And here came the rain...

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John Trout

Apr 3, 2014, 9:28:28 PM4/3/14
After spraying the entire orchard, no, make that dousing the entire orchard with dormant oil and extra strength fixed copper (to kill that bloody fireblight once and for all), here came the rain.
Three days post spray it started.  3" have fallen and more coming tonight.  My fireblight protection is surely washed away.  Anyone have an encouraging word for this orchardist?  My trees were supposed to stay turquoise green until bloom!
I think I may go for another, slightly weaker, spray this weekend at 1/2" green. 

Prof. Kent

Apr 5, 2014, 1:18:28 AM4/5/14
I should be spraying dormant oil but still have snow in the Cabin Orchard and can't use the golf cart/sprayer yet. Had rain today. Snow should be gone by next weekend.
Follow that copper spray with a light coating of polyethylene.  ;-)
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Prof. Kent

Apr 7, 2014, 9:44:58 PM4/7/14
Someone from the UK posted a message asking for help with Peach Leaf Curl and copper sprays. The message was caught in a spam filter and was accidentally deleted when I tried (as moderator) to "OK" the message.
Please resend your question.
I will give my comment here: Leaf Curl is caused by a fungus. John Trout (Troutfishhollan) was using a dormant oil spray (for insect eggs) and a copper spray (to inhibit fireblight). Captan (a trade name) is used to inhibit common fungal attacts. Sometimes it is found in multi-purpose fruit tree sprays (insecticide ana fungucide) here in the US. I have used it with success here in Michigan but I do not know what is available in the UK, where I hear sprays are much more regulated.

- Kent Eddy

On Thursday, April 3, 2014 9:28:28 PM UTC-4, John Trout wrote:

Kent Eddy

Apr 8, 2014, 9:58:10 PM4/8/14
Dormant Oil is the same as horticultural oil. You can even find recipes online for it. It is a spray that coats the trees and in so doing coats and sufficates egg masses that had been laid on the limbs. I have not used a copper spray yet because I have very little Fireblight in my small orchards.
Ask John Trout what he uses for copper spray. I expect you will have different compounds in the UK.

On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 3:37 AM, gary <> wrote:

I there I am sorry for my ignorance, but what is 'dormant oil' and what copper compound have you been using ??

I have had in previous years (here in the UK), severe Peach Leaf curl. I have been told to use horticultural oil and copper. Well I have sprayed twice this year with just copper oxychloride, but only mixed with water (in December and just before bud break). As I just cannot find 'horticultural oil'.

Any advice plz.

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John and Annette Trout

Apr 13, 2014, 3:15:47 PM4/13/14
Sorry I am late to this.  Got to check messages more often!  Anyway, i just posted a video on youtube (troutfishholland) about fireblight control.  In that video I show the copper that I used this year.  The formulation is copper hydroxide at something like 60%.  This is very small particles of copper that can work into tree crevices and are slower to wash away.  I combined the copper spray with my dormant oil spray this year.  Six inches of rain in 24 hours just a few days after spraying likely undid my good intentions.  I came back and sprayed again as I could.
Kocide 3000 is a copper hydroxide of about 45% or something.  I used CuPro 5000 at 1.5 TBSP per gallon of water.
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