Cheap network boxes

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Sep 12, 2010, 4:04:48 PM9/12/10
to MicroClient
Hey MicroClient fans:
I recently got my hands on great little piece of hardware: a tiny
networked hard-disk adapter from Seagate called a freeagent dockstar.
This thing runs a 1.2GHz ARM-based processor using just 8W of power
(peak), 128 Mb of RAM, 3 USB 2.0 plugs and a Gbit connection. Think
NSLU2 but much beefier.
Good thing is: this box runs Debian perfectly. It also apparently runs
freeBSD, OpenWRT and other usual suspects. Best part is: this thing
now costs 25 euros in Europe!
I do believe there is a market for tiny appliances like this one,
especially when you can install a full-fledged OS like Debian and run
whatever kind of service that would benefit from a Gbit link and three
hard disks, especially for such a low price. My last keyboard was more
-- Nicolas

Bart N.

Sep 12, 2010, 5:38:42 PM9/12/10
to MicroClient
That sounds very interesting, Nicolas. How did you get it to boot an
alternative OS? Does it boot from the HDD or USB stick, if suitably




Sep 12, 2010, 6:29:26 PM9/12/10
to Bart N., MicroClient
Hi Bart:

The box comes with its own 256Mb of flash memory to store the firmware, but I did not want to touch it. Just wanted to be sure there is at least one bootable OS in case I mess things up. The only thing I did was disable the proprietary software as indicated here:

Once you have ssh access to the box, you plug in additional storage like a USB drive and you can install a complete OS on it. There are a few steps to modify the bootloader to search for the first bootable drive plugged into USB and if nothing is found it reverts to the default firmware.

I actually blogged about this here:

On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Bart N. <> wrote:
That sounds very interesting, Nicolas. How did you get it to boot an
alternative OS? Does it boot from the HDD or USB stick, if suitably

Nicolas <>
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