PR/Media: MP Tweeter Admins [DON'T's actions]

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Amelia Eiras

Jul 28, 2017, 1:44:30 PM7/28/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile, MicroProfile Marketing
Happy Friday MicroProfilers, 

A follow up on 7/11 thread:  Getting more participation on calls 

Copied/pasted from my reply from this AM. Thanks for openly speaking up on things you like & dislike on Tweeter groups that turn you to be a follower or deter you from becoming one.  


NOTE:  Anyone who wants to help PR MP via media is most welcomed to ask, OPENLY, as I have done above & explicit on what you would like to participate on based on how much value you can add.
Media MP Admin access will be traced, check mktg minutes above for current updates.
 Anyone who gains admin access, IMPORTANT -- admins don't need to be a Vendor to ask for access, individuals are most welcomed to coordinate, become a referee & help media speak on behalf of the Project and not focus on 1 vendor or another.    In this case, I see particular with Tweeter the importance of setting at least 2 values (more welcomed) to help braid a healthy environment. 
 I will follow up a new thread on DON'Ts & hope many speak up to add it on the MP git MEDIA section.  

  • MP Tweeter admins never ought to reply as a group but as individuals. Own what you say, do not hide behind a group
  • never block anyone, no matter the reason
  • MP Community using MP forum is welcomed and ought to cc'd  when something ought to be tweeted or re-tweeted.   PR is not a 1 section or team effort but a coverage that needs all eyes. Participate!

Heiko Rupp

Jul 31, 2017, 4:47:29 AM7/31/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile,
> MP Tweeter admins never ought to reply as a group but as individuals. Own what you say, do not hide behind a group

There are some orgs where multiple people tweet under one group account, where the person tweeting puts their sign at the end of the tweet like in -hr or -ae or similar.

Amelia Eiras

Jul 31, 2017, 3:46:27 PM7/31/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile,
Hola Heiko, como estas?

MP Tweeter ought to align itself to MP gForum philosophy b/c it is proven to work for us. Allow me to explain. 

Most times, when we see a Tweeter reply as a group it informally states that in order to reply as a group, the admin group has had a conversation & decided to own whatever reply as a group.  

I, for one, in anything related to MP Tweeter, do not ever want to participate on “HOW TO REPLY” as a group.  Not this month, not ever
Trusting each MicroProfiler, who decides to become an admin to self-police him/herself is easier when posting for FUN stuff, such as Conference, blogs, MP regular news... as most of that requires proactive planning & open Community participation. 

Whatever the Media COC formally gets set up for MP Tweeter media, we must minimize the future mistakes-liabilities.  I have seen plenty of unhealthy errors done by tweeter groups, where apologies not only to whomever participated on the tweeter threads "gone-wrong" but also to its Community distract for the awesomeness of the Project.  
COC doesn’t require for MP tweeter to have an admin lead, which is completely unnecessary if skelleton is as simple as possible to follow.

— Human nature is beautiful as it allows us to share some of the best & worst versions of ourselves, at different times…  
Less flexibility, which in turn increases accountability & shows that MP heart is the participation of each individual that participates on braiding MP road rocks & it ought to be enhanced, not decreased. 
The beauty about OSS collaboration is enabling as much equity as possible.  How MP community share ideas as individuals yet together find the common ground to simplicity differences, act & move the project forward as a Community is only getting better b/c each participant uses its voice  & own the beef of explanation “why something matters” when required. 

Thus far, MP gForum is the best example of some of the best & worst exchanges.  There in display and own by each of its participants.  
From the very start of MP, the MP gGroup doesn’t allow its admins (11 total) to post as a group.  Even when the MP gForum was introduced, after the team carefully discussed the MP mission statement, shared in writing finally on June 26th, 2016— & currently used across, it was done by an individual, who chose to own that task, after the group chat. Thanks Jon C!:)    

Twitter admin COC topic needs to be added to a later MP hangout topics to discuss, while still gathering Community feedback to a future, not August 8th meeting.  

Again, my direct recommendation on topic:
  • no replying as a group
  • no following 
  • no blocking

Cheers and thanks for sharing your thoughts, 
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