Adding Tomitribe to MP Active companies under Eclipse site referring MP data

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Amelia Eiras

May 19, 2017, 6:57:53 PM5/19/17
to MicroProfile, John Clingan, Kevin Sutter, Wayne Beaton

Happy Friday John & Kevin & Wayne, 

Tomitribe is officially an Eclipse Solutions Eclipse member. 
Please add us to the supporting companies under the MP project via Eclipse website.

Thank you, 

John Clingan

May 19, 2017, 7:17:14 PM5/19/17
to Amelia Eiras, MicroProfile, Kevin Sutter, Wayne Beaton
I tried to edit the website, but it looks like it is pretty metadata-driven.  If you ware talking about the section [see image] below, I’m not sure where that portion of the page is pulled from.

Alasdair Nottingham

May 19, 2017, 10:33:23 PM5/19/17
to John Clingan, Amelia Eiras, MicroProfile, Kevin Sutter, Wayne Beaton
I thought it was generated based on metadata about the project committers. Maybe Eclipse don’t know Andy is a Tomitriber?


On May 19, 2017, at 7:17 PM, John Clingan <> wrote:

I tried to edit the website, but it looks like it is pretty metadata-driven.  If you ware talking about the section [see image] below, I’m not sure where that portion of the page is pulled from.


On May 19, 2017, at 3:57 PM, Amelia Eiras <> wrote:

Happy Friday John & Kevin & Wayne, 

Tomitribe is officially an Eclipse Solutions Eclipse member. 
Please add us to the supporting companies under the MP project via Eclipse website.

Thank you, 

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Mike Croft

May 22, 2017, 9:07:59 AM5/22/17
to MicroProfile,,,,
I think that's probably correct, Alasdair - I don't think Payara appeared there for a while because Ondrej and I joined before Payara became an Eclipse member, so the organisation fields we've filled in aren't linked to the Eclipse Payara page. Steve's organisation *is* set up properly, so when he was added, the metadata requirements were fulfilled and everything else happened automatically.

On Saturday, 20 May 2017 03:33:23 UTC+1, Alasdair Nottingham wrote:
I thought it was generated based on metadata about the project committers. Maybe Eclipse don’t know Andy is a Tomitriber?

On May 19, 2017, at 7:17 PM, John Clingan <> wrote:

I tried to edit the website, but it looks like it is pretty metadata-driven.  If you ware talking about the section [see image] below, I’m not sure where that portion of the page is pulled from.


On May 19, 2017, at 3:57 PM, Amelia Eiras <> wrote:

Happy Friday John & Kevin & Wayne, 

Tomitribe is officially an Eclipse Solutions Eclipse member. 
Please add us to the supporting companies under the MP project via Eclipse website.

Thank you, 

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wayne beaton

May 23, 2017, 4:27:18 PM5/23/17
to Mike Croft, MicroProfile,,,
I assume that you mean the logos under the "Active Member Companies" section of the page.

That section is populated based on participation. A company logo appears when:
  • The company is a member of the Eclipse Foundation;
  • At least one committer is listed as an employee of the company in question;
  • The committer is on this project; and
  • The committer has made at least one commit in the last three months.
There's more information in the handbook (though, not that much more).

AFAICT, there are no committers from Tomitribe registered in our database. Further, it doesn't appear that we have any active committers named Andy (that can change with a single commit). It looks like we have an election for Jonathan underway (it shows as "processing paperwork").

Amelia, if you send me a list of existing committers who are employees of Tomitribe, I'll make sure that the database gets updated accordingly. FWIW, none of the existing committers have a email address (or we'd have sorted that out ourselves).



Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects
The Eclipse Foundation

Amelia Eiras

May 23, 2017, 5:01:02 PM5/23/17
to wayne beaton, Mike Croft, MicroProfile, John Clingan, Kevin Sutter

Thank you for such a detailed needed update, you are great!  

 I just heard from Perri about how to update our account. 

1- At least one committer is listed as an employee of the company in question   By the end of the week, I will send Eclipse IP team updated Exhibit A  (name & emails) with Tribers’ data. 
2- The company is a member of the Eclipse Foundation; YES
3- The committer is on this project; and   work in progress, Business & Code committers need to be still stablished,  as mentioned & discussed further on the need for MP operational re-org. 
4- The committer has made at least one commit in the last three months.  if section 3 is not tackle proactively and effectively,  based on the past & present Community feedback on HOW BEST to collaborate via Eclipse umbrella, all activities such as the ones by Tomitribe will continue to not be seen. 

To MP Community:

MP’s main priority needs to be item number  3.  Each active MP collaborator across those ~700 (who have are members of the Google group & also on MP.IO) need to be able to understand how easy it is to become involved on this project, own his/her weight & add value to Project, not only in code but also business matters such as design, marketing, website, conferences, etc.

Eclipse has such a fantastic team, thank you! 

Werner Keil

May 29, 2017, 3:55:26 AM5/29/17
to MicroProfile,,,,
It is indeed a little hard to point those working for Tomitribe or Payara out as many joined Eclipse or the JCP (Apache makes no difference, there everyone joins as Individual) as Individuals or representing other entities like JUGs

It must have worked for Ondrey, so there should be a way to work for Andy. Nevertheless counts the activity over the past 3 months and he does not show under individual names, so even with a match, Tomitribe or other companies will only show if their reps actually contribute ;-)


Werner Keil

May 29, 2017, 3:58:50 AM5/29/17
to MicroProfile,,,,

While it does not affect the companies they work for showing up, is there a way to combine at least Ondrej and Emily into "one" contributor or will they always show up more than once in ?


wayne beaton

May 29, 2017, 1:31:05 PM5/29/17
to Werner Keil, MicroProfile,, Amelia Eiras,,
Some committers are using multiple email addresses. I've updated our database with the extras that I've detected. It should look more correct tomorrow morning (the script that builds these charts runs nightly).

On that note, project committers should be using the email address associated with their Eclipse Foundation account on their commits.


Amelia Eiras

May 30, 2017, 6:26:24 PM5/30/17
to MicroProfile,,,,,
those email updates can be seen today on Eclipse MP site,  thank YOU Wayne! :)
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