MicroProfile 2.0.1-RC2 ready for review

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Kevin Sutter

Jul 11, 2018, 5:41:15 PM7/11/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
With some good input from @Emily, I reformatted the MicroProfile architecture document to more clearly demonstrate the slight difference for the 2.0.1 micro release.  This actually just follows the format of the 1.x architecture documents.  So, this is all good.  Please take another look.  I'd like to declare this done by end of week, if possible.  Thanks!


-- Kevin

Kevin Sutter

Jul 14, 2018, 5:25:32 PM7/14/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Nudge...  Some type of feedback (pro or con) would be appreciated before I pull the trigger on this release...


Edwin Derks

Jul 15, 2018, 2:58:21 AM7/15/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Hi Kevin,

I think this defines the difference very clear. One suggestion: maybe change the "This is a micro release" part to "This is a patch release"? This follows naming in Maven's versioning convention (2.0.0 to 2.0.1) and you should not get questions about what "micro" means in this context.

Hope this helps,


Ondro Mihályi

Jul 15, 2018, 9:47:54 PM7/15/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
+1 for patch release. Callinf it micro release may be appealing but very confusing.


Kevin Sutter

Jul 16, 2018, 3:59:48 PM7/16/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Okay...  I can understand the potential for confusion.  I can change it to "patch version" instead of "micro".  This is also consistent with semantic versioning terminology, even though we are not following the semantic versioning ideals...  :-)

Any other changes before I do an RC3 and declare this is "done"?


Emily Jiang

Jul 16, 2018, 5:52:36 PM7/16/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
I prefer micro release as we brand major (binary incompatible changes), minor (binary compatible changes - additions) and micro (bug releases). As this is purely a bug fix, it is perfect fit to call it macro release. Patch release does not fit in well with major, minor releases we have been using.


Ondro Mihályi

Jul 16, 2018, 6:38:36 PM7/16/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Hi Emily,

Why patch release doesn't fit with major and minor? On the contrary, a "micro" release implies that there's some change but much smaller than in a minor version, which isn't the case. As you said, this is purely a bug fix, very often referred to as a "patch".

For me:
  • major - significant new features, potentially breaking changes
  • minor - additions, no breaking changes
  • patch - no API and behavior modifications, only corrections, clarifications and bug fixes
For individual specs, a patch release is usually a TCK fix, which is a bug fix. For MP umbrella spec, there's no code involved, so a patch release would include a correction in written documents or released artifacts.

I haven't seen the term "micro" in connection to bug fixes or releases. Especially with MicroProfile, "micro" can be misleading, as it can be associated with something related to MicroProfile or MicroServices.


Raymond Auge

Jul 16, 2018, 8:22:17 PM7/16/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
'Micro' is the term used for non-api, backward compatible changes in OSGi versioning. Generally these are bug fixes, but they could be other types of changes which are not necessarily limited to bugs, but improve the module in a way that breaks no one. E.g. like fixing some metadata, signing with a different key, changing an SCM url, adding a missing contributor, bumping a dependency, etc.

I'm not arguing against 'patch'. I'm just expressing that 'micro' _is_ used in this context by many.

- Ray

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Ondro Mihályi

Jul 17, 2018, 4:16:30 AM7/17/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
OK, I understand. But don't get me wrong, not so many people are familiar with OSGi versioning and I think the rest of the world uses Major, minor and patch. I haven't come across using "micro" for fix versions in more than 10 years.

Edwin Derks

Jul 17, 2018, 4:44:04 AM7/17/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Same for me Ondro. But don't get me wrong, I'm not against using it "micro". It was just a suggestion ;). if we are going to do "micro" releases in MP, then fine with me. At least then it is decided how to define these kind of releases in the future.



Ondro Mihályi

Jul 17, 2018, 5:14:47 AM7/17/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
I want to clarify something about my point of view:

I don't really care about patch vs. micro. But I really care awefully lot about our messaging to the users and the community. Majority of them are used to certain terms and can feel alienated by using obsure terminology and reasoning. MicroProfile strives to be a modern framework, keeping up with the modern standards and terms. So we should be strong to always adopt what's used by the majority, even for little things like naming our fix releases. And even if some of us are more used to other terminology.


Edwin Derks

Jul 17, 2018, 5:17:03 AM7/17/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
@Ondro: I totally agree

@Kevin: can you make a decision based on the feedback?

Ondro Mihályi

Jul 17, 2018, 6:05:01 AM7/17/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Kevin already created a PR to change 'micro' to 'patch' here: https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile/pull/48

Emily Jiang

Jul 17, 2018, 6:56:19 AM7/17/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
Ray explained what is Micro about, which contain purely bug fixes.  From my understanding, Major/Minor/Micro reads better. I had a quick googling. It seems Major/Minor/Patch are combined as well. In this case, either Micro or Patch is fine.


Kevin Sutter

Jul 17, 2018, 9:04:49 AM7/17/18
to Eclipse MicroProfile
I'm in favor of "patch" release.  Semantic versioning defines major, minor, and patch versions...  https://semver.org/  (Just look at the short Summary, if nothing else.)

I know we're not following semantic versioning to a T, but we have expressed interest in it.  And, after Ondro and Edwin brought up the potential for confusion between a "micro" release and MicroProfile, I think using the term "patch" is more appropriate.

--  Kevin
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