Fwd: 2019 MicroProfile Whitepaper Final Stage

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Amelia Eiras

Jan 21, 2019, 6:28:24 PM1/21/19
to Lars Roewekamp, MicroProfile, Richard Monson-Haefel, Ryan St. James, MicroProfile Marketing
Happy Monday Lars & #MicroProfilers, 

Moving this internal thread to the forum as it will directly update the Community on the reason v.03 exists.  As a pre-final version of the White Paper before its design/branding starts. 

DRAFT v.03 [01/21/2019]

AGAIN, Thank you to each one of you who dedicated the time to review & help re-write the different versions on the document, by Projects and sections.

Lars— as stated early this month, we added the While Paper to agenda yet it made sense to delay it until this week. MP Community call tomorrow Tuesday 11am PDT will start with project status. :) 

 Hangout Agenda: 

See you tomorrow formidable community who is planning to attend, 

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Ryan St. James" <rstj...@tomitribe.com>
Subject: Re: 2019 MicroProfile Whitepaper Final Stage
Date: January 9, 2019 at 7:01:28 AM PST
To: Lars Roewekamp <lars.ro...@openknowledge.de>
Cc: Amelia Eiras <aei...@tomitribe.com>, Richard Monson-Haefel <rmo...@tomitribe.com>

Thanks for the link Lars!
I wont work on anything until all comments have been updated and it is "signed off" 
If we keep making changes after formatting/ design it can become a nightmare. 


On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 11:44 AM Lars Roewekamp <lars.ro...@openknowledge.de> wrote:

Hello Ryan.,


No this is not the correct link. We upgraded the document to version v0.2 end of October this year. You will find the current version here:



To be sure to work on the right document please check that the name of the doc is “Eclipse MicroProfile Whitepaper DRAFT v.02 [10/25/2018]” and that you will find “DRAFT v.02 [10/25/2018]” at one of the first lines of the document.





Lars Röwekamp - Managing Director / CIO New Technology



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Von: "Ryan St. James" <rstj...@tomitribe.com>
Datum: Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2019 um 11:31
An: Amelia Eiras <aei...@tomitribe.com>
Cc: Lars Roewekamp <lars.ro...@openknowledge.de>, Richard Monson-Haefel <rmo...@tomitribe.com>
Betreff: Re: 2019 MicroProfile Whitepaper Final Stage



On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 9:42 AM Ryan St. James <rstj...@tomitribe.com> wrote:

@Lars Thank you for the update. 

I think Amelia answered your questions for me in the last email :)


Can someone please 


On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 9:39 PM Amelia Eiras <aei...@tomitribe.com> wrote:

Safe travels Lars!


On today’s call, we didn’t get to branding update, this will be provided either via writing [forum] if progress is done before next Community call:

Already added to the agenda from today’s parking agenda items. 



See below responses and thank you for follow up traveler! 


PS: I didn’t get to the document YET.  My first wknd in 2019 was spent on fun personal talks that i cannot delegate that took me away from being home & on my mac. 


On Jan 8, 2019, at 8:54 AM, Lars Roewekamp <lars.ro...@openknowledge.de> wrote:


Hi Amelia,

hi Ryan,

hi Richard,


unfortunately I will sit in an airplane this evening and therefore will not be able to join the online meeting.


So how can we further proceed? Inside the document I referenced up to 10 possible images. To speed up things I propose that I  will send some sketches of image suggestions directly to Ryan. Would this be ok for all of you? 


  • Lars can you drop in the drive folder the crude designs and share the link via this email to trigger Ryan’s attention? 
  • Reminder that the folder is visible to all but no public MicroProfile can adjust content. Working openly is preferred for those who care enough to check on project. 


@Ryan: do you already have access to the document? Without images we have 18 pages right now. But I think that it will be less after design because of the chosen font and format.


  • Ryan has the same edit access that you have Lars. 

Additional open issues:

  • We still have to clarify how to further proceed with the section “Partner Network”. I think this part of the document is important but also a little bit unrelated to the rest of the documents content. So in my personal opinion it could make sense to place it at the end of the document as kind of appendix and bring out / highlight its special character with the help of a design element like a colored box or something like that. 


  • to be discussed on the Community call, yet YES, i do agree with you, your explanation about why at OC1 is valid and it changed my mind on where to put that section.


  • For the chapter “Innovation and Sandboxing” Amelia asked J. Clingan for some feedback (Roadmap) via comment inside the document. @Amelia can you asked him directly?


  • Added Kevin (IBM) to this section and will follow up with him via comments to enable clarification, if needed. 



Greetings from Germany




Lars Röwekamp - Managing Director / CIO New Technology




Happy and healthy 2019 for you dear friend & your loveones!!! 


I am so happy to hear from you and see that you and Richard are flushing the final sections within 24hrs the very first week of 2019, exciting. 


From my side, I plan to dedicate part of this wknd to the document.  Special attention to the conclusion as part of my to-dos from our OC1 fun gathering Lars.:) 


Cc’d Triber Ryan, our wonderful designer, who will likely  help with the design. Lars, Ryan is one of the core individuals responsible for the look and feel of MP design across! 


Lars, are you able to join next Tuesday 11am PDT first 2019 MP Community Hangout?  Highly would love for you to prioritize at least 10mins attendance. Please let me know.

I won’t ask you to attend the MP Marketing call on Monday 10am PDT b/c I know you are likely with clients.  However, the option is yours.  Richard could update the Branding group on the paper on the basis of current work easily. Thank you in advance Richard.


After I hear from you, lets move update to the forum. First, introducing Ryan formally, Ryan any questions please shoot.


Strong hugs from SM! 



On Jan 4, 2019, at 7:37 AM, Lars Roewekamp <lars.ro...@openknowledge.de> wrote:


Ok ;-)


gesendet via Mobile

Am 04.01.2019 um 16:22 schrieb Richard Monson-Haefel <rmo...@tomitribe.com>:

Hi Lars,


Just ignore that code change I made. I deleted it. You are right in the way you had it before.


On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 8:45 AM Lars Roewekamp <lars.ro...@openknowledge.de> wrote:

Thanks Richard.

I accepted nearly all of your changes.


There is only one open issue left (see my comment for the HealthCheck example):


“Hi Richard, I still do not understand your comment because now we have two times the return type HealthCheckResponse (it was already there before you added it). The signature should be - according to the specification of the HealthCheck interface: 

public interface HealthCheck {  
    HealthCheckResponse call();

That is exactly what my signature looked like before you changed it. Or did I overlook something?“





Lars Röwekamp - Managing Director / CIO New Technology


Nice job, Lars. I've reviewed the new changes and accepted corrections. I also commented on the trademark of "Write once, run anywhere" 


On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 10:04 AM Lars Roewekamp <lars.ro...@openknowledge.de> wrote:

Hello Amelia,

Hello Richard,


first of all “Happy new year”!


I tried to finish the MP white paper during the hollidays.

  • I worked on all open comments 
  • I rewrote the last paragraph (please feel free to review and commet)
  • I explained the interaction of the services of our sample use-case in more detail (As asked by Richard. Please take a look at it, Richard)

So how can we finalize the paper? As far as I see there a still some open issues:

  • missing images / figures (I can provide you with some ideas / sketches)
  • missing feedback of John Clingan concerning the chapter “Innovation and Sandboxing” (is this chapter still up-to-date?)
  • flush out of the section “Partner Network” originally written by Markus Eisle (can Markus do this or shall “we” do it?)
  • check for Orcale trademark of “Write once, run everywhere”
  • review of my answers to Richards comments (could be best done by Richard himself �� )

Just to make sure we are talking about the same document (Eclipse MicroProfile Whitepaper DRAFT v.02 [10/25/2018]):






Lars Röwekamp - Managing Director / CIO New Technology







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 Ryan St. James 



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 Ryan St. James 


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