JavaOne 2017

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Mark Little

Apr 6, 2017, 5:59:30 AM4/6/17
to MicroProfile
As per the meeting notes yesterday, we agreed to kick off a thread here. JavaOne 2017 CfP closed on 23rd of April. This group should make a good showing of sessions at JavaOne if possible. As we’ve done at Devoxx (US and UK) we should probably try to coordinate and pool efforts.


Mark Little

JBoss, by Red Hat
Registered Address: Red Hat Ltd, 6700 Cork Airport Business Park, Kinsale Road, Co. Cork.
Registered in the Companies Registration Office, Parnell House, 14 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, Ireland, No.304873
Directors:Michael Cunningham (USA), Vicky Wiseman (USA), Michael O'Neill, Keith Phelan, Matt Parson (USA)

Werner Keil

Apr 6, 2017, 2:20:04 PM4/6/17
to MicroProfile
Thanks for the reminder.

As the scope in 1.1 will likely not go beyond the health check actuator like functionality I asked some of those (2 Heikos) involved here and PCP/Parfait lead Nathan Scott, if they considered doing something on the monitoring side similar to the sessions I held on a few occasions, next time will be in German at DWX. I would be happy either in this context to participate in a panel or BOF or propose something with contributors to Hawkular, etc. A bit like an outlook on features discussed e.g. in!topic/microprofile/AdJV_cKqn54. I see a realistic chance for Health Check but the wider Metrics/Monitoring/Performance spec probably will need at least another version (which could be "Snapshot" by JavaOne but probably no Final release)

Anyone up for a health check specific session here, or do you think an overall panel or session (like at DevoXX, JavaLand,...) was better?


Ivan St. Ivanov

Apr 6, 2017, 2:58:20 PM4/6/17
to MicroProfile
Hi everyone,

Me and Dmitry Alexandrov from Bulgarian JUG already submitted the MicroProfile Hands-on-Lab. It covers 1.0 so far and is not 100% polished yet. That's why it is under my github account (the plan is to move it at least under the bgjug organization).

We plan to also add 1.1 stuff before JavaOne, once it is finished and there is at least one runtime that supports it.


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Ondrej Mihályi

Apr 6, 2017, 4:19:00 PM4/6/17
to MicroProfile
Hi Ivan,

It's great that you submitted the HoL, it is a great idea to present how MicroProfile can solve real use-cases. If you'd need some help with preparation of the Lab material, let me know. If you'd like to have me there as a co-speaker, even better. I'm pretty sure that MicroProfile 1.1 will be released and Payara will provide an implementation long before JavaOne. 

I think that we should try submitting a panel together, as we did for Devoxx UK, and also submit a BoF to discuss the future.

On top of that, I like the idea of submitting some practical sessions/labs about using MicroProfile in real scenarios, lie Ivan already did. Such sessions can be geared more towards particular specs (config, healthcheck), but would involve other technologies as well to show how to integrate with them (e.g. config with some custom config sources like Consul, DB, etcd, ..., healthcheck with Kubernetes or Docker). I like what Antonio Goncalves is doing with his talks about MicroProfile and Angular too, and I think we should continue in this spirit. People are asking what is MicroProfile for and how it can be useful to solve their problems, we should show them some examples and inspirations.

I created a google spreadsheet, where we can gather ideas for submissions and coordinate who will submit what, so that we know what is covered and who is doing it, and possibly agree on co-speaking:

I already added the Panel, BoF and HoL and will add some other thoughts for an inspiration soon.


Dňa štvrtok, 6. apríla 2017 20:58:20 UTC+2 Ivan St. Ivanov napísal(-a):
Hi everyone,

Me and Dmitry Alexandrov from Bulgarian JUG already submitted the MicroProfile Hands-on-Lab. It covers 1.0 so far and is not 100% polished yet. That's why it is under my github account (the plan is to move it at least under the bgjug organization).

We plan to also add 1.1 stuff before JavaOne, once it is finished and there is at least one runtime that supports it.

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 9:20 PM, Werner Keil <> wrote:
Thanks for the reminder.

As the scope in 1.1 will likely not go beyond the health check actuator like functionality I asked some of those (2 Heikos) involved here and PCP/Parfait lead Nathan Scott, if they considered doing something on the monitoring side similar to the sessions I held on a few occasions, next time will be in German at DWX. I would be happy either in this context to participate in a panel or BOF or propose something with contributors to Hawkular, etc. A bit like an outlook on features discussed e.g. in!topic/microprofile/AdJV_cKqn54. I see a realistic chance for Health Check but the wider Metrics/Monitoring/Performance spec probably will need at least another version (which could be "Snapshot" by JavaOne but probably no Final release)

Anyone up for a health check specific session here, or do you think an overall panel or session (like at DevoXX, JavaLand,...) was better?


On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 11:59:30 AM UTC+2, Mark Little wrote:
As per the meeting notes yesterday, we agreed to kick off a thread here. JavaOne 2017 CfP closed on 23rd of April. This group should make a good showing of sessions at JavaOne if possible. As we’ve done at Devoxx (US and UK) we should probably try to coordinate and pool efforts.


Mark Little

JBoss, by Red Hat
Registered Address: Red Hat Ltd, 6700 Cork Airport Business Park, Kinsale Road, Co. Cork.
Registered in the Companies Registration Office, Parnell House, 14 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, Ireland, No.304873
Directors:Michael Cunningham (USA), Vicky Wiseman (USA), Michael O'Neill, Keith Phelan, Matt Parson (USA)

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Reza Rahman

Apr 6, 2017, 4:25:15 PM4/6/17
to MicroProfile, Ondrej Mihályi
I am submitting a KumuluzEE talk and a microservices HOL with WildFly Swarm. Both will only nominally mention MicroProfile.

If there is anything else I can do as a somewhat "neutral" party, I am happy to do it.

I have also been meaning to ask, is there any real value to this effort to add the Philly JUG as a supporter?

Ivan St. Ivanov

Apr 6, 2017, 4:31:25 PM4/6/17
to Reza Rahman, MicroProfile, Ondrej Mihályi
Ondrej, it's a hands-on-lab, where people will do a step-by-step thing and will have a lot of questions. So we would be more than happy to have someone help us. Especially if it is representative of one of the vendors and one of the most active contributors. Do you want me to add you as a speaker to the proposal? 

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Emily Jiang

Apr 6, 2017, 6:18:01 PM4/6/17
to MicroProfile,,
How many speakers does a session allow in JavaOne? I guess each session should have a few speakers. I am planning to submit Config ( might be able to demo config usage in the MiniKube environment) and Fault Tolerance topics.

We should maintain the MicroProfile conference app to demonstrate the new programming models e.g. Config, Fault Tolerance, health check etc. I suggest we do a session on the conference app to demonstrate the MicroProfile 1.1 release. Please add your name if you want to be co-speaker.  

Ivar, if you need any spare hand on the lab, I am happy to help (especially on WebSphere Liberty:o).


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Ondrej Mihályi

Apr 6, 2017, 6:52:32 PM4/6/17
to MicroProfile,,

I just empirically found out the limits on number of speakers for a JavaOne session:

 - Conference session allows max 3 speakers (I roughly remember from last year, that only 2 got a free entry ticket)
 - there is also a special session type Conference session (4-5 speakers) - it would be ideal for our Panel
 - Hands-on-lab allows more than 5 speakers (I guess that again, only 2 will get free entry ticket, not sure though)


Dňa piatok, 7. apríla 2017 0:18:01 UTC+2 Emily Jiang napísal(-a):

Ondrej Mihályi

Apr 6, 2017, 6:53:47 PM4/6/17
to MicroProfile,,
Hi Ivan,

I'd be glad to join you as a speaker, please add me. 


Dňa štvrtok, 6. apríla 2017 22:31:25 UTC+2 Ivan St. Ivanov napísal(-a):

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Mark Little

Apr 7, 2017, 3:28:25 AM4/7/17
to Ondrej Mihályi, MicroProfile
I was going to submit a panel session as a placeholder in case we couldn't get agreement in the short time left to submit. If someone else does that then just let me know.

Sent from my iPhone

Mark Little

Apr 7, 2017, 3:30:25 AM4/7/17
to Ivan St. Ivanov, Reza Rahman, MicroProfile, Ondrej Mihályi
Ken and Bob McWhirter did something similar last year centred around Swarm. It went down well though there were some teething problems so it might be worth them sharing experiences to improve this year.

Sent from my iPhone

Mark Little

Apr 7, 2017, 3:32:44 AM4/7/17
to Ondrej Mihályi, MicroProfile,
If this is for the panel then please add me for Red Hat. In past JavaOne panels I've helped run on the future of Java and EE we have been able to have more people on the panel than the system allows as long as they had passed to JavaOne through another route.

Sent from my iPhone

Ondrej Mihályi

Apr 7, 2017, 3:54:25 AM4/7/17
to Mark Little, MicroProfile, Reza Rahman
Hi Mark,

I asked Ivan to add me as a speaker to their Hands-on-Lab.

For MicroProfile panel, I think it's OK if you submit and put other people as speakers. Either me or Mike Croft would join it for Payara.

Because JaveEE 8 will be released by JavaOne, we could also gear it towards MicroProfile and Java EE integration, to show how MicroProfile could leverage the new stuff in Java EE 8. I think it would be more acceptable for Oracle. In that case, the title could be something like Eclipse MicroProfile: Enterprise Java Microservices hand-in-hand with Java EE 8
All the 3 Java EE specs in MicroProfile will receive an update with Java EE 8, and we should already have plans to include their new versions by JavaOne. Maybe also include the new JSON-B spec.


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Heiko Rupp

Apr 7, 2017, 6:41:06 AM4/7/17
to MicroProfile
I will also submit for MP and Metrics/Telemetry 

Werner Keil

Apr 7, 2017, 8:20:12 AM4/7/17
to MicroProfile
Although I did standalone talks primarily on performance and metrics like PCP/Parfait, Dropwizard Metrics, Apache Sirona etc. I discussed with Heiko and PCP Lead Nathan Scott, whether we could combine this. There are many slots but certain areas dominate and I'm not sure, if performance monitoring, security or others are valued more than they were in the past, so it could be wise to offer a Metrics/Telemetry/Performance talk together.

PCP and Parfait already talk to Hawkular or Dropwizard Metrics as of now, so they will be part of the picture for a fully blown Metrics feature, possibly even for simple Health actuator.


Mark Little

Apr 7, 2017, 11:01:19 AM4/7/17
to Ondrej Mihályi, MicroProfile, Reza Rahman
Hi Ondrej.

I plan on submitting something next week. If someone else gets to it before me then let me know or I’ll try to take the approach you mentioned below.


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