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Mongo collation

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Vincent Jouglard

Jul 18, 2017, 5:55:34 AM7/18/17
to mgo-users
Hi there,

I'm trying to have case insensitive $match in an aggregate pipe.
Mongo 3.4 allows :

}],{collation:{locale:"en",strength: 2}}

which works like a charm, working with "France" and "france" especially.

I can't get to use Collation with mgo.v2 . Could someone give me a usage example ?

 o1 := bson.M{
"$match": bson.M{
"country":         country,

:= mgo.Collation{
Locale:    "en",
Strength: 2,
:= []bson.M{o1}
:= c.Pipe(operations)

I actually don't even know what to do with this collator...!

Thanks a lot,

Gustavo Niemeyer

Jul 18, 2017, 10:16:58 AM7/18/17

The two commands being executed there are pretty different: the one being executed in the shell passes the collation as a second argument to the aggregate function, not as part of the aggregation pipeline list itself as done in the second case. That's an additional "options" parameter into the function.

We support that in mgo as well, but we miss the collation field that was introduced in 3.4. It should look something like this:

    pipe := collection.Pipe(pipeline).Collation(&c)

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Vincent Jouglard

Jul 18, 2017, 10:42:04 AM7/18/17
to mgo-users
Hi Gustavo,

Thanks for the answer, this sounds great.
I know you are busy, but do you have any idea of when this could be available in mgo ? Orelse, any workaround that I could use ?

Thanks a lot,
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Diego Medina

Jul 19, 2017, 3:32:17 PM7/19/17
to mgo-users
On my cell now but if you vendor mgo, which I would recommend, you can probably use this other pr as inspiration

There I added hint to the count query

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