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Feb 15, 2013, 1:47:14 PM2/15/13
Sábado, 09 de Febrero, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


These days, whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me,
and I in him, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) declared
openly to his disciples within Israel and the entire human race as
well, so they may live. These days, this is the Lord’s Table that our
Lord Jesus Christ was talking about to his disciples and the people of
Israel that were standing next to him, listening to his teaching from
our heavenly Father, so they may have life in abundance to live in
this world and in the next one to come in heaven above. Furthermore,
our Lord Jesus Christ taught his disciples by assuring them that Moses
gave the manna (bread from heaven) to the ancient Hebrews through the
desert so they will never hunger, moreover gave them to drink from the
injured-rock living-water every day thus never to thirst again all the
way into the Promised Land.

Indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ was always faithful and on time with his
daily bread, because it was our heavenly Father’s will for our Lord
Jesus Christ to serve the Lord’s Table before every Hebrew so they may
learn to eat and drink from him always until they enter the Promised
Land to conquer it (or return to heaven forever saved). Really, this
was bread and wine descending from heaven above every day, and without
fail, because our heavenly Father needed to have everyone within
Israel filled with His Son’s sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood, so as time may go by then they will all turn from head to foot,
into the glorious life of His blessed Son thus to possess the Promised
Land forever.

This is the bread from heaven that came directly from within the Holy
of Holiest and over Mount Sinai, indeed it is still descending
progressively to this hour our Lord Jesus Christ initial sacrifice of
his sacred-life, so our heavenly Father may not only create the heaven
and earth but also every living creature, including Adam and Eve. For
this is the ancient bread that gives life to every one that believes
in our heavenly Father, through the glorious sacrificed-life of His
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, whether he is living in the desert or he
is already in the Promised Land in heaven, enjoying the glorious
presence of our heavenly Father and His holy angels.

Certainly, this is the ancient bread that our heavenly Father had to
have His blessed Son as King of Salem, Melchizedek, serve to Abram and
his allies, so He may start a Pact of Life with him and his children
for future generations, beginning with Isaac born from his wife
Sarah’s barren-womb by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is to say,
also that the first-born from this Pact of Life that our heavenly
Father started with Abram and his allies as His blessed Son as King of
Righteousness served the Lord’s Table with the bread and wine, indeed
is Isaac, because Isaac was born with a new life from Sarah’s barren-
womb to fill the earth, through the Holy Spirit.

Then, after Isaac was born by the power of the Holy Spirit through
Sarah’s barren-womb, lawfully every one else is to be born through the
same Holy Spirit as well into Abraham’s family thus to replenish the
world with a new breed of people fill with perfection and holiness
thus to love, serve and glory Him forever into eternity. Indeed, our
heavenly Father started a Pact of Life with Abram and his allies from
all the nations, so every one else, beginning with Isaac, may be born
by the amazing power of the Holy Spirit, so they may live a Holy
Spirit filled life thus for every one to become from head to foot as
our Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven.

That is to say, also that every one within Israel is called initially
to become as His blessed Son, King Messiah, high priest of the Most
High God, so whenever they will meet him face-to-face, then they will
receive him in the amazing power of love of the Holy Spirit and not in
the spirit of error that always rejects him unjustly. However, Israel
failed through the desert into Canaan to become as our Lord Jesus
Christ is from head to foot filled with the amazing powers of the Holy
Spirit, so their Spirit filled with the manna from heaven above,
moreover the drinking from the injured-rock the atoning-blood turned
into living-water only could keep their children holy until they
entered the Promised Land.

However, our heavenly Father wanted Israel to become as Moses was
before Him filled with His Son’s Holy Spirit, and this was to get His
people with the His blessed Son’s gene pool into Canaan for Jesus
Christ to be born from David’s virgin daughter thus to give us eternal
life dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood
to start a new world. Surely, our heavenly Father still needs everyone
born by the power of the Holy Spirit, because He needs to abandon the
spirit of error from Adam, so after Isaac all the way to our Lord
Jesus Christ (and beyond) has to be born by law from the Holy Spirit
for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven forever.

Moreover, born from the Holy Spirit then we are entering into a realm
of miracle-life that Satan and his fallen angels have no idea at all
of how it works within the glorious life of our heavenly Father, His
Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts within and
around the life of every one on earth and in heaven. This means that
Satan with his fallen angels is totally blind that he cannot see us
even when he stands next to us, because the glorious presence of the
Holy Spirit blinds him beyond all of his controls of darkness that the
only thing that he can do, indeed it is just simply to walk away and
disappear into deeper darkness.

That is to say, also that as we are born from the Holy Spirit, then
Satan no longer can see our sins to accuse us daily before our
heavenly Father and His angelic hosts in the heaven’s court, because
the amazing powers of our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed since
Creation day and over Jerusalem’s holy hill will protect/cover us
divinely. Certainly, we will be living our lives before our heavenly
Father as we have never sinned before Him and His glorious Holy
Spirit, because, the supernatural powers of our Lord Jesus Christ’s
sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood will cover us divinely
from head to foot, so our Father can only see perfection and holiness
in each one of us on earth forever.

Now, for our heavenly Father to have the ancient Hebrews filled from
the Holy Spirit of the glorious celestial-sacrifice of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ that laid down his sacrificed-life within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai for them to have the power to
escape Egypt, then He had to feed them every day from heaven. And the
way to do this for our heavenly Father then He had to feed the Hebrews
the well-known manna (bread from heaven), moreover give them to drink
from the injured-rock that had received initially our Lord Jesus
Christ’s atoning-blood as he laid down his life for the ransom of
many, so they may never hunger nor thirst through the desert.

However, more than this, our heavenly Father wanted to make sure that
the Hebrews would always remain filled with the supernatural powers of
the Holy Spirit so they may learn to love, serve and glorify Him
always, and for this to be possible within each one of them, then He
had to give them to eat and drink from heaven progressively. This
means that the day that our heavenly Father will cease to feed them
manna from heaven and to drink from the injured-rock our Lord Jesus
Christ’s atoning-blood turned into living-water then they would have
ceased to be filled with the Holy Spirit, so they may not only be
strong to defeat their enemies but also fail to enter into the
Promised Land.

For this is how every man, woman and child must be ready to enter into
the glorious earth from heaven above, and this is that they have to
have eaten from the bread from heaven that is Jesus Christ’s sacred-
body, moreover they must have to have drunk from the cup of wine that
is the atoning-blood turned into living-water thus to enter heaven
forever saved. In other words, just as the ancient Hebrews had to eat
from the daily manna, furthermore drink from the injured-rock the
atoning-blood turned into living-water for them to live victoriously
over the enemies through the desert, so they may finally conquer the
Promised Land, then the same we have to do these days, that is, if we
want to conquer heaven forever.

Because, through the desert our heavenly Father wanted the first
Hebrews to become as Jesus Christ is before entering Canaan, well the
same our heavenly Father wants to do with every one earth these days,
and this is that we have to eat the unleavened-bread and drink from
the cup to become as Jesus Christ is to enter heaven victoriously
saved. Otherwise, no one is going to enter heaven ever as the Hebrews
through the desert failed to enter the Promised Land to conquer it
but, instead their children did it for our heavenly Father and His
blessed Son Jesus Christ, because they ate the daily manna and drank
the living-water from the injured-rock to become as His Son is perfect
and holy forever.

Meaning also that it is our heavenly Father’s will that everyone
within Israel and the nations may be born immediately from the Holy
Spirit, so they may be filled with the amazing power of the Holy
Spirit of the blessed name and the eternal Ten Commandments,
commandments glorified within the sacred-life of our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, thus to become as Jesus Christ is forever. For these are
the people from the nations, beginning with Israel, that our heavenly
Father needs to use for the glory of His blessed name on earth and in
heaven with His glorious eternal faithful angels, so more people from
everywhere may become born from the Holy Spirit thus to learn to love,
serve and glorify Him as His holy children into everlasting.

Then for this to be possible just not only with the ancient Hebrews
within the desert walking towards Canaan but also within Israel
already conquered by God’s people forever, and the nations from around
the globe, then they had to continue to eat from the heavenly manna
moreover drink from the injured-rock the atoning-blood turned into
living-water to be like Jesus Christ forever! Because, only by eating
from the heavenly-bread moreover by drinking from the injured-rock the
atoning-blood turned into living-water, then every Hebrew will be born
from the Holy Spirit thus to love, serve and glorify our Father’s
glorious celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since
Creation day, furthermore everyone else likewise everywhere will be
born again to serve our God in perfect holiness forever.

For those that are born again from the Holy Spirit of the blessed name
and glorified commandments can truly serve our heavenly Father here on
earth these days and forever into all eternity to come in heaven with
His glorious faithful angels, so new glories may be conquered finally
into eternity that have never been touched until now. That is to say,
also that there are many glories to be conquered here on earth through
every man, woman and child born from the Holy Spirit of the blessed
name and the eternal commandments, so our heavenly Father may be
glorified just as He was glorified within Israel through the glorious
sacrificed-life of His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Certainly, this is a glorious life that our heavenly Father has given
us birth into His image by the Holy Spirit in heaven so we may live
according to His likeness on earth these days thus to defeat Satan’s
wicked-works in the nations, for angels to render more glory and honor
to Him and to His blessed Son Jesus Christ. That is why that our Lord
Jesus Christ manifested to his apostles by assuring them that he alone
is the true bread that has descended from heaven above that gives life
to everyone within the nations, so the world may be turned little by
little from darkness into the glorious life of our heavenly Father and
of His Holy Spirit from heaven above.

This is one of the reasons that you are very important for our
heavenly Father these days, so you may learn to eat from the bread
from heaven that He has given to eat to each man, woman and child from
within Israel and the nations, additionally to drink from the injured-
rock from Mount Sinai’s foot. Because, as you eat from our Lord Jesus
Christ’s sacred-body turned into bread at the Lord’s Table served
always daily everywhere around the world by our Lord Jesus Christ
himself as God’s Righteousness, moreover drink from the atoning-blood
turned into living-water to become filled with the Holy Spirit’s power
and gifts, then our Father is served by you in Spirit and in truth.

This means that you will be living a glorious life here on earth in
the midst of people that have never been born from the Holy Spirit
much less know the true love from our heavenly Father and from His Son
Jesus Christ that fills us each day with love, moreover grant us
special powers from the Holy Spirit and His angelic hosts. And these
are powers from the Holy Spirit and of His holy angels that will
invade our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit with special
gifts as from the tree of life, the river of life, and The New
Jerusalem from heaven above, for example, thus for each one of us to
serve Him as He has never been served before.

For our heavenly Father searches within each one of us the fantastic
moments that we will love, serve and glorify Him and His blessed Son
Jesus Christ as He has never been loved, served, and glorified yet
even by His angels from heaven above, so He desires for us to come
close to Him today as we have never done it before. Indisputably, this
is something that He will love to have you done these days, so He may
glorify the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and of His glorified
commandments, commandments eternally fulfilled in Israel by the
sacrificed-life of His blessed, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so we may
no longer live under judgment but, instead live filled with love,
prosperity, and endless-grace forever.

Because, as our heavenly Father is glorified within your heart, soul,
mind, body, and human spirit by the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit,
then new doors and windows from heaven above will be open for you, and
for your loved ones, too, including your friends from everywhere, so
you may live a blessed, healthy, and enriched-life on earth for
eternity. This means that you will be living a miracle-life that will
help you to love, serve, and glorify our heavenly Father just as He
loves to be glorified by our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach and the Holy
Spirit in heaven and on earth, because it is our Father’s will that
His will be honored by people, too, just as is in heaven today.

Truly, this is the miracle-life that you are supposed to be living
these days and not the rebellious-life that Satan has given you
through the lies that Adam and Eve believed in paradise as they both
ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and
evil, so you may never know our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus
Christ. That is why that our heavenly Father needs you to eat and
drink from His Table the bread and wine, so you may abandon the spirit
of error that entered into your life as Adam and Eve ate from the
forbidden fruit that destroyed their lives in paradise, so by eating
from God’s food then you may finally escape Satan’s lies forever.

Furthermore, once you escape Satan’s lies that entered into your life
because Adam and Eve believed in them as they both ate from the
forbidden fruit, then you will abandon immediately the rebellious-life
that causes you to sin against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus
Christ as the fruit of life, so you may finally return to your miracle-
life immediately. Moreover, this glorious life that you will begin to
live as you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your
lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ that is the bread of life
that initially was offered to Adam and Eve to eat so they may live
everlastingly blessed in heaven, then you will be miraculously born
into the Holy Spirit.

This new birth is the entering into the miracle-life that our heavenly
Father granted you through the fruit from the tree of life that is
initially our heavenly Father’s celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood shed since Creation day, so you may live an enriched-
life that only knows wisely how to love, serve, and glorify Him
through eternity through Jesus Christ’s perfect holiness. Properly, as
you live this miracle-life that will start within your heart for
justice as you confess with your lips for salvation our Lord Jesus
Christ as the only way, truth, and life back to our heavenly Father in
heaven, then you will be born into a plethora of miracles that will
never end on earth and in heaven forever.

It is here where your heart’s love, happiness, and endless miracle-
life begins with Jesus Christ been the fulfillment of the truth,
eternal life, and justice on this world and in the next one to come in
heaven that our heavenly Father has granted you to have forever
through grace, so you may learn to love, serve, and glorify Him
everlastingly. It is within this miracle-life that starts with our
Lord Jesus Christ living by faith in your heart, soul, mind, body and
human spirit that our heavenly Father’s blessings of incredible
miracles born in heaven will begin to descend into your life, so the
every desire of your heart will be fulfilled immediately for the glory
of His anointed name.

This also means that as you are born from the power of the Holy Spirit
because you have believed within your heart for justice to confess
with your lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ’s anointed name,
then you will begin to glorify our heavenly Father with the miracles
that will descend into your life as you invoke His anointed name.
Moreover, you will be glorifying our heavenly Father just as the
prophets did, furthermore you may find yourself glorifying our
heavenly Father just as our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach did it within his
victorious life over Satan’s lie while sill living within Israel’s
boundaries, so our heavenly Father’s glorious name may be honored and
exalted forever within every man, woman and child’s heart.

That is to say, also that you will not only glorify our heavenly
Father as you are born from the Holy Spirit by invoking our Lord Jesus
Christ’s anointed name within your heart and with your lips but also
you will find yourself glorifying our heavenly Father as you receive
His every day miracle descending from heaven directly into your life
today. This also means that the more miracles you receive within your
heart, then our heavenly Father is glorified in the heavens by every
angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other very holy creatures, so His
name may be exalted within the perfect holiness of our Lord Jesus
Christ’s heart, because Jesus Christ alone is our heavenly Father’s
temple for his holy name into everlasting.

That is why that each time you either accept our Lord Jesus Christ as
your personal Lord and savior, you are indeed not only receiving
salvation from our heavenly Father but also you are accepting the
divine body of the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood
that is your new godly body for you to enter heaven thus to glorify
His name perpetually. Meaning also that by accepting our Lord Jesus
Christ within your heart as you eat from his bread of life, because he
said I am the bread of life, and you drink from his cup of wine that
is his atoning-blood turned into living-water, then you are accepting
our heavenly Father’s anointed name that lives within His Son’s heart
in perfect sanctity.

Therefore, those that reject willfully our Lord Jesus Christ as our
heavenly Father’s gift of life for them on this world and in the next
one to come in heaven, then they are erroneously, whether they know it
or not, rejecting our heavenly Father’s glorious all-powerful name
that has always lived in perfect sanctity within our Lord Jesus
Christ’s heart and atoning-blood. Moreover, as these people do this
terrible act of unbelief, because they failed to believe in our
heavenly Father’s anointed name that lives from eternity to eternity
within our Lord Jesus Christ’s heart and atoning-blood, then they are
committing a terrible sin that causes the Holy Spirit to withdraw so
Satan may enter into them with their terrible lies to kill them.

Frankly, these lies that will enter into the unbelieving will not only
bring sickness, deceases, and terrible curses upon their lives and
those of their loved ones, but also they will take them into an early
gave to descend into hell forever cursed into the eternal tormenting
flames—never to know God’s love, truth, glory, peace and justice
through His all-powerful name. Furthermore, in hell dying constantly
under the tormenting flames from Satan and his demons, then they will
never have the opportunity again to eat from the bread of life that is
our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-body, much less drink from his cup of
wine that is his atoning-blood turned into living-water that calms the
thirsty souls to fill them with eternal life.

Certainly, here is where you will realize that your heart is wiser
than your mind, because your heart has always asked you to return to
the miracle-life that our heavenly Father granted you in heaven as you
were born in His image through the Holy Spirit thus for you to live
according to His likeness wherever you may go into His vast Creation.
Meaning also that your heart has always flashed thoughts of the
wonderful-things that you should be enjoying already, but you can
never get to them because you are living in Adam’s spirit of error,
however, as you are born from the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ
then you will find yourself in the miracle-life that you heart ask you
to return to.

Truly, you are just as door away into the miracle-life that our
heavenly Father sent to you to receive and enjoy immediately on earth
and in heaven as you return to your formal glory that you had before,
before Satan took it away from you with his lies that caused Adam and
Eve to sin against the fruit of life, our Lord Jesus Christ! That is
why that Jesus Christ taught to his disciples that he is the door to
heaven, and whoever enters into him then he is returning to his former
glory that he personally received from our heavenly Father the day he
was born from the Holy Spirit in His image to live according to His
likeness forever into all eternity to come.

Today we must return to our heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus
Christ, because just as Adam and Eve abandoned paradise through Satan,
given that Satan is the father of all lies, moreover for some time he
was the door to death and hell for everybody, then we must return to
heaven today through the door that is our Lord Jesus Christ. Meaning
also that we are born through our mother’s womb by the door that it
was Satan for Adam to abandon paradise to be bury under the ground
from where our heavenly Father formed him in His image to live
according to His likeness, then, we must be reborn through the Holy
Spirit by invoking Jesus Christ the door to renter heaven

Otherwise, we will never be able to ascend to the mountaintop to meet
our heavenly Father much less enter into His angelic Kingdom, because
we continue to exist in the spirit of error that was born in Adam and
Eve as they both ate from the forbidden fruit instead of eating from
the fruit from the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ! Therefore, we
are born to live a sinful-life because Adam and Eve believed Satan’s
lies against our heavenly Father and His blessed Jesus Christ, later
to die and descend without perfection and holiness into hell’s hot-
flames never to know love, mercy, peace and life again since we failed
to return to our former glory in paradise through the door that is
Jesus Christ.

Besides, this is the reason that many are in hell these days,
suffering the daily torments from Satan and his fallen angels, because
not only they were born in sin and in the spirit of error but, mainly,
because they failed to believe for salvation in the perfection and
holiness of our heavenly Father’s blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!
For this is the perfection and holiness that our heavenly Father
expressly required from Abraham to possess, so he may walk perfect and
holy as He is in heaven, moreover he may be able to escape his sins,
like this, avoiding the terrible curse of death, giving that only
Jesus Christ’s perfection and holiness can keep us away from hell’s
torment forever.

Therefore, for Abraham as well every man, woman and child from the
nations, beginning with Israel, then they have to eat from the daily
manna that descends from heaven that our heavenly Father will provide
to us as we pray the Lord’s Prayer, so he may give us our daily bread
from heaven that is our Lord Jesus Christ himself. For this is the
teaching that our Lord Jesus Christ gave to his disciples to say the
Lord’s Prayer always so our heavenly Father will forgive our sins as
we forgive those that offend us each day, moreover give us the daily
bread from heaven that is our Lord Jesus Christ, so we may glorify His
name always for blessings to come.

Really, our Lord Jesus Christ taught us how to say the Lord’s Prayer
before our heavenly Father, so He may forgive our sins constantly
furthermore give us the wonderful power that there is in our Lord
Jesus Christ as he descends incessantly from heaven as the bread of
life thus to nourish our bodies abundantly with the infilling of the
Holy Spirit. Now, for our heavenly Father to give us our daily bread
from heaven then we must eat the unleavened-bread and drink from the
cup of wine that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-body turned into
bread and his atoning-blood turned into living-water, so our hearts,
souls, minds, bodies and human spirit may be nourish properly from
heaven above to live amazingly healthy.

For this is the only way that we are going to receive every day from
our heavenly Father the sacred-flesh, the unbroken-bones, and the
atoning-blood that He has granted to each one us through the glorious
sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so we may live filled
with blessings from the Holy Spirit of the Eternal life and heaven’s
endless angelic-happiness. For the truth is that our heavenly Father
has made our Lord Jesus Christ our daily fruit from heaven to eat
constantly, furthermore made him our perfect body of the sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood to return to heaven with a glorified
body filled with the Holy Spirit, so we may live our eternal life with
Him and His angels in heavenly mansions.

That is why that it is important for every man, woman and child from
all the families of the earth to have the Lord’s Table each day just
as the Hebrews had to gather the manna every morning to eat their
daily meals, so they may have the amazing strength to live in a
lifeless environment as the desert could ever be to life. Now, the
Hebrews gathered the morning manna from the ground because it
descended from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven where our Lord
Jesus Christ was initially sacrificed for the creation of the world,
therefore, the Hebrews ate originally from our heavenly Father’s Lamb
with the atoning-blood, so they may live triumphantly through the
desert thus to conquer the Promised Land forever.

That is to say, also that if the Hebrews had not eaten from the manna
from heaven much less drunken from the injured-rock our Lord Jesus
Christ’s atoning-blood turned into living-water, then they would have
failed not only to defeat many nations more powerful than they will
ever be but also they would have failed to conquer the Promised Land
forever. However, since our heavenly Father faithfully gave them to
eat from the manna and drink from the cup of wine of our Lord Jesus
Christ initial sacrifice from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
over the injured-rock at Sinai, then, they were able to conquer enemy
nations thus to possess the Promised Land for the Day of the Lord.

Well, the same our heavenly Father wants us to do on earth every day,
and this is to eat from the unleavened-bread that is our Lord Jesus
Christ’s sacred sacrificed-body over the wooden cross and over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, moreover drink from the atoning-blood shed to
forgive our sins, so our bodies may heal and our souls may live
forever saved. Because, the truth is that the more we eat from the
unleavened-bread that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred sacrificed-
body over the wooden cross, moreover drink from the shed atoning-blood
that erases our sins, then our sickness with their diseases will fade
away never to come back, because our organs will become new again,
never to get sick as before.

That is correct. And this is possible today because as we eat from the
unleavened-bread that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-body and drink
from the atoning-blood shed for the forgiveness of sins, then we will
be nourishing our bodies with eternal health and our living souls with
eternal salvation every day, never to know the threat of death again
much less hell’s torment. Because, as we eat from our Lord Jesus
Christ daily bread from heaven that is the unleavened-bread and drink
from the cup of the atoning-blood turned into wine, then we are
opening the door for our heavenly Father to do wonderful things within
each one of our organs thus to live a healthy life on earth until
Kingdom comes into eternity.

For our heavenly Father has given us organs within our human body that
required to eat also the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table thus to
fulfill truth and justice, so they may live a healthy life before our
heavenly Father as we love, serve, and glorify Him every day of our
lives on earth and in heaven, forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father
will bless each one of us from all the families of the nations with
love, health, wealth, and a divine soul filled with eternal life here
on earth, because we obey Him daily as we eat from His hands the
unleavened-bread from heaven and drink from the cup of wine that is
His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood.

The glorious atoning-blood from our heavenly Father’s Lamb that was
shed for the creation of the world (with everything in it), including
Adam’s birth, thus to forgive our daily sins by the Holy Spirit of
grace and faith, so we may live blessed wherever we may go liberated
from sickness, diseases, poverty, and hell’s torment, today it will
bless you with amazing-powers. Certainly, this glorious atoning-blood
that our heavenly Father has granted for each one of us to have these
days will never abandon us no matter what may happen in this world,
because it is our heavenly Father’s will that we will defeat Satan and
his devils set against us, but also fill our lives with blessings from
heaven progressively until Kingdom comes.

This means that our heavenly Father through the amazing powers of His
blessed Son Jesus Christ’s many victories over Satan’s lie and
terrible curses of death on earth and in hell, and with the holy
presence of His faithful angels will continue to bless your life even
when you do not see Him doing these wonderful works within and around
you. Therefore, with our Lord Jesus Christ living within our hearts
just as our heavenly Father intended to be since day one in heaven and
within Israel, too, then the Holy Spirit with His glorious angels
ministering to each one of us with the powers and authorities given to
them, then we will live happy our daily lives as the conquering angels
from heaven above.

Furthermore, Satan with his lies will never come against us again to
lie to our inner organs to make them sick to kill us and cut our lives
short, because Satan does not want us to love, serve and glorify our
heavenly Father in this world with the power of the Holy Spirit of His
holy word, good promises, and eternal commandments. Instead, Satan
wants to make us sick by destroying our hearts and inner being with
his terrible lies that he initially pronounced against Adam through
Eve and the old serpent from paradise, so Adam with his children may
never live their normal miracle-life every day in paradise and on
earth thus to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father into

Now, as Satan gave us to believe lies by having Adam and Eve to eat
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so we may turn away from
our heavenly Father’s way of life and die, nonetheless our Father
continues to give us the bread from heaven, His Son’s sacred-body, so
we may return to Him eternally vigorous and saved. Because, the only
way that every one is going to return to our heavenly Father these
days on earth and to eternal life in heaven, it will be by undoing the
eating from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good
and evil, and this is only possible by eating from the tree of life,
our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-body.

That is why that our heavenly Father gave the Hebrews leaving Egypt to
eat from the unleavened-bread that would later descend directly from
the Holy of Holiest in heaven as the manna where our Lord Jesus Christ
was sacrificed as God’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, and drink
from the injured-rock living-water thus to conquer the desert, nations
and Canaan, forever. Nowadays, this is exactly what our heavenly
Father is calling each one of us to do throughout the nations: To eat
daily from the bread of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-
body, moreover drink from his atoning-blood turned into living-water,
so we may live a godly, healthy, wealthy and victorious life,
furthermore have power to return to heaven anyday now.

For our heavenly Father has given us specific powers and authorities
for our heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit to obey Him and His
good promises to live a godly, healthy, wealthy life over all Satan’s
lies, curses, problems, difficulties, and even threats of death, so
our inner organs along with our entire body may serve Him always until
Kingdom comes. These days, our heavenly Father has His glorious eyes
trained on you to see if you have already broken our Lord Jesus
Christ’s unleavened-bread that he personally left for you at the
Lord’s Table so you may partake from his sacred-body to eat it,
moreover drink from his cup the atoning-blood turned into living-water
thus to fulfill truth and justice forever.

For sure, our heavenly Father needs to break the unleavened-bread with
you and your loved ones, including your friends, too, moreover drink
from the cup of the atoning-blood turned into living-water for you to
live a healthy, wealthy and glorious life, because: Our Father really
wants to bless you abundantly through the power of the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. Always remember that the Hebrews had to grow into Jesus
Christ by eating his unleavened-bread also drink from the cup of the
atoning-blood turned into living-water to enter Canaan, only their
children grew to Jesus Christ stature to possess the Promised Land,
and the same is true these days, we must all grow as Jesus Christ’s
perfect holiness to enter heaven.

By eating from our Lord Jesus Christ as the bread from heaven that our
heavenly Father has given to each one of us at His Table, and by
drinking from his injured-rock the atoning-blood turned into living-
water at Sinai, then you have amazing-powers acting for you to do
wonderful things for our heavenly Father’s new glories on earth and in
heaven, forever. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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