Wiki conversion update

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John Clingan

Jan 25, 2024, 5:05:42 PMJan 25
to MicroProfile
MicroProfile MediaWiki -> Gitub Wiki
I've done some investigative work by marking a few MicroProfile wiki pages (of 122 total).  You can get a glimpse of it in a temporary testrepo project I set up. Note: Wiki pages are in stored using GitHub's flavor of Markdown. I used the EclipseWikiCrawler project to migrate a few pages. It doesn't quite work because of the folder issue (below), but I did write a 5 line script to fix the issue with the pages I am testing with.

The problem with GitHub wiki is that it is intended, IMHO, to be used as a wiki for a large site. It exists for documentation for relatively small projects. The reason is that using folders is not fully supported. A newly created wiki page using the browser is always stored in the top-level directory. Folders can be created with the git CLI since a GitHub wiki is more or less a GitHub project. I've read that a single-level folder hierarchy is supported, but I haven't tried it yet.

We are not heavy wiki users, so the above limitation may be acceptable. TBH, it is acceptable to me. I haven't checked if a git project can have separate permissions from its host project.

MicroProfile Wiki -> Hosted MediaWiki
I haven't investigated any Hosted MediaWiki options, but it is a likely option. 

MicroProfile Wiki -> WordPress
WordPress Wiki plugins are available. Unclear if we want to take this approach. Open to the idea.

Emily Jiang

Jan 25, 2024, 5:55:18 PMJan 25
Thank you John for your investigation! Your testrepo looks good to me. We can use this opportunity to remove some unused pages. I prefer Github wiki as all info finally ends up in one place. I have not used MediaWiki but I am not a big fan of WordPress. WordPress can make a good website but it also adds complexity. Github wiki is my vote.


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John Clingan

Jan 26, 2024, 2:11:40 AMJan 26
to MicroProfile
Thanks Emily

John Clingan

Jan 26, 2024, 2:14:35 AMJan 26
to MicroProfile
Whups, I couple of points. I mean to say that GitHub wiki is *not* intended to be used for a large site.  Also, the "learning resources",  "Guidelines for Contributing", and "How to create a new repository" are the sub-pages that I have migrated.

John Clingan

Jan 29, 2024, 1:14:19 PMJan 29
to MicroProfile
OK, I've migrated the full MicroProfile wiki to a test repo. Check it out. There are some errors here and there, and some content that we probably want to update. I think we can do these in the MicroProfile GitHub Wiki.

John Clingan

Feb 20, 2024, 4:59:51 PMFeb 20
to MicroProfile
Wiki migration to is live. There is some hopefully minor cleanup we'll have to do, but the heavy lifting is done.

Emily Jiang

Feb 20, 2024, 6:04:19 PMFeb 20
Thanks, John! Looks great! I noticed the following 2 links are not working:

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John Clingan

Feb 21, 2024, 12:19:09 PMFeb 21
to MicroProfile

Emily Jiang

Feb 22, 2024, 7:34:11 AMFeb 22
to MicroProfile
Awesome, thanks, John! Looks great! Just need to work out where the EF links go to. Maybe there are alternative github wiki pages for them as wll.

John Clingan

Feb 28, 2024, 1:09:09 PMFeb 28
to MicroProfile
Based on yesterday's MicroProfile Technical call, I moved the wiki from the microprofile-wg repo to the eclipse/microprofile repo. We have a majority of our committers there.

Emily Jiang

Feb 29, 2024, 12:07:35 PMFeb 29
to MicroProfile
Awesome, thanks John!
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