Time yet for a MicroProfile User Group?

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Gordon Hutchison

Jun 24, 2019, 4:43:55 AM6/24/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile

With use of MicroProfile rising (https://github.com/search?q=microprofile)
I was wondering if the time was coming where MicroProfile User Groups (MUGs) would appear,
if not dotted around then perhaps an internet/virtual based one?

Would it be confusing or partisan that a MUG would be MicroProfile focused and not Jakarta
or does it suit us to position MicroProfile as a bit more guerilla grass roots than Jakarta?

Is there enough 'space' between any MicroProfile User Group and the established network of JUGs
for there to be any value in the idea?

It is probably mostly the same set of people after all.

Of course for any local group, whether it existed and what they did would be up to them.

Perhaps it could be good though for us to advocate for a global MUG but we'd have to get
the timing right. 

As well as the expected, there might be some'gaps' that exist at the moment that a MUG
might be a good angle to approach from:

1) There is no 'fanzine' written by and for users yet - but this opportunity might be attractive to independants when
the audience is the righ size (I loved what Phillip Krüger (now at Redhat) did :-) )

2) There is no MicroProfile conference that relates to our emerging technology and ecosystem.
(I love the way devoxx is "from developers for developers")

3) How much requirements suggestion/prioritisation is there across and between the specs
that is initated by end users? I know much of it is by proxy but perhaps end users could benefit
from association?

Just thoughts, other people may have radically different ones. What are they?

Doing nothing is a perfectly fine option too, as after all, user group activities will
happen naturally as part of existing JUGs and conferences.


Michael Redlich

Jun 24, 2019, 12:38:20 PM6/24/19
to microp...@googlegroups.com
Hi Gordon:

I like the idea of a MicroProfile Users Group.  As you mentioned, the MicroProfile community has grown and having such user groups could increase awareness and interest to the rest of the Java community.  I envision presentations that focus on the APIs and how MicroProfile can be used in Payara, Tomitribe, OpenLiberty, Quarkus, Helidon, etc.

I don't know if other Java Users Groups are presenting MicroProfile-related topics, but I realized that I haven't even had a MicroProfile-related topic at my own Java Users Group meetings!  This will change!  I have, however, written numerous MicroProfile-related news for InfoQ. 

What about a Virtual MicroProfile Users Group similar to the Virtual Java Users Group?

Best regards,


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Werner Keil

Jun 24, 2019, 3:44:09 PM6/24/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile

There are Kotlin User Groups (KUG) in some cities, and there are also Spring User Groups (probably being closest technologically ;-) so why not. Maybe use MeetUp for that, as many JUGs and other User Groups do.

How would the members be called btw., Muggers or Muggels? :-D


Emily Jiang

Jun 24, 2019, 6:27:10 PM6/24/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile

I think we should promote MicroProfile in all Geo immediately. Some MP folks have reached out local JUG to do MP-releated presentations. In order to grow our community, it is better to rely on existing JUGs to do a proper road show. We should connect to each individual JUGs. Very soon we will establish our own User group or meetup. I am hoping Cesar from marketing help this activity and then we should get people to reach out to the individual JUGs to have the full coverage. In the meanwhile, university meetup or local meetup can be organised as well. By the way, I was invited to Dublin JUG and then London skill matters group to do a couple of talks on MP. JLouise did a MP talk at Dublin JUG as well. It is time to get serious and organised on JUG tours. I have created a spreadsheet here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tMyUJwHLOx7WGKytGRzdIZ3YPKf3n2EPSPlyhm1HSSQ/edit?usp=sharing). If anyone who knows any JUGs and contacts, please fill in the details there. We should then look for volunteers to visit local JUGs.

my 2cents.

Ondro Mihályi

Jun 24, 2019, 7:25:51 PM6/24/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile

I think that it is too early to establish separate MicroProfile User Groups. But I think it's worth talking about Microprofile and spreading word about it within existing JUGs.

In order to coordinate, we could create a virtual MP UG just to exchange information about friendly JUGs and events related to MP, possibly sharing recording of the sessions from local JUG events.


Gordon Hutchison

Jun 25, 2019, 12:55:18 AM6/25/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile

Interesting idea Emily for a JUG roadshow and more pitching to JUGs.

Pitching MicroProfile more can only be more goodness and helping get
the message out to people who are definately our target
audience is even more goodness!

Pitching to universities is also an intriguing idea, not sure how 'ready' students are for
dealing with the problems of MicroServices. It can be quite a dry subject if you are not building at scale and
not sure that by the time they are responsible for a Spring/Lightbend/MicroProfile
decision and few years may have gone by. If you have the time it certainly would do no harm though.

These will be challanging ideas to scale but if anyone has the work-ethic to make this have an impact, it is you!

When I look at my list of things that a virtual MP UG might be concerned with helping
there is no overlap with the above two ideas sio I would be interested in not framing them
as alternatives - unless there is some good that comes of that?


Gordon Hutchison

Jun 25, 2019, 1:07:30 AM6/25/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile

Hi Ondro,

I think you have judged it right in both points

It probably is too early for individual geographical MP UGs to start right now,
and the right time, if it ever comes, will be different from San Franciso to London to Manchester to Grenoble.

I do like your ideas of:

   - information about events related to MP
   - possibly sharing recording of the sessions

One thing I have wanted more than once is to learn a particular MP technology
and I wanted a curated 'list' of some pitches, blogs, samples that have been given for,
for example, Fault Tolerance. Google is great but it is not at its best when finding
relevant video unless it is well titled and it can be harder without a 'start here'
as it takes time to work out what is in a video presentation and there is usually
overlap. I guess it is a recommended learning path that I am after.


Gordon Hutchison

Jun 25, 2019, 1:10:39 AM6/25/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Agh - forgot to say..relating to news of events relating to MicroProfile -  there was recent talk from Amelia
about establishing a MP 'Newsletter' I think it was going to come up as a topic in the community hangout.

On Tuesday, 25 June 2019 00:25:51 UTC+1, Ondro Mihályi wrote:

Graham Charters

Jun 25, 2019, 4:10:33 AM6/25/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile
I agree that it's too soon to establish physical MicroProfile User Groups and that piggybacking on JUGs, or other aligned meetups, is the right thing to do in their absence. 

I do think that a Virtual MUG could easily be self-sustaining and would definitely be valuable to the user community and think we should pursue this.  Of the thousands of Java developers out there, only a small proportion attend physical meetups.  I would hate for us to throw the vMUG idea out just because the time is not right for physical MUGs.

I also really like the idea of a newsletter.

Regards, Graham.

Emily Jiang

Jun 25, 2019, 11:45:05 AM6/25/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Pitching MicroProfile more can only be more goodness and helping get
the message out to people who are definately our target
audience is even more goodness!

I think the local JUGs have already built up a community of Java developers. They are the exact audience we are after. We need to make them aware of MicroProfile and learn them and spread words.

Pitching to universities is also an intriguing idea, not sure how 'ready' students are for
dealing with the problems of MicroServices. It can be quite a dry subject if you are not building at scale and
not sure that by the time they are responsible for a Spring/Lightbend/MicroProfile
decision and few years may have gone by. If you have the time it certainly would do no harm though.

From some conversation at conferences, one of the reasons a lot of new workforce know Spring is that they have learned Spring at unversities. We need to match that. When the students do placement or summer projects or start their new job, it is much easier for them to choose MicroProfile if they have heard of the technology.


Gordon Hutchison

Jul 1, 2019, 4:23:40 PM7/1/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile

Answers inline:

>  "I think the local JUGs have already built up a community of Java developers."
I agree with this.

> They are the exact audience we are after.

I believe this is logically incorrect in one important respect:

It is true the profile of typical JUG atendees will be a close match with the sort of people we are 'after' but this does not
imply the inverse relationship is also true: that members of our target audience are therefore likely to be JUG attendees.

In fact would guess only a tiny fraction of the potential audience for a MicroProfile interest group attend any JUG at all.

To illustrate with an example, on our site (Hursley) there are many hundreds of highly relevant Java Enterprise Software Engineers
but the nearest JUGs are in London or Bristol, both more than one hour travel away, and I know of only one person who attends either (Steve Poole at the London JUG).

Like many other things, these Java users typically rely on the internet for association and assistance rather than attending
physical meetings. The proposed MicroProfile User Group would be internet based and not rely on any local or physical meetings so I don't
see the new "JUG Roadshow" idea as an either-or concept.  They occupy different spaces and are for different purposes as far as
I can tell even if both are kinds of 'user group'.

The main aim of the MUG is not more information pitched to customers from vendors, but to get more info going in the other direction and to
try to help with peer-to-peer association and more user confidence to help with direct, user sourced, requirements getting more established.


Michael Redlich

Aug 3, 2019, 7:50:45 AM8/3/19
to microp...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone:

I just updated Emily's spreadsheet to add the NYJavaSIG along with my ACGNJ Java Users Group (New Jersey) so that a MicroProfile contributor could potentially visit both groups in one shot.

In the meantime, I will be presenting a technical overview of MP at my JUG on September 10.  It will feature a basic overview of MP along with some code examples.

Best regards,


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Emily Jiang

Aug 6, 2019, 5:55:19 AM8/6/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Thank you Mike! This is amazing! Please remember to log an issue on the MP marketing repo to have your talk announced. By the way, I have got 51 active JUGs that want us to go to visit them and present MicroProfile sessions.
I made a copy of the original spreadsheet to MicroProfile marketing folder so that we can store MicroProfile related on the spreadsheet, while the original link is for all Java related technologies so that other communities can use the list as well.

Please add your name to the JUGs that you wish to visit to the spreadsheet in MP folder. Shout if you cannot edit this spreadsheet.

p.s. Last week, I visited DublinJUG. I had a great conversation with the attendees. I encourage each one of you go out to spread the word and teach others about MicroProfile.


On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 12:50:45 PM UTC+1, Michael Redlich wrote:
Hello everyone:

I just updated Emily's spreadsheet to add the NYJavaSIG along with my ACGNJ Java Users Group (New Jersey) so that a MicroProfile contributor could potentially visit both groups in one shot.

In the meantime, I will be presenting a technical overview of MP at my JUG on September 10.  It will feature a basic overview of MP along with some code examples.

Best regards,


On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 5:27 PM 'Emily Jiang' via Eclipse MicroProfile <microp...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

I think we should promote MicroProfile in all Geo immediately. Some MP folks have reached out local JUG to do MP-releated presentations. In order to grow our community, it is better to rely on existing JUGs to do a proper road show. We should connect to each individual JUGs. Very soon we will establish our own User group or meetup. I am hoping Cesar from marketing help this activity and then we should get people to reach out to the individual JUGs to have the full coverage. In the meanwhile, university meetup or local meetup can be organised as well. By the way, I was invited to Dublin JUG and then London skill matters group to do a couple of talks on MP. JLouise did a MP talk at Dublin JUG as well. It is time to get serious and organised on JUG tours. I have created a spreadsheet here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tMyUJwHLOx7WGKytGRzdIZ3YPKf3n2EPSPlyhm1HSSQ/edit?usp=sharing). If anyone who knows any JUGs and contacts, please fill in the details there. We should then look for volunteers to visit local JUGs.

my 2cents.

On Monday, June 24, 2019 at 8:44:09 PM UTC+1, Werner Keil wrote:

There are Kotlin User Groups (KUG) in some cities, and there are also Spring User Groups (probably being closest technologically ;-) so why not. Maybe use MeetUp for that, as many JUGs and other User Groups do.

How would the members be called btw., Muggers or Muggels? :-D


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Michael Redlich

Aug 26, 2019, 8:14:10 AM8/26/19
to microp...@googlegroups.com
Hi Emily:

Sorry it took me so long to reply.  I will indeed log an issue to the MP marketing repository!  Is there a chance I can get some MicroProfile stickers for my meeting?

I added my JUG and the NYJavaSIG to your spreadsheet.



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Emily Jiang

Aug 27, 2019, 11:16:20 AM8/27/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Hi Michael,

Will you be at Code One this year? If yes, I will try to get some stickers for you. Otherwise, Cesar on MicroProfile marketing might be able to help. Can you join the next week's MicroProfile Marketing call (on Monday) to put your request in? MicroProfile meeting calendar has the dailin details.

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Michael Redlich

Aug 28, 2019, 7:26:11 AM8/28/19
to microp...@googlegroups.com
Hi Emily:

I can plan to attend the Marketing call on Monday.  The calendar states 5:00pm.  Is the GMT?  Please advise...thanks!


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Emily Jiang

Aug 28, 2019, 10:09:44 AM8/28/19
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Yes. 5:00pm GMT!
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Michael Redlich

Aug 29, 2019, 7:47:53 AM8/29/19
to microp...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for confirming that, Emily!  I have the meeting on my calendar.


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