul support, KumuluzEE Config)
- Support for logging (KumuluzEE Logs)
- Support for service discovery (KumuluzEE Discovery, support for etcd/Consul)
- Support for Kafka
- Support for circuit-breakers
- And a few extra features

More info: https://github.com/kumuluz/KumuluzEE/releases


Best regards,


Werner Keil

Mar 21, 2017, 8:41:13 AM3/21/17
to MicroProfile

Great, welcome. It seems you already got a rather modular approach and a variety of combinations.

In the absense of an official MicroProfile 1.0 BOM this POM
looks close, but Servlet API as such is not a mandatory dependency of MicroProfile 1.0 ;-)

Sure it usually runs in a container, but some like most "Embedded" Runtimes rely in Java SE mechanisms that work similar to Spring Boot and only JAX-RS is necessary.

Your documentation and overall code looks good. No headers (some might welcome that, for others it's a no-go) though. And should you consider contributing anything directly to MicroProfile, I am not a lawyer or member of the IP team, but according to https://www.quora.com/Is-the-MIT-license-compatible-with-the-Apache-License-Version-2-APLv2 your MIT licensed project could be compatible with the Apache License MicroProfile uses, but you'd certainly need a closer look if you wanted to offer something to the project.

About the 1.1 timeline, April sounds a bit optimistic. Eclipse has a well-defined review process and so far I don't believe the "parallel IP review" is over that took place when some repositories moved under Eclipse.org and its GitHub organization.
"Some time before the general Eclipse Release Train" sounds realistic, but keep in mind, at least 100 or more Eclipse projects many of them part of the annual Release Train also must be reviewed by a small number of IP folks, but if you are happy to use a "Release Candidate" of MicroProfile 1.1 components like the Config library it will be most welcome to have a Reality Check against etcd, Consul, etc. to see the API works with those like other projects (Archaius, Tamaya, Spring, Dropwizard,...)

Btw. any reason why you did not list KumluzEE in Wikipedia here? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microframework

Kind Regards,

Matjaz B. Juric

Mar 21, 2017, 6:15:18 PM3/21/17
to MicroProfile
Hi Werner,

Thanks for the feedback, that’s exactly the kind of feedback we are looking for.

Regarding the Servlet API in our MicroProfile-1.0 POM – we have included it, because JAX-RS requires this dependency. For fat-JAR approach, we need a run-time (in contrast to app servers). Based on your feedback, I didn’t understand whether this is compliant or not. Alternatively, we could include Servlet as a separate dependency. What do you think, what would be the better approach?

We are also aware, that we are short on documentation, which we will add shortly. We are already working on it.

Regarding the license – we currently use MIT, but are open to suggestions to move to APLv2.

We have also added KumuluzEE to Wikipedia.


Werner Keil

Mar 21, 2017, 7:13:15 PM3/21/17
to MicroProfile
Hi Matjaz,

Thanks for the reply. 
At the moment the 1.0 BOM is a little hidden, but beside the download link https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.microprofile/downloads pointing to https://github.com/microprofile/microprofile-bom 

It is in the JCenter public Maven repo already: 

To resolve it at least the POM using this BOM directly needs this block:

There are efforts to also get the BOM to Sonatype/MavenCentral, but not sure, if this happens for 1.0 or only the next version because some signing and release plugins have to be in place first similar to the "staging" profile you got in your top level POM ;-)

JAX-RS 2.0.1 https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=javax/ws/rs/javax.ws.rs-api/2.0.1/javax.ws.rs-api-2.0.1.pom has no dependency on the Servlet JSR, the only depencendy is JUnit for testing.

According to its BOM, Jersey might, but that is an implementation detail and your API dependencies should be separated from the implementation ones, so referring either to the 3 APIs like the BOM does or directly using a MicroProfile BOM is better.

All components directly reference RIs like Weld for CDI 1.2, so there is no trace of using the API other than how Weld itself does. Somewhat similar to e.g. https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/wildfly/swarm/microprofile/2017.3.3/microprofile-2017.3.3.pom for WildFly Swarm, but it does not directly reference a Servlet container, only JAXB in addition to the 3 basic MicroProfile 1.0 ingredients.

So I think the BOM could be of better use for Examples like the ones you have in https://github.com/TFaga/kumuluzee-example
rather than the runtime itself. 

And it brings up an interesting challenge of defining compliance both for runtimes and applications using them.


Werner Keil

Mar 22, 2017, 8:44:47 AM3/22/17
to MicroProfile
What you could and should do as soon as you can is look at "snapshot" or preview of https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-config and try implement it. And run the TCK against your implementation.
This way you can provide valuable feedback to its contributors especially if you plan to use it with remote configuration servers like etcd, Consul or others.

For now, please take the code and build it yourself, ideally there should be a Snapshot repo somewhere either Sonatype, JFrog or both.


Matjaz B. Juric

Mar 23, 2017, 5:15:09 PM3/23/17
to MicroProfile

Hi Werner,

Thanks. We will have a close look at the microprofile-config. Currently, in KumuluzEE 2.1 we already have a simple config solution for configuring microservices using ENV variables, config files or properties. We are preparing the documentation, however the sources are here https://github.com/kumuluz/kumuluzee/tree/master/common/src/main/java/com/kumuluz/ee/configuration

Thanks and best regards,


John Clingan

Mar 23, 2017, 7:19:46 PM3/23/17
to MicroProfile
Matjaz. thanks for joining MicroProfile! I apologize for not reaching out earlier, but some of us MicroProfiler's have been busy at Devoxx.us extolling the virtues of MicroProfile :-)

BTW, I did add a KumuluzEE logo to a slide with the list of logos for last night's MicroProfile BOF at Devoxx.us. Hopefully I picked the right one :-) BTW, can you provide a transparent white logo (png) for the MicroProfile.io front page?

Once I get back from Devoxx and catch up on things, I'll take a closer look at KumuluzEE, follow this thread a bit more closely, and catch up. Werner, thanks for helping Matjaz get up to date a bit.

Matjaz B. Juric

Mar 24, 2017, 5:29:05 AM3/24/17
to MicroProfile
Hi John,

Thank you for including KumuluzEE into your presentation, we appreciate it very much.
Attached please find the logo attached. Please let me know, if it's ok.



John Clingan

Mar 24, 2017, 5:32:07 PM3/24/17
to MicroProfile
The logo looks good. Thanks Matjaz.

John Clingan

Mar 24, 2017, 6:03:03 PM3/24/17
to MicroProfile
I've updated the microprofile.io home page to include the KumuluzEE logo. Can someone from Tomitribe (Amelia? Jonathan?) push to production?


Matjaz B. Juric

Mar 27, 2017, 4:19:46 PM3/27/17
to MicroProfile

Hi John,

Thanks for including our logo. Looking forward to see the page. Please link the logo to our home page: https://ee.kumuluz.com/ 


John Clingan

Mar 27, 2017, 5:26:29 PM3/27/17
to Matjaz B. Juric, MicroProfile
Yep, done. I just need Tomitribe to push to production.

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Matjaz B. Juric

Mar 27, 2017, 5:48:13 PM3/27/17
to MicroProfile, matjaz...@gmail.com
Thanks in advance.

John Clingan

Apr 4, 2017, 9:56:28 PM4/4/17
to MicroProfile, aei...@tomitribe.com
Amelia, can you have someone from Tomitribe push the updated MicroProfile site to production so KumuluzEE's logo shows up on home page?


On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 3:53:02 AM UTC-7, Matjaz B. Juric wrote:

Amelia Eiras

Apr 5, 2017, 4:08:33 PM4/5/17
to John Clingan, David Blevins, Kevin Sutter, MicroProfile
Hola from beautiful SM, 

Sure John. :)  

Adding David to thread, he will need to set up a call with you and MP community on "how to” own new MP.io under the Eclipse umbrella. 
David- I recommend you create a  new thread about task: MP.io training & knowledge transfer.

Cheers everyone, 

John Clingan

Apr 5, 2017, 4:27:30 PM4/5/17
to Amelia Eiras, David Blevins, Kevin Sutter, MicroProfile
Awesome. Thanks everyone.

Matjaz B. Juric

Apr 10, 2017, 2:52:27 PM4/10/17
to MicroProfile, aei...@tomitribe.com, dble...@tomitribe.com, sut...@us.ibm.com
Thanks for adding KumuluzEE logo to the MicroProfile.io site. We are looking forward to the published page.

Is there something we can do/help in order to push the updated site to production?

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