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Nov 14, 2012, 1:46:26 PM11/14/12
Sábado, 10 de Noviembre, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

nuestro amor, oraciones y condolencias a todas las familias
guatemaltecas que han sufrido la desgracia de ver desaparecidos a sus
amados y amistades después de haber temblado la tierra, de la manera
más inesperada por las naciones hermanas de Centroamérica y el mundo
Además, hemos observado también que las perdidas son grandiosas visto
que el sismo no solamente llegó lleno de energía para causar grandes
daños materiales, pero parece que no quería irse sin antes hacer aún
más daño porque sus replicas seguían una tras otra y sin cesar por
todos lados.
Ciertamente que los desaparecidos están delante de nuestro Padre
celestial, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo así como descendió para
nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David por el Espíritu Santo,
para vivir los Diez Mandamientos y posteriormente morir por nuestros
pecados sobre los árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva, pues así mismo
ascendió con nuestras mismas vidas para vivir la felicidad eterna.
Porque nuestro Padre celestial no envió a su Hijo amado al mundo para
condenar al mundo por sus pecados sino para redimir a cada uno de
ellos y no pierda a ninguno de ellos jamás al poder del pecado y de la
muerte eterna del infierno.
Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les declaró abiertamente a
sus apóstoles de que todos los pecados les serán perdonados a los
hombres, porque sólo él tiene poder no solamente de perdonar pecados y
de sanar la vida de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las
familias de la humanidad entera, sino que también tiene poder para
levantarlos al cielo.
Y todos los que regresan al paraíso, entonces regresan por el comino
santo, por la verdad santa y por la vida santísima de nuestro Señor
Jesucristo, porque él mismo declaró firmemente a todos sus apóstoles y
discípulos de que nadie puede salir de esta vida mundana en que
vivimos, sino no es sólo por fe de su santidad personal e infinita.
Visto que, ningún ángel, arcángel, serafín, querubín u otro ser santo
del reino angelical puede ser jamás el camino, la verdad y la vida
para reintegrar a la vida eterna cualquier día y así vivir por siempre
feliz con nuestro Padre celestial libre del pecado y de la muerte de
este mundo y del infierno, sino que es sólo por él, Jesucristo.
Porque así como nuestro Padre celestial estableció a su Hijo
Jesucristo como el camino santo, la verdad santa y la vida santísima
para salvar el alma preciosa del hombre de la muerte del pecado, así
pues también él mismo es el único camino santo, la verdad santa y la
vida sagradísima para vivirla cada día en todo el reino de los
Por ello, damos gracias a nuestro Padre celestial y a su Hijo
Jesucristo que permitió que su Espíritu Santo con sus ángeles
gloriosos levantasen las almas preciosas de todos aquellos que
desaparecieron súbitamente en este terrible sismo que ha sufrido
grandemente toda nuestra hermana nación de Guatemala y además de
Méjico y parte del Salvador también.
Nosotros, pues, seguiremos orando por todas las familias damnificadas
que han sufrido daños materiales, para que nuestro Padre celestial por
amor a su Hijo Jesucristo (como quien vivió también sus días como en
tierra ajena y sin hogar seguro) y con la presencia gloriosa de su
Espíritu Santo, entonces los bendiga grandemente en todo,
proveyéndoles así actos de milagros misericordiosos y sin cesar.
Porque donde nuestro Señor Jesucristo es el camino santo, la verdad
santa y la vida bendita en el hogar de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña
de todas nuestras familias, entonces en esos lugares hay grandes
poderes actuando día y noche para que se manifiesten milagros
sucesivamente para bendecir, sanar, prosperar, resolver problemas y
hasta para librar de la muerte, también.
Porque donde está nuestro Señor Jesucristo, entonces ahí está también
nuestro Padre celestial y su Espíritu Santo con sus huestes
angelicales para hacer grandes cosas desde ahora en la tierra y hasta
aún más allá del nuevo mundo venidero del reino de los cielos.
Por eso, le imploramos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre sagrado
de su Hijo Jesucristo, muchas bendiciones para cada una de todas las
familias hermanas de Guatemala, y que nuestro Padre celestial los siga
bendiciendo cada día más y más.
Y estas son bendiciones que descienden del cielo a cada hora con los
poderosos dones de su Espíritu Santo, para que su palabra escrita por
la sangre derramada sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén de su Hijo amado
en nuestros corazones, pues entonces crezca aún mucho más que nunca
antes para alcanzar nuevas glorias eternales a su nombre santísimo.


Our heavenly Father had established His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), as His supreme celestial sacrifice of the
atoning-blood to create heaven and earth in the beginning of things
over Mount Sinai’s summit, so He may glorify forever the name of His
Son as His High priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood
sprinkling everywhere for salvation. Indeed, our heavenly Father had
established His blessed Son as His high priest and Chosen Lamb with
the atoning-blood before Israel, so they may receive blessing, peace
and the appropriate help in time of need, so they may escape Satan
with his terrible darkness of eternal destruction.

For our heavenly Father needed to manifest to Israel His blessed Son
as His Righteousness for Abraham, His Righteousness for Isaac and His
Righteousness for Jacob, so he will not only be the perfect
Righteousness of salvation to Israel’s patriarchs but also to everyone
else, so they may wash themselves from sin thus to live forever
liberated from Satan. Truly, our heavenly Father at Mount Sinai had
established since Creation day His blessed Son as His supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood, moreover established him
also as His personal priest of Righteousness before Israel and the
nations to come to Him through the rituals and the things that he will
do thereafter to secure salvation Righteousness for everyone
everywhere forever.

This is the ancient spiritual setting of Righteousness through His Son
Jesus Christ that our heavenly Father needed to establish over Mount
Sinai’s summit just as He had done it earlier within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over the eternal rock thus to create the world
for men to live in it, revering His blessed name and eternal word
forever. Besides, our heavenly Father needed to establish His supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood and personal high
priest over Mount Sinai before Moses and Israel as the perfect
Righteousness for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because this was the only
power possible that would not only liberate them from Egypt but also
grant them power to conquer the Promised Land at last.

Consequently, on this day our heavenly Father was doing what He had
planned to do over the centuries so at last not only He will be able
to liberate Israel from Egypt but also grant them all the power
necessary of His Son’s Righteousness thus to make them His legitimate
children always willing to do His will before the nations. And as our
Lord Jesus Christ began to liberate Israel from Egypt’s bondage then
he was able to execute all the rituals necessary before our heavenly
Father’s heavenly Altar at Mount Sinai, so He may pour abundantly of
His Holy Spirit over Egypt thus to subdue the terrible darkness that
was keeping the Israelites captivated for more than four hundred

And our Lord Jesus Christ as Israel’s High priest and Chosen Lamb with
the atoning-blood to liberate them from Egypt continue to do the
necessary rituals of justice day-and-night over our heavenly Father’s
Altar, so Israel may escape Egypt’s terrible powers of darkness, for
they were about to be murdered by Pharaoh and his army to end enslaved
in hell forever. Thus, here is where Satan had to begin to let Israel
loose, because his powers of darkness started to fail to hold Israel
under his terrible Egyptian bondage, so they may die never to know
their living savior that was ready to bless, heal and liberate them
directly from Mount Sinai’s summit for our heavenly Father’s new
eternal glories.

For at Mount Sinai’s summit our heavenly Father was doing all the
liberating work necessary to destroy Satan’s powers of darkness that
had captivated the Israelites over the centuries, so they may storm
out from this terrible place of eternal suffering thus to serve,
worship and exalt their eternal savior, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’s
God of Righteousness, our Lord Jesus Christ! For this was the sign
that our Lord Jesus Christ initially promised to manifest to Moses and
Israel, so they may know that he had spoken the everlasting truth: as
God’s Righteousness for Abraham, as God’s Righteousness for Isaac and
as God’s Righteousness for Jacob, finally to worship, exalt and
glorify our heavenly Father’s Salvation Righteousness at Mount Sinai
for the nations.

For our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach had declared to Moses: as you leave
Egypt then you will cross the Red sea to stand here at this mountain
to serve, worship and exalt me as your liberator from Egypt—then you
will know that I am your God that saves you from Satan and your
enemies that want to enslave you in hell forever. Moreover, our
heavenly Father did not only need to rescue Israel from Egypt but also
needed to demonstrate the power that He possesses since Creation day
through the rituals of His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood shed to save Israel from bondage and the nations, so
they may come to know Him only through His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus

For at Mount Sinai, our heavenly Father needed Moses and Israel to
understand forever that He could have never had done anything to save
them from Egypt’s bondage without His supreme celestial-sacrifice of
His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day, therefore He sought
Israel to meet him at Sinai as their constant liberator with the
atoning-blood and priesthood for salvation Righteousness. That is why
that as Israel abandoned Egypt then they had to cross the Red sea in
dry ground with walls of water, on both sides, so they not only
stepped in dry ground that no one has ever walked before but also
received the especial water baptism to eat and drink at last from the
injured rock the bread of life.

For it was here where our heavenly Father had conducted His ancient
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood to create the world, so
Israel may live with the nations knowing always the salvation power of
His eternal Righteousness manifested through the Holy Spirit of the
glory of His name and glorified Ten Commandments within His Son’s
sacred life, our Lord Jesus Christ! Therefore, at Mount Sinai Israel
stood firm to be fed from the eternal rock: the living water that they
needed to drink to quench their thirst moreover eat from the manna
(food from heaven) to quench their hunger not only on that particular
day but all the way into the Promised Land, so they may live for their
living savior forever liberated.

Really, at Mount Sinai our heavenly Father allowed our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach to serve the bread and wine to Israel, so they may eat the
bread and drink the wine that their forefathers had received from
Melchizedek’s hands, our Godly Righteousness, so they may also become
saved not only from bondage but also from the power of sin, curses and
death in hell. And ever since Moses with Israel drank from the injured
rock the living water that gushed out as Moses struck it with the
twig, then our heavenly Father has been feeding Israel the water and
bread needed to cross the Sinai’s desert thus to conquer the Promised
Land for His Son Jesus Christ to reign soon over the nations for a

Moreover, our heavenly Father continues to serve bread and wine at
Mount Sinai to those that believe everything that transpired there,
because He commanded diligently Israel never to forget the events of
Mount Sinai, so as they remember it then they will eat from the manna
and drink from the injured rock: living water to conquer the daily
life of this world. For our heavenly Father knows that to live on
earth where we were born in the spirit of error from Adam and Eve,
then we need power every day from His supreme celestial-sacrifice of
His Son’s atoning-blood that not only create civilization in the
beginning but also liberated Israel from Egypt to conquer salvation
Righteousness for everyone from everywhere forever into eternity.

It is from here on that our heavenly Father was able to bless Israel
by meeting their daily needs, moreover He was able to teach every one
that he is their personal Righteousness that they have to eat and
drink every day, so they may live a godly life before Him on earth
ready to ascend to heaven anyday forever saved. For this is the
serving of bread and wine that our heavenly Father served twice a day
to the Israelites as they traveled towards the Promised Land thus to
conquer it, so our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ could be born by
the power of the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter to invade
the world at last with eternal life.

And this glorious eternal life that our Lord Jesus Christ brought into
the world it was dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and
atoning-blood ready for our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb and high
priest to forgive, bless, and save every man, woman and child born
into the world dressed with the sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill
blood from Adam and Eve. It was for this reason that our heavenly
Father called Israel from Egypt to escape from bondage to the Promised
Land, but before they were to start on their way to the Promised Land,
then they needed to be baptized by the Red sea’s waters finally to
stand at Mount Sinai to serve our Lord Jesus Christ as God’
Righteousness for salvation.

It is on this day that our heavenly Father had Moses with Israel
standing at Mount Sinai’s foot to thank our Lord Jesus Christ because
he had not only been the Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood shed since
Creation day to liberate them with great powers from Egypt’s bondage
but also their eternal high priest to mediate constantly before our
heavenly Father. For this is the service that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
presented constantly to our heavenly Father by standing before Him
with His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, as God’s
Righteousness for the salvation of their living souls on earth, so
their children may follow every day of their lives His only way of
Salvation Righteousness into heaven forever.

Provided that from Mount Sinai’s summit our Lord Jesus Christ is the
light that lights up the Egyptian darkness so Israel may begin to see
the way out into eternal liberate through the way of Righteousness,
the truth of Righteousness and the life of Righteousness leading to
eternal life within the Promised Land the New Jerusalem from heaven
above. That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ taught as he preached
our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of the eternal word thus to glorify
His blessed name within the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit
of every one within Israel, and he said: I am the way, the truth and
life; no one approaches The Father without entering my Righteousness

And the only way possible for any one within Israel, beginning with
Moses and Aaron, to enter into our Lord Jesus Christ perfect
Righteousness thus to become saved perpetually, then that one must be
born from the Holy Spirit thus to live every day within the perfection
and holiness that Abraham was commanded to become immediately as
Righteous as God is forever. This is the reason that for Israel to
become liberated from Egypt’s bondage, then Israel needed to approach
His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood manifested
over Mount Sinai’s summit first, so his light as God’s Righteousness
to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob then it could set fire to Israel’s faith
in him thus to become save from sin, curses and death forever.

On this day, Israel understood very well that they were dealing with a
very powerful and Righteous God willing to do anything to help them
not only escape their enemies but also show them the way, the truth
and the life that our heavenly Father had prepared for them to inherit
forever as they enter to conquer the Promised Land. And over Mount
Sinai’s summit and within the Holy of Holiest in heaven that Moses saw
its tabernacle where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach had shed his atoning-
blood over the Altar before our heavenly Father, so not only the world
may founded but also the nations, beginning with Israel, thus to learn
only to love, serve and glorify Him forever into eternity.

Over Mount Sinai’s summit our Lord Jesus Christ never ceased to do the
daily duties as Israel’s high priest within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven before our heavenly Father, so his atoning-blood may cover
their sins daily thus to escape eternal judgment given that it was his
holiness that made them holy, perfect and sinless as if they have
never sinned. For this is our heavenly Father’s Son in heaven and
within Israel main responsibility to forgive sin, so the nations may
become holy, perfect and sinless on earth by believing in him as they
lift their eyes in faith towards our heavenly Father that is in heaven
always waiting to receive glory through the celebrated life of His Son
Jesus Christ.

For it is our Lord Jesus Christ’s Righteousness that nourishes
constantly our heavenly Father’s image and likeness within each one of
us, so we may present ourselves before Him on earth these days and in
heaven forever as perfect and holy as He has always been through
eternity, giving that we must be holy and perfect today to enter
eternal life forever saved. Truthfully, this is the salvation that our
heavenly Father did not only present to Abram and his friends as they
were served by Melchizedek as King of Salem the bread and wine to eat
and drink from the Lord’s Table, but it is also the unique salvation
that belongs to every man, woman and child on earth these days,
beginning with Israel.

Certainly, a glorious salvation that once descended over Mount Sinai
with our heavenly Father and His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day, then it has
never abandoned us to this day, because, it is still touching our
hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit with power from heaven
to make us alive in the Holy Spirit instantly. Furthermore, this is a
divine salvation that requires the perfect and holy presence of our
Lord Jesus Christ as our high priest doing the rituals of forgiveness,
healing and salvation, so we may not only have our sins blot out from
our lives but also heal to restore our hearts, souls, minds, bodies
and human spirit to our heavenly Father’s divine glory.

And this is an eternal glory that our heavenly Father granted to each
one of us initially in heaven as we were born in His image to live
according to His likeness before Him and His angels thus not only to
become His legitimate children but also Gods and priests for the
service of His blessed name and glorious commandments. That is to say,
also that to this day our Lord Jesus Christ continues to work hard
before our heavenly Father and His ancient Altar before the holy
angels, so he may touch our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human
spirit thus to make us become born from the Holy Spirit of His blessed
name and eternal commandments.

For we are born-and-called into the world to become born from the Holy
Spirit of the blessed name and eternal commandments, so our heavenly
Father may be glorified within our hearts on earth and in heaven
within our new divine-bodies, for the ultimate glory of His blessed
name and glorified commandments that blesses us with everlasting life
and incredible richness through time. That is why that as we invoke
our Lord Jesus Christ’s name and read his commandments that he
personally fulfilled, honored and glorified each day of his life
within Israel so we may reach mercy, forgiveness, and eternal kindness
from our heavenly Father, then we are blessed mightily with the
infilling of the Holy Spirit to become a new person today.

Because, it is only trough the Holy Spirit that will not only take you
back into the spiritual state that you were initially born from our
heavenly Father’s image to live in His likeness but also enrich you
mightily with amazing daily miracles thus to make you the person that
you ought to be these days on earth and forever in heaven. Meaning
that the Holy Spirit is essential for each one of us today on earth,
because the day we were born from our heavenly Father’s image to live
in His image forever in eternity, then it was in the Holy Spirit that
we were born as God’s children to become the mature persons that we
ought to be forever in eternity.

Therefore, we are spiritual beings born initially from our heavenly
Father’s image to live in His likeness forever, and this is the reason
that we naturally require to have the constant daily presence of a
high priest (Jesus Christ) with our heavenly Father’s supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood (Jesus Christ) thus to
enrich His image in each one of us progressively. Otherwise, we will
suffer the consequences of a dreadful-life without a high priest
(Jesus Christ) present with the Chosen Lamb and the atoning-blood
(Jesus Christ) shed already for us thus to intercede, act as a go-
between, litigate in our favor before our heavenly Father’s Altar
within the celestial Holy of Holiest, so we may escape sin, curses and
death in hell forever.

In other words, the person that has a high priest (Jesus Christ)
living already within his heart (because he has invoked his anointed
name to have his sins forgiven to become spiritually restore before
our heavenly Father’s presence in heaven), then that person is
certainly serving, exalting and glorifying Him on earth thus to attain
new glories for His name forever. This certainly means that our
heavenly Father is calling you lately just as He personally called the
ancients through His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood over Mount Sinai, so you may receive the perfect Righteousness
of His Son Jesus Christ, as your personal holiness to reenter heaven
before it is too late for you and your loved ones everywhere on

Meaning that, the way our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai
calling Moses so He may get Israel’s attention centered into His Son’s
supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood thus to help them
with amazing powers and miracles escape Satan’s hold within Egypt
finally to possess a new land filled with milk and honey, then He is
doing it with you today, too. Meaning also that our heavenly Father is
calling you incessantly through His celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood shed since Creation day thus to receive within your
heart His personal high priest that is ready to do wonderful things
within your life to become born from the Holy Spirit, moreover be
replenished with endless blessings of eternal happiness with your
family and friends.

For these are special blessings indeed that can only come into your
life directly from within the Holy of Holiest’s Altar in heaven, so
our heavenly Father may be glorified within your heart and entire life
along with your loved ones and friends, too, because He needs to bless
you immediately, but only through His divine way, Jesus Christ! Given
that, our Lord Jesus Christ is the way of Righteousness, the truth of
Righteousness, and the life of Righteousness to ascend to the
mountaintop to see our heavenly Father, so we may not only stay with
Him forever because our sins have been blot out by the power of the
shed atoning-blood but also we can receive His daily blessing now.

Again, that is why that our Lord Jesus Christ has always said to you,
just as he manifested to his disciples within Israel, for example, by
assuring them that he alone is the way, truth and life; and no one can
ever enter eternal life unless he receives him first as his eternal
Righteousness before our heavenly Father that is in heaven. That is to
say, also that if Moses and Israel had not accepted our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach as God’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
and high priest to mediate for their liberation from the Egyptian
bondage, then they would have never been set free—instead, they would
have die long time ago under the chain and shackles of slavery in Egypt

Meaning that Israel would not possibly exist today, because Moses and
Israel had failed to accept within their hearts our heavenly Father’s
perfect holiness to separate themselves from the Egyptian eternal
darkness of slavery that was slowly killing them around the clock
until they would have definitely disappeared forever into eternal
darkness in hell, and never to rise again to life. In other words, it
was our Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect Righteousness emanating from Mount
Sinai’s top that separated the Israelites from the Egyptian darkness
that had them chained-and-shackled for four centuries to do diligently
only what Pharaoh said for Egypt’s glory, specifically, without
Holiness from heaven then the Israelites will still be enslaved to
Egypt’s darkness to this day.

However, thanks to our heavenly Father that called Moses to believe in
His Son Jesus Christ that was standing over Mount Sinai’s summit
burning within the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
shed to create the world later to liberate Israel from Egypt with the
amazing faith power that would transform Moses through the new birth
from the Holy Spirit as God’s son. Moreover, this glorious
transformation of faith by Moses believing within his heart for
justice to confess with his lips for salvation that our Lord Jesus
Christ is the perfect Righteousness that Israel needed to escape
Egypt’s bondage, moreover, become powerful enough to cross the Red sea
in dry ground to serve, exalt and adore Jesus Christ’s name at Mount
Sinai’s foot.

Undeniably, it is here where our heavenly Father needed to have Israel
standing under His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s foot, so they may see
him as the liberator from the sure death that the Egyptians had in
stored for them, had not Him acted punctually with the amazing grace
emanating from His Son’s atoning-blood sprinkled over their lives by
Moses for deliverance. Here is where our heavenly Father wants every
one not only from Israel but also from all the families of the
nations, so they may stand at the mountaintop with His supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that forgives, blesses and
saves the living soul thus to live a Satan free life on earth later to
ascend into heaven into eternal life.

Now, having seeing Moses and Aaron, for example, stand at the
mountaintop with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach engulfed within the
flames of perfect Righteousness, from heaven above that were burning
before our heavenly Father as His continuous celestial-sacrifice of
the atoning-blood, so they may become blessed forever, then Israel
also wanted to ascend immediately to the mountaintop. However, our
heavenly Father manifested lawfully to Moses that if anyone, including
animals, would dare to venture up to the mountaintop to see the Lord,
then He will personally descend to kill that one trying to introduce
himself up into holy ground without first having received within his
heart the eternal name that forgives, heals, blesses and saves every
man’s living soul.

On these days, our heavenly Father wanted every one from Israel to
ascend to the mountaintop to see the Lord Jesus Christ just as Moses,
Aaron and seventy Israelis elders had done it earlier but first,
however, they had to have believed and invoked the name of our Lord
and savior Jesus Christ, so Righteousness may ascend with them to the
mountaintop. Unfortunately, this was something that the Israelites
were unable to comprehend that they must do to receive the perfect
Righteousness from our Lord Jesus Christ as our heavenly Father’s
supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood thus to enter into
the Holy of Holiest in heaven and see the Lord face-to-face, so they
may become the people that He needed them to be.

For our heavenly Father wanted to impress the nations with the things
that He will do always with Israel at Mount Sinai and throughout the
desert until they will finally step into the Holy Land that He had
initially promised to Abraham’s children, so they may become a nation
of Gods and priests for the glory of His name worldwide. This was
indeed our heavenly Father’s perfect Plan of Salvation that will save
Israel and the nations worldwide through the powerful name that our
Lord Jesus Christ manifested initially to Moses as The Great I AM that
have descended over Mount Sinai from heaven to do our heavenly
Father’s will by releasing Israel from Egypt’s bondage thus to inherit
Canaan forever.

This is the name that will give them Righteousness directly from our
heavenly Father’s blessed name that lives within our Lord Jesus
Christ’s heart and atoning-blood thus to escape Egypt, furthermore
grants them Righteousness to enter anyday into the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai, so they may speak to our Lord Jesus
Christ face-to-face as they may need. Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father
wanted to have everyone within Israel to have our Lord Jesus Christ
living within his heart just as Moses had received him crucified
within the flames of the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-
blood that gave faith to him initially, so he may pull successfully
Israel from Egypt finally to introduce them victoriously into the
Promised Land.

It is here where our heavenly Father needed Israel to serve His Son,
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so they may receive every day of their
lives through the desert, within the Promised Land and beyond heaven
the bread and wine that emanates from him as the milk and honey that
were initially offered to Abraham’s children thus to live forever
saved. Therefore, as our heavenly Father commanded Moses to go to the
Promised Land, then after having drunk from the injured rock the
living water and eaten from the manna (bread) that exists only within
the golden pot within the Holy of Holiest, then Moses left with Israel
to Canaan, because Jesus Christ promised that he will be with him
every day.

Certainly, after Israel left Mount Sinai’s foot our Lord Jesus Christ
continued to minister faithfully before our heavenly Father as their
high priest with the Chosen Lamb and atoning-blood over the burning
Altar of fire that Moses had seen earlier, so they may eat the bread
and drink the wine all the way into the Promised Land to possess it
forever. This means that our Lord Jesus Christ has been always
faithful to Israel as our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb with the
atoning-blood, before His glorious Altar in heaven ministered
faithfully by him as God’s and Israel’s high priest and salvation
Righteousness thus to advocate in their favor always, so they may
never lack anything through the desert into the Promised Land.

This is true even today for everyone that believes in our heavenly
Father through His glorious supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son
shedding his atoning-blood to create the earth with all its things, so
men may populate it to receive finally within their hearts His blessed
Son Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior of their living souls
forever into all eternity. This means that our heavenly Father will
accept you as His legitimate child today, that is, if you only invoke
His Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, as your personal priest and
Righteousness to present yourself perfect and holy before Him, so you
may never have to enter hell because of sins but, instead live forever
saved through Jesus Christ’s Righteousness in heaven.

This also means that our heavenly Father will always receive any
prayer, petition, mediation that you may do through His Son’s supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood, so He may gladly answer
immediately in whatever you may need from Him and His Holy Spirit on
earth these days and in heaven forever, because through you He will
show His power to bless others. Therefore, it is important for our
heavenly Father to have His Son’s Altar of the supreme celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood shed since Creation day and finally
over Jerusalem’s holy hill installed with your heart these days, so He
may forgive, heal, and bless you so much until you are secured in
heaven moreover filled with His Holy Spirit’s eternal glories.

Truthfully, it is with His Son’s Altar receiving his atoning-blood
where our heavenly Father needs to meet you face-to-face, so whatever
problem, difficulty, infirmity, curse and threats of death that you
may be suffering with your loved ones and even friends, too, then He
wants to bless you with powerful miracles so you may glorify Him
trouble-free within your heart today. Moreover, our heavenly Father
will glorify Himself within your heart today because of the salvation
work that our Lord Jesus Christ has done initially within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai finally to manifest over
Jerusalem’s holy hill on earth, because He needs to be glorified
within your life each day into eternity, the sooner the better.

Here is where our heavenly Father needs you to be with His Son Jesus
Christ’s Righteousness, so you may live a happy life enjoying power
that He has personally delegated you to possess since you were born
from His Holy Spirit in His image to live according to His likeness
forever blessed always to eat from His fruit of life, Jesus Christ!
And this is something that it has always been true through the ages to
this day for everyone everywhere within paradise and on earth, too,
including The New Jerusalem from heaven above, so you may never hunger
or thirst of His daily food from the tree of life, our Lord Jesus
Christ, so you may live each day saturated with perfect Holiness

Given that, as our heavenly Father gave birth to Adam, then He
commanded him to eat from the trees from paradise, including the tree
of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ himself engulfed in the flames
of the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that Moses saw
over Mount Sinai, so he may live with his children filled with the
Holy Spirit forever. Beyond doubt, this is the perfect salvation that
our heavenly Father had manifested initially to Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob as they believed in Jesus Christ as their personal eternal
Righteousness to be saved before our heavenly Father on earth and in
heaven, so like this they will never succumb to Satan’s darkness on
earth or in hell but, instead live eternally blessed.

Inasmuch as, anyone that lives his life today without our heavenly
Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed
initially since Creation day, then he is leading his loved ones and
friends, too, into even deeper darkness of Satan that will eventually
take them in the last day into a fiery hell that will only die later
in the lake of fire. For the reason that without our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach’s perfect holiness that our heavenly Father talked about to
Abraham first to possess at once and forever in a moment of prayer and
faith, then that one is missing in our heavenly Father’s richness that
He has prepared on earth for those that serve Him through His Son’s
glorious life.

And as that one that suffers the lies, curses, infirmities and the
daily threats of hell because he has never been born from the Holy
Spirit as our heavenly Father required from him just as He did to
Abraham initially, then he will never be perfect and holy as God is
forever in heaven—meaning that he belongs in hell already. Meaning
also that this person will not only suffer the terrible constant
attacks from Satan’s darkness depriving him from the wonderful things
that our heavenly Father has brought into the world with His Son Jesus
Christ manifested in the midst of, the flames of the continuous
sacrifice at Mount Sinai, but also he will die without holiness in
hell’s fiery torment.

And in hell one can see heaven and everyone else that has believed
within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation
our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood shed initially for everyone to be born from the Holy Spirit that
dresses every person with love, salvation, perfection and a divine
body to enjoy eternal life everlastingly. These days, to live without
our heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation that He personally manifested
to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so their children may also live within
this holiness that they found as they believed within their hearts our
Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior thus to confess salvation
for themselves but also to the nations, indeed it is dangerous.

It is dangerous, because you will miss out many blessings that have
your name written on them coming directly from our heavenly Father and
His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood, but also
you can really sink deeper into terrible deceptions with the purpose
to destroy you in an eternal fiery hell, so you may never know Jesus
Christ as your savior. Furthermore, it is dangerous for anyone to live
without our heavenly Father’s perfect holiness found only within His
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since
Creation day, because you can die without the perfect holiness from
our Lord Jesus Christ that has the power to forgive, heal, save and
raise into eternal life in heaven forever, so you may live.

Moreover, if you die today without our Lord Jesus Christ as your
personal perfect holiness to escape this sinful world and the eternal
flames in hell, then you will die unrepented from your sins thus to
enter into hell judged by our heavenly Father’s word that attempted
unsuccessfully to save you each day of your entire life on earth.
Unfortunately, there are many lost souls burning in the fiery hot hell
these days because they die without forgiven those that they sinned or
did things against them, and they are there suffering the torments of
hell because if they failed to forgive those that they have wronged
them then our heavenly Father will not forgive their sins either.

Meaning that, if you want to skip hell, then first forgives those that
have sinned against you or that they may have offended you with
terrible deeds, so our heavenly Father that is in heaven will also
forgive your sins thus to heal you to the point that He will fill you
with His Holiness thus never to enter hell forever. That is why that
you must pray for you and your loved ones, including your friends,
too, so our heavenly Father may forgive your sins with His Son’s
atoning-blood, so as you forgive others their trespass then our
heavenly Father is glorified on earth by men and in heaven by His holy
angels forever into all eternity to come.

Otherwise, if you fail to forgive others their daily trespasses then
our heavenly Father will not only bless you with His glorious richness
on earth and from heaven above as from the tree of life, our Lord
Jesus Christ, but you will definitely lack the Holiness necessary to
skip hell to live your life in heaven—truly—you are burning in hell
already. Indeed, you will soon open your eyes in hell only to see
flames and demons all around to torment you day-and-night because you
failed to say the prayer of repentance before our heavenly Father, in
the name of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that did all
that was possible and even what was impossible to save you from hell’s

You will only beg for love, mercy and compassion and even for a glass
of water because of the terrible thirst that heat causes there to the
human soul, but none of these you will find there much less our Lord
Jesus Christ ready to serve you the bread and wine from the Lord’s
Table, because you rejected him as your savior. In hell, you will give
anything to exchange it all not only for a glass of water to satisfy
your thirst but to have a minute of life on earth to say the sinner’s
prayer of repentance, but it will be too late for you, because no one
can walk out from hell’s fiery torment to do the sinner’s prayer of

In hell, the divine daily effects of our heavenly Father’s supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood cannot reach you
anymore as they do on earth these days as you do the sinner’s prayer
to repent from your sins and the wicked actions that you may have done
against yourself and others as well, but there is only a fiery hell
for you forever. You will see heaven to ask our heavenly Father to
bless you through His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood that not only removes sin from our living souls but also fills
us abundantly with his perfect holiness that saves us from hell thus
to help us ascend into heaven filled with eternal life, but He will
say no—too late now!

However, our Lord Jesus Christ will tell you this time directly from
the place where he was initially sacrificed within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven and over Jerusalem’s holy hill: I am sorry, but it is all
too late for you—you do not have a second to do the sinner’s prayer
for repentance much less a minute of life on earth—it is too late.
There is nothing that can be done for you to satisfy your thirst much
less to erase the sins and their demons that torment you day-and-night
into all eternity to come; all the opportunities that you had to say
the sinner’s prayer for repentance is gone forever since they are
buried with your sinful body under the ground of the earth.

Torments, nagging-worms, and flames will be your drink and food
forever, since you failed to obtain from our heavenly Father’s supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood the perfect holiness
that saves any living soul from all the families of the nations to
ascend saved into eternal life in heaven where everything is love,
peace, prosperity, and never-ending happiness into all eternity. In
hell, no one can ever repent from sin much less do the sinner’s
prayer, because he has entered into eternal judgment due to the
terrible sin to lack the necessary Righteousness from our heavenly
Father to escape into eternal life in heaven forever saved by the
power of the blood of the Lamb, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach!

In Hades, many beg to be allow to have one minute of life on earth, so
they can repent from the wicked things that they have done in life
before our heavenly Father and His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood, so the Holy Spirit of the blood may wash them
clean from sin and rebellion, but it is too late. However, the minute
of prayer and repentance from sin and wicked deeds it is here on earth
with you today, so as the evil days with darkness may come around into
you life then your sins will be gone far away never to return, so you
may have clemency, peace and reconciliation with our heavenly Father
and His eternal kingdom in heaven forever.

For this is the only way possible for anyone to escape from the
eternal flames of hell, hell that will be the equivalent to live in
Egypt bound to chains and shackles to do your enemies will continually
without having a time to breathe with our heavenly Father and the
glorious presence of His blessed Son Jesus Christ with the Holy
Spirit. Therefore, today you must do the sinner’s prayer before our
heavenly Father and His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood shining with the flames of fire from heaven thus to
forgive, heal and save the living soul of any man, woman and child, so
they may have their names written in the book of life to enter forever
saved in heaven.

And as you may do the sinner’s prayer then wonderful things will
happen within your heart and entire life, because the Lord Jesus
Christ will be ministering as your faithful personal high priest and
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood thus to have your prayers, requests
and mediations heard within the Holy of Holiest’s Altar in heaven
before your heavenly Father. For in heaven prayers, petitions,
mediations that you may have done after having done the sinner’s
prayer of repentance before our heavenly Father, in the name of His
Son Jesus Christ, then they are written in the books to be open always
before our heavenly Father because He loves to read your prayers done
in His Son’s perfect Righteousness.

To this day, our heavenly Father continues to read the prayers of His
loved ones that have believed within their hearts for justice to
confess with their lips for salvation His Son’s name, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, and He reads even prayers that not only were said by the
ancients but also prayers that you probably fail to remember with ease
today. I assure you: our heavenly Father will listen to your voice and
prayers to do as you please within your life and the lives of your
loved ones, including friends from everywhere, too, because He does
not only need to bless you with His continuous sacrifice from heaven
above and within Israel’s depth but also everyone that you know from

For this is how our heavenly Father spreads the good-news of the
wonderful things that He has done since Creation day with His blessed
Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you may be forgiven, moreover
secure His Son’s holiness into your life thus never to have problems
again to get anything from heaven immediately, or enter into it
forever saved. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our perfect Righteousness for
a glorious life on earth and in heaven, too, because in heaven you
will dress the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and the atoning-blood
filled with eternal life from the Holy Spirit of our glorified
commandments, commandments amazingly exalted in due time within Israel
so you may feel great, blessed and saturated with salvation’s endless
happiness. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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