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Help! PyOhio needs your corporate (and individual) sponsorship

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Eric Floehr

May 30, 2019, 10:16:18 AM5/30/19
to MichiPUG Mailing List
We need your help. So many people have benefited from PyOhio over our 11 years of existence, and I know many more will benefit from this year's conference.

If you have attended, or watched a PyOhio talk video on YouTube, or been a speaker, you know the impact PyOhio makes.

Unfortunately, corporate sponsorship is down almost $10,000 from last year.

More info on sponsorship packages here:

PyOhio is an all-volunteer effort... all funds go to things like renting the facility, coffee and snack service, and paying to video all speakers so that we can have a much bigger impact and folks can review and rewatch later, or catch talks they miss. But did you know we also pay for speaker coaching, too, and Young Coders, which teaches programming to kids, including at least half of which are selected from disadvantaged youth programs around Columbus?

If you work for a company that would like to get in front of over 500 attendees and countless YouTube watchers, hire or employ developers who better themselves by attending and learning at PyOhio, have a product that developers would want to buy, or just want to support the Python community then please consider sponsoring or asking your company to sponsor PyOhio.

If we cannot close this $10,000 gap, we may have to:

1. Not offer coffee, water, snacks
2. Not record talks or put them on YouTube
3. Not offer Young Coders
4. Not offer speaker coaching

Thank you and thank you for your support over the years and your help in making PyOhio the greatest free Python conference around and supporting our mission to bring the power of programming to all, even those who cannot afford to give anything but their time.

Please forward to anyone who can help.

Best Regards,

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