Haas Online - CNC Certification Program that runs 20-30 hours

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Mark Martin

Apr 3, 2020, 8:23:35 PM4/3/20
to Mfg Educators Online Resources
Haas Online. They have an entire certification program that runs 20 to 30 hours and leads up scheduling an in-person certification if they want. I'm going through it now and creating google form worksheets for each unit. 15 min video. Then an online quiz."
Dan Sunia

Haas Technical Education Center (HTEC)
NIMS Accredited 
SkillsUSA Advisor
SME Prime Site


May 14, 2020, 10:23:05 AM5/14/20
to Mfg Educators Online Resources
Hi Mark or Dan, I was wondering how the Haas certification class went or is going and if you can share you thoughts on it.  Also if you're willing to share any created forms or videos that would be very helpful.  Thank you, Lenny Hall - Eastern Monroe Career Center, Fairport, NY https://www.monroe.edu/Page/2699

David Black

May 14, 2020, 1:25:53 PM5/14/20
to Mfg Educators Online Resources
I completed the online Haas certification myself a few weeks ago. I found the video content to be very high quality and the tests to be very straightforward. It is focused mostly on the role of mill operator. I found the videos and tests to take about 4-5 hours total. Practice on machines could certainly expand the time.

David Black
Clark Magnet High School
Glendale, California
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