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Re: [uf-discuss] When is the right time to use hmeasure, hangle, and hmoney?

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Martin Leese

Apr 7, 2013, 2:58:53 PM4/7/13
Ian Yang wrote:
> Hi all,
> Recently I discovered that microformats also cover measurement
> ( That is helpful.
> I was trying to find a semantic way to mark these contents up, but
> there really isn't any element which is dedicated to this in HTML5.
> And apparently microformats can solve my problem.
> So my question is: When is the right time to use hmeasure, hangle, and
> hmoney? Am I suggested to use them on "all eligible contents" of "all
> kinds of websites" I develop?

The key is support. How widely is this
microformat supported? I don't have a
definitive answer, but would expect it to be
supported sparingly, if at all.

You should also consider what content will be
useful for web browsers to extract. For
example, there is no point using hCard to
make a mailing address machine readable
when the address is out of date and no longer
works. You can reduce the effort required by
being selective.

Also, Measure is a draft standard, As there is
no process to ratify draft microformats, this
status isn't going to change. It is possible,
therefore, for the draft to change under your
feet. Finally, having said that, this particular
draft was last modified in 2008, so it is
moribund and change is unlikely.

Martin J Leese
E-mail: martin.leese
microformats-discuss mailing list

Ian Yang

Apr 8, 2013, 6:43:19 AM4/8/13
to Microformats Discuss
On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 2:58 AM, Martin Leese
<> wrote:
> You should also consider what content will be
> useful for web browsers to extract. For
> example, there is no point using hCard to
> make a mailing address machine readable
> when the address is out of date and no longer
> works. You can reduce the effort required by
> being selective.

I guess measurement units won't be out of date.

> Also, Measure is a draft standard, As there is
> no process to ratify draft microformats, this
> status isn't going to change. It is possible,
> therefore, for the draft to change under your
> feet. Finally, having said that, this particular
> draft was last modified in 2008, so it is
> moribund and change is unlikely.
> Regards,
> Martin

Does that mean it hasn't been officially added into microformats?

Kind Regards,
Ian Yang

Martin Leese

Apr 8, 2013, 5:09:12 PM4/8/13
Ian Yang wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 2:58 AM, Martin Leese wrote:
>> Also, Measure is a draft standard, As there is
>> no process to ratify draft microformats, this
>> status isn't going to change. It is possible,
>> therefore, for the draft to change under your
>> feet. Finally, having said that, this particular
>> draft was last modified in 2008, so it is
>> moribund and change is unlikely.
> Does that mean it hasn't been officially added into microformats?

This is a meaningless question. The only
microformat standards that have been ratified
are hCard and hCalendar (although how this
happened is a mystery). Everything else
remains a draft standard although some, such
as hResume, have attracted support.

As I said in my previous post, the key is
support. Measure has not attracted support.
In addition, microformats are being
superseded by Microdata. I can not see any
benefit to deploying Measure; nobody
supports it, and they never will.

Ian Yang

Apr 8, 2013, 6:22:10 PM4/8/13
to Microformats Discuss
I see. Thanks for explanations.

Kind Regards,
Ian Yang
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