Hi there!
I have four models: "Encyclopedia", "Song", "Section", "Chord". In the admin panel I have set this up with Encyclopedia being parent to Song being parent to Section being parent to Chord (i.e. there's an Encyclopedia which has a bunch of Songs, each Song is made of Sections, each Section has a bunch of Chords). The admin looks like this:
1) How can I query the Song dataset to access all its child Chords? (i.e. for each Song, return a list of all Chords)
My current method is to make datasets for Songs, Sections and Chords, pass these datasets to the html file, then script the html as so:
{% for song in songs %}
{% for section in sections %}
{% if section.parent.title == song.title %}
{% for chord in chords %}
{% if chord.parent.title == section.title and chord.parent.parent.title == section.parent.title %}
[ do stuff ]
I'd greatly appreciate advice on better practices for this!
2) How can I query the Chord dataset to access what Song is the parent? Chord.parent gives me the full hierarchy, but I can't work out if there's a way to specifically jump up two levels (in this instance Chord is child to Section, and Section is child to Song, and Song is what I'm looking to identify).