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February Michipug Meeting - Thursday February 1, 7 p.m. WCC Room BE 150

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Mike Birdsall

Jan 30, 2018, 5:03:12 PM1/30/18
to Michigan Python Users Group
We're meeting this Thursday, Feb 1st at 7pm in Room BE 150 at Washtenaw Community College.

I screwed up a bit on the room, so I'm working to fix it, but expect it will still be in BE 150. 
If there's any change, I'll send out an update and change it on the web site. 

We are planning on a presentation about an app capturing images on multiple raspberry pi's, and perhaps another rousing session on Tensor flow discussions.

We go to Applebee's after the meeting for appetizers
and drinks and conversation not limited to Python.

More information including map and directions is available at

Hope to see you there.

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