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Re: Guy Benson: Rashida Tlaib 'Is a Bigot, She Associates with Bigots and Terror Apologists'

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Jason MacDonald

Nov 4, 2023, 12:05:09 AM11/4/23

In article <>

She associates with bigots and terror apologists. So
unfortunately, this is not a surprise considering the source. It
took a while for some of her fellow members of the Squad to
put out their statements trying to figure out exactly how to
phrase what they were going to say, many of them landed on
calling for a ceasefire, which I think is appalling, basically
calling on Israel not to defend itself after what happened. She
took even longer. And unfortunately, it's -- I don't think
because she was agonizing over what happened, she was
agonizing over how she could, in some palatable -- palatable
way, convey what she feels. And in that statement, she
explicitly attacked Israel and condemned Israel and the United
States for supporting Israel on several occasions. She did not
condemn Hamas, the Iran-backed terror organization that
carried out these atrocities. They say that when someone tells
you who they really are, believe them. She is clearly loudly
saying who she is, and I do believe her.
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