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Cartridge v5.0.0-rc.1

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Joseph Mohan

Oct 17, 2021, 9:40:02 AM10/17/21
to Mezzanine Users
Is anybody currently working on bringing cartridge inline with mezzanine v5.0.0-rc.1

If not, I'm happy to submit a PR, although having issues following the contribution instructions from

I'm unable to run:

python develop 

And install the current master branch of mezzanine. I've tried changing cartridge/project_template/requirements.txt to 

Mezzanine==5.0.0a1 and Mezzanine==9999.dev0

But I'm not really sure what I'm doing here (out of touch with python package management). Do I even need to bother with this step? The changes are all pretty simple import changes.

BTW My changes in cartridge are working with the current master branch of mezzanine installed by :

Is this also correct?

Not actually contributed to a public project before so forgive me if there's follow up questions I apoligise in advance. 



Oct 17, 2021, 6:48:30 PM10/17/21
to Mezzanine Users
There's an open pull request from petedermott here which does a lot of the preliminary work:

You could potentially look at his fork along with your other changes to get Cartridge up to date.

(I'm using a highly customised version of Cartridge for my site, but I made use of Pete's work to update my own repo to get my custom Cartridge working with Mezzanine 5.0.0-alpha1 and Django 2.2.x)

Hope this helps.

Seeya. Danny.

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Joseph Mohan

Nov 28, 2021, 6:52:27 AM11/28/21
to Mezzanine Users
Thanks Danny, that was the way to go

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