Where is this content coming from?

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John D. Ament

Oct 7, 2017, 10:30:40 AM10/7/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile

I'm wondering where does this content come from? https://microprofile.io/blog/2017/10/eclipse-microprofile-1.2-available


Ondro Mihályi

Oct 9, 2017, 8:44:21 AM10/9/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile
I believe the content comes from here: https://github.com/microprofile/microprofile-blog/blob/master/2017/10/eclipse-microprofile-1.2-available.adoc

It's possible to register local adoc content and remote html content as well.


John D. Ament

Oct 9, 2017, 8:33:42 PM10/9/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Sorry, I meant the literal content! :-)
How are we defining these roadmaps? 

For instance, how was it decided that Open API and Open Tracing are in for 1.3?


Heiko Rupp

Oct 10, 2017, 4:38:44 AM10/10/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile
I think we talked about this on one of the bi-weekly all-hands, that this is more like an idea and less a confirmed roadmap. At least in the context of J1 slides.

Mike Croft

Oct 10, 2017, 6:13:26 AM10/10/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile
It does seem a little odd to state that specific specs are going in to the next version when we are doing time-boxed releases. It may be better to say that 1.3 is targeted to be released on date XXX and specs currently being worked on include A, B, C or something.

We've already got dates in the Eclipse project page, though they seem a little ambitious for getting OpenAPI and Open Tracing sorted:

Kevin Sutter

Oct 10, 2017, 10:55:43 AM10/10/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Yeah, I tried to soften those charts to indicate that this is just proposed content for MicroProfile 1.3 and 2.0.  Nothing is cast in stone at this point.  We just wanted to get a story out that we're not done with MicroProfile 1.2 and we have more in the pipeline.  When I talked about the proposed content for MP 1.3, I always mentioned the Type-safe Rest Client (in addition to OpenAPI and OpenTracing).  It just didn't make the charts that were put together for the 1.2 announce.  I reviewed the charts, but missed it.

Also, concerning the Eclipse project page...  Yes, these looks ambitious.  Again, it's mainly to demonstrate a roadmap and things in the pipeline.  We can adjust these as needed.

For completeness, we should create preliminary releases for the Type-safe Rest Client, OpenAPI, and OpenTracing.  We should all have access to update this page with that content.  Not only does this help with communicating our desires to the wider community, but it also helps the Eclipse team prepare for any IP reviews that might be necessary (only for major MicroProfile releases).

We should discuss this topic at our next hangout since performing both a MP 1.3 and MP 2.0 release in 4Q might be a bit aggressive...

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