IMPORTANT: Fwd: Please Review and add feedback to MicroProfile FIRST Whitepaper outline

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Amelia Eiras

Jun 29, 2018, 8:26:38 PM6/29/18
to MicroProfile, MicroProfile Marketing,, Stephanie Swart, Thabang Mashologu
Stephanie, thanks for sharing link of crude draft on MP White Paper written by MicroProfiler & volunteer writer Lars Roewekamp: follow him on twitter :)  @mobileLarson.

TO all MicroProfilers:

Feedback for the EF Team and to everyone in MP Mktg team—  When requesting feedback from our active community, emails must be sent to MP forum [, currently 1035 MicroProfilers subscribed to group]  in addition to mktg email [, currently ONLY 20 members]. 

To EF MP team and Lars:  The deadline given on project review and follow up is not achievable  (detail posted below). We must adjust it and extend it to enable proper feedback on project.   The request was sent to ONLY to 20 MP members… 
We have failed badly to reach out the broader MicroProfiler Community. For that I apologize. The failure is in everyone., who knew White paper outline was ready for review yet didn’t reach proper audience to enable adjustments. 

I have yet to review 1 word on the draft— disclosure. This is my attend to fix what I think needs fixing. I cannot own my own review when I know that our community doesn’t have the access they deserve. 


Before feedback can start, the draft and all data related to this project MUST to be placed on MP Drive marketing folder under content folder to enable proper tracing and provide readers not ONLY view access to draft but also comment access,  YOUR proactive feedback is everything.   Stephanie and team, please confirm the placement on draff, timeline and whatever else missing from project once completed to enable action by our Community and thank you!

Thank you Lars for agreeing to write the very first MP white paper. Thanks to the EF team for being the neutral holder on project to help provide a Vendor-free zone on written content. Thank YOU to each one of you, who will choose to participate with brutal feedback on draft. 

Happy weekend to all, 

PS: MicroProfile Mktg slack exists, if any of you are interested on to the point- exchanges, do reach out via open forum to request being added to group. I understand that the 8 projects use gitter for quick exchanges, in marketing- we use slack 3 channels for MP. 

Deadline NOT feasible:

MilestonesStart DateEnd DateNotes
White paper BlueprintMay 21, 2018
Detailed OutlineMay 28, 2018
DraftJune 18, 2018
Community FeedbackJune 18, 2018June 25, 2018
Draft shared with members. Draft + 5 business days
Final DraftJune 25, 2018July 9, 2018
Community Feedback + 10 business days
Lay out white paperJuly 9, 2018July 16, 2018
Layout, spelling, grammar
Final white paper July 16, 2018July 18, 2018
Final proofreading
Promotion - for discussion with Marketing committee
Press announcement
Press interviews?
Blog posts
Email community lists
Tweet series
Convert white paper into a presentation and upload to SlideShare
Video teaser on Youtube
Add white paper mention to email signatures

From: aeiras <>
Subject: Fwd: Please Review and add feedback to Whitepaper outline
Date: June 29, 2018 at 5:02:02 PM PDT
To: Amelia Eiras <>

On Monday, June 25, 2018 at 11:18:27 AM UTC-7, stephanie.swart wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Lars has written an outline for the MicroProfile Whitepaper. Please review here: 

We would like feedback by the end of this week so he can proceed with writing.

Thank you,

Stephanie Swart 
Marketing Specialist | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

Amelia Eiras

Jul 3, 2018, 6:44:53 PM7/3/18
to Thabang Mashologu, MicroProfile, MicroProfile Marketing, Lars Roewekamp, Stephanie Swart, Paul White

Your reply via open forum is what makes MicroProfile one of the most vibrant & beautiful OSS projects today!  

Thank you for enabling a follow up and for using OSS style… if it didn’t happen on the open channel, it didn’t happen :)

Please see below

On Jul 2, 2018, at 11:27 AM, Thabang Mashologu <> wrote:

Amelia, let’s separate out the issues you raised in your note: the timeline and who should be involved review process.

1. Timeline

I agree that the timeline is too short. The Foundation is working with Lars to update the schedule. 

In future, if a deadline seems unachievable, it is simply enough to request more time and state a reason why. 
This week, we got a good follow up with new project times and request from EF team to the mktg committee for feedback.  That is a really good step forwards on inclusion and collaboration to set not only expectations but also enable us to work better together.  What some may call this thread “ healthy noise”, I see as a good step forward for MP marketing. 

Frankly, the tone of your note strikes me as belligerent and not in keeping with our normal means of communicating within the community. There is no need for hostile language like failure, brutal, etc. 
Given your feedback, which I accept, thank you for enabling a follow up, i appreciate you caring enough to be part of this thread Thabang, you are awesome! 

If you &/or anyone else feels “personally attacked” by my feedback that is not the intention. My feedback is always directed to the task at hand, not the individuals.   
Feedback can be a challenging task if we allow it to be.  

Tone via written words is different than video.  At times, there is warmth over a call that doesn’t translate into writing, specially my writing.   
I know about ~5 people within the Java Community, who are incredible proficient on written such formidable emails. That is a skill that takes not only "360 writers discipline" but also its iteration based on feedback like yours to help those like me, do a bit better…
Allow me to state that MP is as strong on giving feedback via its open channels as it is today because we, as a community, have chosen to own the culture of  “ not saving face” & respecting each other to state without glamour when something needs to be discussed.   

No matter the form, if you are new/old to MP— do share your feedback and join the MP Tuesday’s hangouts.  
MP needs to hear from anyone, who has something to say.  Even if small… specially when confused or frustrated,  such feedback enhances MP growth; it moves you (the one giving feedback) and its participants away from being “ indifferent”.  Being neutral and waiting for others to act are the general killers of healthy OSS projects.
All feedback  deserves merit because regardless of its form, if shared in the open, highlights each participant as capable of cleaning messes and showing all sides of MicroProfile. 
MicroProfile its about its people.  It is about how we establish and clear differences, yet still manage to work together, b/c you and I are not it for MP to survive. People like us makes this project stronger, Therefore Thabang— thank YOU!
The only requirement is to focus on given the feedback on the task at hand, NOT the individual. 

2. Who should be involved in the review process

The Foundation is working to support the marketing committee established by the parties involved in the MicroProfile project. Since the committee requested Lars write the white paper,  it is up to the committee to determine who should provide feedback.

Thus, your unilateral decision that “the community must be engaged”, and forwarding to a broader list, is not appropriate. Instead you should raise these requests for the marketing committee to consider and ask for explicit approval by the committee.  

From the very start of white paper I have stated, in the open, that we must focus on getting feedback from our Tech MicroProfilers beyond Marketing/business side (as the secondary written feedback on content). 
During the MP Tuesday hangout, the Microprofilers continue to ask for project updates. For a month now, I have only reviewed the mktg minutes if sent to the general forum> 
If everyone wants to help, yet we put limits, without stating clearly how, who & why and NOT discussing it also on the Tuesday MP hangout, we get msgs as this.  
To those of us, who are also active contributors on the mktg side, who join the regular community hangout and who speak in the open about MP — specially when traveling to events (we have a bit more visibility & more responsibility).  We have the responsibility to speak up and do so in the open.   That is #walkingthetalk OSS style! 

We offer this guidance not as a means to exclude the community, but rather to respect the members of the marketing committee.  
There is no set MP mktg committee set up. 
We are a very informal MicroProfilers mktg group, that continues to increase.   There are no Chair and no leads… To make this team scalable, it must not relay on 1 individual but many. 
We have chosen a few channels that are open to anyone within the MP community to join and have an equal voice into all mktg projects — without exclusion of any form. Failing fast is needed to join and understand that we are under incubation and we have the luxury to play with how to do things today. 

Summary of mediums:

  • slack— should you want to join, send us a msg via open forum and you will be added to slack
  • google mktg group:  public and open for all to join, sent msgs without having to be a member, no moderation
  • google drive: public access to all folders, view only, for those not active on the mktg projects, yet anyone who desires to add value can request comment access and participate. 


On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 8:26 PM, Amelia Eiras <> wrote:
Stephanie, thanks for sharing link of crude draft on MP White Paper written by MicroProfiler & volunteer writer Lars Roewekamp: follow him on twitter :)  @mobileLarson.

TO all MicroProfilers:

Feedback for the EF Team and to everyone in MP Mktg team—  When requesting feedback from our active community, emails must be sent to MP forum [, currently 1035 MicroProfilers subscribed to group]  in addition to mktg email [, currently ONLY 20 members]. 

Thabang Mashologu
Head of Marketing | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
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