2020-07-13 Teaching Skilled Trades Online Webinar Recording (Amatrol Demo)

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Mark Martin

Jul 13, 2020, 7:48:37 PM7/13/20
to Mfg Educators Online Resources

The 7/13/20 Zoom webinar discussing Online Resources for skilled trades teachers is now available.

We had a quick update on the status of the Virtual Machines project for manufacturing software. 

But the bulk of time was spent on a demo of the Amatrol educational platform (https://amatrol.com/instructor-training/). It's a good demo so check it out.

They have various classes that you can use for your students. Including simulators. Topics are below. You can get different lengths of access (2 months - 1 year) for students. For a 4 month license with around 50 students it costs about $70 per student. Details on all different cost levels are in attached PDF.


AMA_PostSecondary eLearning Pricing EDCA R012020.pdf
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