EclipseCon Europe

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Werner Keil

Jun 8, 2017, 4:29:27 AM6/8/17
to MicroProfile

EclipseCon Europe is probably the largest Eclipse conference organized by Eclipse Foundation right now.

And most of the active participants at IBM, Red Hat, Payara, Tomitribe or Individuals are in fact based in Europe.

CFP lasts till the end of June. Although it could be a bit much, even trying to propose more than one session on individual MP features like 2 or more sessions on individual features could be worth a try. Or a F2F at Monday, 23 October, 2017: Eclipse Unconference
The Unconference day is somewhat independent from the actual conference. It's for WGs or other initiatives to meet. And even those who are not attending or speaking at the full conference can go there with a day ticket (last time it cost about 50€)



Heiko Rupp

Jun 13, 2017, 10:21:17 AM6/13/17
to MicroProfile
This is within commuter-train reach of where I live, so I could certainly talk about DistributedTracing, Telemetry and HealthChecks, which sort of covers all of the "monitoring" side of MP.

Werner Keil

Jun 13, 2017, 3:44:20 PM6/13/17
to MicroProfile
It is also close enough to the Rhein-Main area where I am at the moment. So happy to at least on Telemetry or Health act as a co-speaker if you want. 

Or a MicroProfile "umbrella" talk by 2 or 3 speakers (the only thing is, the primary speaker gets discounts on the conference pass, otherwise I am not sure what the max number was especially for a BOF or panel type of session)

I may also propose an UOMo related talk, but traditionally there are so many projects that many Technology projects get overshadowed by other stuff, so proposing at least a MP "umbrella" and one or the other detail talks is probably safest, so chances are higher at least one gets approved.

Should EMO support this kind of event and more in Europe are interested and able to participate (Ondrej is from CZ, it is not that far fro this part of Germany either, Mark in Vienna, if he's able to travel, and if there was no conflict or budget constraint, it would be awesome to have Emily or other active contributors there, too)

Werner Keil

Jun 13, 2017, 3:46:29 PM6/13/17
to MicroProfile
Regarding EMO I was referring to the idea of a possible F2F or MicroProfile timeslot on the Unconference day. 
It nearly behaves like a WG already, so unless there was a restriction that only Top Level projects or WGs get to meet at the Unconference, this could also broaden reach and offer one or the other detail feature to give an update even if the main conference could be too packed with many sessions.


Wayne Beaton

Jun 14, 2017, 3:15:27 PM6/14/17
to Werner Keil, MicroProfile
According to our conference team, we're "pretty much out of space" for the unconference on Monday, but we should be able to work something out at some other time during the conference.

Assemble a list of what you need specifically (e.g. room for how many people, how long, do you need wifi and/or whiteboard, ...), and I'll put you in contact with the right person on our side to work out the logistics.

The earlier we get this done, the better the chances of securing space.


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Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects
The Eclipse Foundation

Jun 14, 2017, 3:37:10 PM6/14/17
to Wayne Beaton, MicroProfile

Thanks for the update. It depends on how many active participants of MicroProfile can come for sure.


Because it’s the same month as JavaOne (plus 2 other relevant conferences in Düsseldorf alone between JavaOne and ECE!) I cannot promise how many days my clients will spare me, but if Heiko or some other feature leaders (or the project leaders) can participate it would be fine on a different day.



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Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects

The Eclipse Foundation


Werner Keil

Jun 19, 2017, 4:34:33 AM6/19/17
to MicroProfile,
There's about 10 more days left of CFP for EclipseCon Europe.

@Heiko, have you proposed any detail sessions yet?

I'd be happy to do a joint proposal kind of like that panel if you think it makes sense.
Anybody else who would like to participate in that?

Depending on how many actually are able to come it'll tell, if a formal F2F even makes sense or just a session or two.


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Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects

The Eclipse Foundation


Heiko Rupp

Jun 21, 2017, 3:01:13 AM6/21/17
to MicroProfile,
Hey Werner,

I have submitted "The monitoring aspects of Microprofile".
I first thought I do an intro to MP + Monitoring, but with 35 mins, the monitoring part with HealthCheck, telemetry and tracing will be quite full already.

For a panel you mean a more general "What is MP" kind of session? Or the unconf part?


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Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects

The Eclipse Foundation


Werner Keil

Jun 22, 2017, 5:07:25 AM6/22/17
to MicroProfile,

Thanks for submitting. As Wayne mentioned the unconference day was pretty packed, maybe a joint proposal by multiple people for a panel (similar to what was done at varous DevoXX or the lunch event after JavaOne) could be better. 


Werner Keil

Jun 22, 2017, 5:12:20 AM6/22/17
to MicroProfile,
I saw there's also an IoT day, so I will probably offer at least one dedicated UoM/UOMo session there. 

How about other vendors/contributors who e.g. participated in London?


Kevin Sutter

Jun 30, 2017, 11:39:19 AM6/30/17
to MicroProfile,
The CFP has been "extended" to July 17 (while the early submission deadline remains as June 30):

As an extended MicroProfile team, we should consider submitting papers for this very large, well attended Eclipse event.

Thanks, Kevin

Werner Keil

Jun 30, 2017, 12:14:45 PM6/30/17
to MicroProfile,
Count me in, especially for an overview or "panel" like presentation. Similar to what Ivar and I did on Monday at DWX.

Heiko submitted at least one detail session on health/telemetry. Probably good to propose at least two, if someone has enough material maybe even a workshop, but it could be a bit early for that.


Emily Jiang

Jun 30, 2017, 5:49:17 PM6/30/17
to MicroProfile,
I see we need a central place to host the conference talks. 

I adopted the JavaOne spreadsheet created by Ondrej and re-purposed it to be the general one containing all conferences. It has 3 conferences so far, JavaOne 2017, EclipseCon Europe 2017 and vJUG Oct 2017.  Please populate them with your submissions or plans.

You can find the spreadsheet in the Conferences section (last row) in our wiki


I created an overall MicroProfile conference spreadsheet based on Ondrej's JavaOne spreadsheet. Basically, 

Werner Keil

Jul 3, 2017, 11:43:53 AM7/3/17
to MicroProfile,
Ivar said, he already proposed a talk with me (as I have an Eclipse Committer and EclipseCon speaker account alreaedy) as co-speaker similar to our DWX presentation:

Maybe at least for a general overview and panel it makes sense to offer one with as many participants as Eclipse(Con) allows in such a case.
Not sure, how "Build resilient microservices" differs from the general "MicroProfille" session?

Would it be possible to turn one even into a workshop with 2 or 3 participants and all ingredients that are mature and ready to show?


Werner Keil

Jul 18, 2017, 5:22:45 AM7/18/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile,
Looks like at least Ivar, Emily, Heiko and Kevin proposed several sessions:

A few sound a little competing, maybe coordination could help in the future, but some go into a special direction like OSGi or governance, so let's see, if and how many get approved?


Kevin Sutter

Jul 18, 2017, 9:08:41 AM7/18/17
to Werner Keil, MicroProfile
Sorry about the non-coordination, but the deadline snuck up on me and I was on vacation....   ☺️  Microprofile should be a to get some representation at EclipseCon. Good luck! 

-- Kevin 

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Werner Keil

Jul 18, 2017, 9:38:38 AM7/18/17
to Kevin Sutter, MicroProfile
No problem. There is a chance for JVM-Con as the CFP for ECE closed and also for JavaLand 2018 (given it is very competitive and only had one talk on MP I doubt there is that much space for multiple there either, maybe a HOL/Workshop kind of event)  see!topic/microprofile/A-Dur8IwsjU

As I already mentioned the 1.0 BOM in our DWX talk and Ivar said, he'd update his own examples to use that, it would be great if the sample project could also use it as my PR


Heiko Rupp

Jul 18, 2017, 11:02:38 AM7/18/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile,
Does one know when talks are announced for ECE? I only saw the submission deadlines.

Werner Keil

Jul 18, 2017, 3:30:49 PM7/18/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile,
You mean talks being approved or not?

I'm not entirely sure, but I think it should be decided within a month or two. By the end of summer (Aug) at the very latest.

Werner Keil

Jul 27, 2017, 11:46:01 AM7/27/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile,
I was only proposed as co-speaker, but at least this one by Ivar and myself was turned down

Anybody else with more luck? I recall at least half a dozen different proposals were made by different teams, so hopefully one made it, there are so many Eclipse projects now, it is not surprising if only one was succesful.


Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2017 um 17:38 Uhr
Von: "EclipseCon Europe 2017" 
An: "werner.keil" 
Betreff: EclipseCon Europe / OSGi Community Event: Sorry, your talk “Eclipse MicroProfile 1.1 - by Example” has been declined

Thank you for submitting the proposal “Eclipse MicroProfile 1.1 - by
Example [1]” for EclipseCon Europe / OSGi Community Event 2017. We were
thrilled to receive many good proposals, but unfortunately we simply don't
have room for all of them in the program. We regret that your proposal is one
of those we had to leave out.

We provided comments on the declined talks to explain why they were not
accepted. We hope you find these useful when sending proposals for future
conferences. The comments are also available on your talk page. If you have
questions for the program committee after reviewing the comments, please send
email to

Decline Comments:
Thank you for your submission. Microprofile is a hot topic this year,
therefore we had lots of proposals for it. Some of the other abstracts seemed
stronger to the program committee, so we have to decline your proposal.

If you have any questions, please email

We look forward to seeing you at the conference, and we encourage you to
register by October 5 to take advantage of the lowest price; see


Jonas Helming, EclipseCon Europe Program Chair
Mike Francis, OSGi Community Event Program Chair

Kevin Sutter

Jul 27, 2017, 12:22:30 PM7/27/17
to Werner Keil, Eclipse MicroProfile
Yep, it looks like the accepts and rejects are coming through already...  At least EclipseCon is consistent with sending out both types of letters right away to remove any doubt (unlike the JavaOne conference...)   I'll post back when I figure out if I got any accepted...

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Kevin Sutter

Jul 27, 2017, 12:36:45 PM7/27/17
to Werner Keil, Eclipse MicroProfile
Accepts -- MicroProfile, Java EE, and Application Server
                 Java SE 9 and the Application Server

Emily also had two accepts...  So, we will have good, solid coverage at EclipseCon!

--  Kevin

Werner Keil

Jul 27, 2017, 12:45:50 PM7/27/17
to Kevin Sutter, Eclipse MicroProfile
I just added the proposal by Ivar and myself (based on the DWX session we gave and I recall Ivar also has one or the other talk at JUG events) and a tab for JVM-Con in late November. Approximately one month to go there with the CFP.


Heiko Rupp

Jul 27, 2017, 2:48:27 PM7/27/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile,
My Submission "The Monitoring aspects of Eclipse MicroProfile [1]" was accepted :-)

Kevin Sutter

Jul 27, 2017, 4:06:12 PM7/27/17
to Heiko Rupp, Eclipse MicroProfile, David Blevins
Excellent!  Please be sure to update the spreadsheet...

BTW, this kind of information is what David Blevins was talking about at the Hangout this week.  We need some area of our site to advertise what and where we're presenting...

--  Kevin

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Emily Jiang

Jul 27, 2017, 6:41:14 PM7/27/17
to Eclipse MicroProfile,,
Great, thanks. I have updated my session status as well. 
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