Just tagged the r2012.08.07 release of the mgo MongoDB driver for Go:
The following changes were made in this release:
- Many compatibility fixes for supporting 2.2. The full test suite now
passes, but note that there's a bug on the rc0 release that affects
Apply (findAndModify) operations. Make sure to use a nightly
release or rc1, when it comes out.
Nice support for the aggregation framework that comes with 2.2 is
in the works, but didn't make the release cut. You can run the
command manually for the moment,
- Fixed pre-fetching to avoid gradually loading more documents
than consumed, thus increasing memory use during iteration.
This was most visible during long iterations. The testing of
the pre-fetching logic was significantly improved with this fix
as well. Thanks to Peter Kleiweg for reporting the bug.
- Fixed edge case of a timeout that might be seen on a non-tail
iterator. Thanks to Mikael Gustavsson for reporting the bug.
- Make sure that the Apply operation is always delivered to the
master when using non-Strong sessions. Thanks to Jordan Orelli
for reporting the problem.
- New UpdateId, UpsertId, and RemoveId methods, that are
shorthand notations for updating documents by their _id fields.
For example, rather than running
collection.Update(bson.M{"_id": id}, change)
One can run:
collection.UpdateId(id, change)
That's all for the moment. More goodness is in the pipeline.
gustavo @