KolibriOS: Fast & lightweight OS for Microclient JrMX / Gecko Edubook

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Green Gadgets Ltd (Israel)

Feb 15, 2011, 3:08:12 PM2/15/11
to MicroClient
Around 8 months ago, I have discovered an operating system written
mostly in Assembler, and able to fit completely into 1.44MB floppy
image. The OS boots under 10 seconds from power-on to GUI, and is very
fast compared even to Puppy Linux :-) You can quite easily install it
on SD card, CF card or Disk-on-Key, which makes it very appealing to
cheap and slow hardware like Microclient JrMX / Gecko Edubook.

Unfortunately, some of Microclient JrMX (eBox-3300MX) and Edubook
features were not supported by this OS yet, namely sound and network.
But KolibriOS developers were very nice and agreed to add this
support. To help them in their work, I have donated a few Microclient
JrMX units to them, and in the future I plan to donate more.

You can read some more information about ongoing progress here:

I opted to create a thread on Norhtec forums based on the fact they
have more registered users than this group, and considering some
recent Google announcement that they are disabling some of the group
features, like file upload.
I am not associated in any way with Norhtec (in fact, I am even
Norhtec competitor - I sell the same computers in Israel as they sell
in Thailand), but for the sake of better information sharing, I urge
you all to register on that forums and move your activity there.

KolibriOS is completely free and open-source project, so anyone can
use it and contribute. We are looking for any help you can give, be it
programming, testing or unused hardware donations :-)

The KolibriOS forums are located here: http://board.kolibrios.org/index.php
. Most of the discussion is in Russian (as this is the mother-tongue
of the majority of developers), but you can use Google Translate to
get the information in another language, and you are welcome to write
in English (and will be replied in English too).
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