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2020-05-14 Teaching Skilled Trades Online Webinar Recording

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Mark Martin

May 14, 2020, 8:14:51 PM5/14/20
to Mfg Educators Online Resources
The 5/14/20 Zoom webinar discussing Online Resources for skilled trades teachers is now available.

TODAY’S AGENDA2020-05-14
Discussion forum reminder
Open Discussion
- New resources discovered?
- Any word on how your schools will reopen (online, hybrid, in-person)? 
- 3D printer curriculum?
- Other issues / concerns
MFG Guest Speaker - Benchmark (Jeannine Kaiser & Shane Cavilee)
(15:45 on video)
- Benchmark will talk about how the crisis has impacted their business and why they are offering $1000 signing bonuses for machinists, welders, industrial maintenance techs, and others 
ToolingU Representatives give Demonstration 
(33:35 on video)
- ToolingU has over 500+ online courses related to manufacturing. They are offering CA teachers a free, 90-day access to their platform to evaluate it's use for your classroom. Lori will give a demo on ToolingU and let you know how to sign up for the free access.
Other questions / concerns / ideas
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