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PyOhio 2018 sponsors needed!

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Eric Floehr

Apr 15, 2018, 11:23:23 AM4/15/18
to MichiPUG Mailing List
Hi All,

After PyCon in Cleveland, you can look forward to the 11th annual PyOhio in Columbus on July 28-29, 2018. Check it out at

If you haven't heard about it, it's a free conference and we had over 500 attendees from around the country and around the world last year.

We'd love for you to attend, but in order for us to continue our mission of offering a free conference for all (and recording all the talks) we need sponsors.

If you work for a company that hires developers, or know a company that needs Python programmers or sells tools to Python enthusiasts, or just wants to market their name to a wonderful, motivated, talented group of conference attendees, please reply directly to me or email

We are looking for a number of sponsors, from $500 to $3000. Your company would not be lost in the crowd! Take a look at available sponsorships here:

Thanks so much for your help and support over the years, and I look forward to seeing many of you in Columbus this July!

Eric Floehr
PyOhio 2018 Sponsorship Chair

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