[MARKETING] Marketing plan and assets

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May 22, 2017, 11:18:01 PM5/22/17
to MicroProfile
Hello Everyone,

I would like for us to start working on a MicroProfile community marketing plan.  I have jotted down some ideas in the following document:

In entering marketing activities in the sheet above, I had in mind, activities that would be germane to the entire MicroProfile community and that were short-term (think between 6 and 9 months). I have not included activities that would apply only to a specific vendor, for example (we can, if we decide that would make sense - to be discussed during our kick-off meeting). You will notice that for some activities I have listed Eclipse as the owner - they may be able to execute an activity on behalf of the community.

I have also created a Marketing entry at the Eclipse MicroProfile wiki page:

And I have also created a Google Drive to store all marketing material/assets:

Please take a look at the Marketing Plan and start making comments in it. Please propose any new activities, missing events, etc. I'll go ahead and set up a kick-off marketing meeting later this week or early next, which I will post on the MicroProfile calendar.  I will also send a direct email invitation to all marketing contacts:

Cesar Saavedra


Jun 2, 2017, 3:36:58 PM6/2/17
to MicroProfile
Hello Marketing-interested community members,

We held our Marketing kick-off call today.  We plan to make this a recurrent bi-weekly event.  Everyone is welcome as always, especially if you're willing to lend a hand on marketing activities. Dividing-and-conquering is a good approach to getting things done :-)
Here are my notes:

June 2, 2017

Marketing activities kick-off community meeting

Theresa Nguyen (Tomitribe), Ian Skerrett (Eclipse), Nancy Agosta (IBM - WebSphere Marketing Mgr), Angela Warner (IBM - Portfolio Marketing Mgr), Kevin Cox (Hazelcast), Paul Hinz (Red Hat)

Paul. Goal: Increase awareness of MicroProfile in market for microservices for Enterprise Java

Come up with SMART metrics

Dzone - They do research report on Java ecosystem every year.  They reached out to Kevin. They were going to include 

Nancy: suggested for us to decide specific themes related to MicroProfile for the blogposts

We spent most of the time on updates and additions to the Marketing activities sheet located at:



- Theresa to add a blog page to Microprofile.io that lists all MicroProfile blogposts from community members for easy access

- Theresa to get info on cost and mechanics on how to run a campaign on Twitter

- Kevin to get more detail info on Dzone microservices study so that we can ensure MicroProfile is showcased in study.

- Cesar to upload sheet with all MicroProfile blogposts on internet on marketing repository.  All members to update it and add missing ones (DONE - I created a new sheet directory Blogposts in Marketing Google Drive here:


(the file above is located in the following directory https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8_67yGf9LkLdXBuZEYtR0wtMFU)

- Everyone to check sheet with existing MicroProfile blogposts (above) and add missing ones or ones from your organization that are listed

- Cesar to set up follow-up call with Nancy to start work on draft for high-level marketing program for MicroProfile

- Cesar to reach out to John Clingan on how to turn on Google analytics for https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.microprofile (DONE)

- Cesar to schedule another Marketing call in two weeks (DONE)

The bluejeans recording can be found here:


Jun 16, 2017, 5:06:30 PM6/16/17
to MicroProfile
Hello All,

Here are my notes for the MicroProfile community marketing call that took place earlier today, June 16, 2017:
I apologize but forgot to record call.

June 16, 2017

Attendees: Dominika (Payara), Ian Skerrett (Eclipse), Kat (Eclipse), Angela (IBM), Paul (RH), Cesar (RH), Theresa Nguyen (Tomitribe)

- MP Awareness should be primary goal for CY2017 for MicroProfile marketing community.

- Once blogpost capability is available on MicroProfile.io, repost on DZone for free.

- Theresa - cost of twitter depends on (frequency, volume, market) - maybe we can come up with budget

Does anybody know how many members we have in MP Google group?

Ian + Dominika suggest that we use MP members to give some love to MP using their twitter + LinkedIn accounts. With this, there’s no need to spend money on Twitter or LinkedIn.  MicroProfile member companies twitter and LinkedIn accounts should have thousands of followers already. Use vendors’ twitter and LinkedIn channels instead of MP Google group members.

Ian: Eclipse has a newsletter that goes out to about 150k addresses. Maybe September issue (goes out mid month), it can focus on MicroProfile. 5 articles on MicroProfile (it could be existing or new blog posts) - 5 different authors. Not vendor-perspective. Audience will be a Java developer audience.  Content should be technical. To get last newsletter, google “Eclipse Newsletter”

Ian: JavaOne 2017 booth sponsorship

IBM, Red Hat, Tomitribe, Payara(?)

What about an event outside JavaOne to promote MicroProfile?

For swag, we need to define what we need to do: t-shirts and hoodies or just t-shirts?

Revamped logo needs to be done by end of July, at the latest.


- Everyone - please review CY2017 high-level MicroProfile Marketing Plan


- Theresa - in two days, she’ll get back to us with blog page MicroProfile.io update

- Have John Clingan request Google Analytics access to Eclipse MicroProfile page.

- MicroProfileIO twitter handle may be owned by someone in the community. Cesar to find out who owns it. Theresa thinks Tomitribe owns this handle.  She’ll get more info on it.

- Theresa to check PartyOne organization - how much to be a sponsor and mechanics

- Dominika to find out how much they can contribute toward the booth and swag

- Angela to reach out to Nancy about participation in swag and plans for outside JavaOne event promoting MP


John Clingan

Jun 27, 2017, 9:01:55 PM6/27/17
to MicroProfile, ian.sk...@eclipse.org
Ian, do you have a link to instructions on how to add google analytics to  https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.microprofile. I searched bugzilla and the main website but didn't see anything obvious. On our call today it was mentioned that perhaps to open a bugzilla request. Is that the correct way to make a request to add google analytics?


Amelia Eiras

Jul 10, 2017, 11:32:59 PM7/10/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Answering questions:

  • MP Google members:   as of 7/10/17 = 769 members
  • Social Media is work in progress.  Marketing team is getting nicely the pieces together before enabling admin access to a few members.  Update to follow soon. 



Jul 27, 2017, 2:09:22 PM7/27/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Hey everyone,

Put some time into making suggestions for improving the Marketing Plan located on the Google Drive.  Most of the comments are aimed at clarifying marketing role and ensuring this is not a "vendor-only" initiative but a true community project.  Please have a look.

Best regards,
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