Master Plan for Meyersville

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meyersville 411

Feb 17, 2009, 12:53:20 PM2/17/09

The Planning Board met this week and one of the items discussed was the re-examination of the Master Plan for Meyersville.  They provided a number of documents to the public and they have promised that all discussions will be held in public at scheduled meetings. The documents included the following:

1.       A FAQ sheet explaining why and how the re-examination will proceed

2.       A "DRAFT" copy of a status report prepared by Kevin O'Brian. It includes an outline of the process and a tentative schedule for the project (dates are subject to change)

3.       A "DRAFT" copy of a survey, which will be presented to the public.  The survey was discussed and is currently being revised. 

4.       A copy of a "Current Bulk Requirements" for Meyersville


I have attached all of the documents for you review.

The Board is making a real attempt to involve the public however they cannot do it alone without your help.


The Planning Board is asking for input from the public and we at Meyersville 411 would also like your input.  Please pass this information to your neighbors and ask them to become involves. Now is a good time to start sharing your ideas.


We can start the process here  - share what you think can be done in Meyersville – here are some topics to consider:

·         Traffic – Safety – Parking

·         The Circle - sidewalks

·         Lot coverage

·         Property Maintenance



Remember we have to be fair to property owners but we have rights too----We are also property owners
Cecilia Cilli
If you can not open the documents please let me know and we will provide you copies

Thank you for your interest in Meyersville Please visit :
Q&A on PB Re-ex for Meyersville 2_09.pdf
DRAFT Status Report.pdf
Current Meyersville Bulk Requirements.pdf
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