MHIT By Argos Logica

Contact owners and managers
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This is the official Google Group of the Mythological (or Multi-headed) Hydra Internet Test by Argos Logical

Click the picture below to proceed to the test where you will also find its instructions.

You will be asked to register - that is not a registration to the hosting website but just an entry to the database of the test. Please fill those information and try to be honest.

Click the "Submit" button after you have ended the procedure of the test and email me from the registered mailbox to receive your score report. I will additionally review your answer sheet to double-check your answers for possible correct approach or correct answer alternatives.

The test is experimental and currently is in norming phase.

The test in auto-scored internet form and contains at the moment 4 problem types: Verbal, Numerical, Logical, Sequential items - Spatial items will be added soon as well.

The preliminary score norm scale is (S.D. 15):
0 - 90 or lower
1 - 95
2 - 100
3 - 110
4 - 135
5 - 140
6 - 147
7 - 155
8 - 161
9 - 170
10  - 180
11 - 190
12 - 200
13 - 210
14 - 220 or higher
Raw scores submitted or logged so far (both prior and after the revision of 11.23.2023):
1 *
3 *
4 ****
5 *
6 ***
7 *