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Upgrading Mezzanine and fixing an existing project

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May 26, 2024, 8:08:29 AM5/26/24
to Mezzanine Users
Hello everyone,

I work at a university in the UK and I have been working on a Django project which uses Mezzanine for a while now. This web application was developed in Django 1.x and Python 2. I have been revamping and upgrading it bit by bit and I now reached a satisfactory stage where I have everything running with the latest version of everything.

When I say 'running', though, I mean that some functionalities are still not working and I get many errors here and there. Unfortunately the original developer of the applications are not available for support, and anyway we're talking about too many years ago (and so many Mezzanine/Django/Python versions ago!).

We have a pot of money set aside. I was thinking that we could hire a Mezzanine/Django guru for fixing the latest issues I'm facing. This could / should also result in a new Mezzanine version fully compatible with Django 5.x and Python 3.1x. Ideally it should be someone from the UK for bureaucratic reasons, but we can work around that in case that's not happening.

Anyone interested?


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