Where to publis released resources for developers (evaluation)?

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Ondro Mihályi

Jul 27, 2017, 9:09:41 AM7/27/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Hi all,

This is a question for the Marketing team, Project Leads, as well as for contributors to MicroProfile features.

Where do we plan to publish released resources to make them available for developers to review and get started?
I'm talking about:
 - Javadocs
 - PDF spec document
 - maven artifact coordinates
 - optionally a list of implementations that would grow over time

This is relevant already for Config 1.0 which was released this week and soon will be available at Maven Central. The release is yet to be announced on the mailing list right after. It will be also relevant for MicroProfile 1.1 soon.

Currently, the most comprehend information about the Config 1.0 release is on the github releases page, which contains:
 - downloadable Javadocs JAR (not ideal, better to have a browsable Javadocs online)
 - the PDF spec
 - there's no information about other maven artifacts, list of implementations
 - there's no getting started guide (at least a sample maven project or a simple tutorial)

For now, we could generate browsable Javadocs and put it into a github page which could be at eclipse.github.io/microprofile-config, later could be renamed to e.g. config.microprofile.io. I created a demo with my fork: https://ondrejm.github.io/microprofile-config/
In the long term, it is better if Javadocs are published together with other features so that all the MicroProfile documentation is in one place and could be inter-linked.

So the question is, where and how to publish all information related to MicroProfile releases? Can we host it on the microprofile.io page, or it's more convenient to have it on a github page like the one I create with my fork and link to it from microprofile.io? If we host it on github, it can be easily generated. But it's probably better to have some more user friendly (maybe also generated) page in microprofile.io to provide info about all releases.

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