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Jun 10, 2011, 5:40:42 PM6/10/11
Sábado, 04 de junio, año 2011 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

(BUENA SALUD PARA EL REY SIEMPRE: Nos alegramos mucho de que Don Juan
Carlos Rey de España se encuentre muy bien de salud, alegre y
dispuesto a seguir gozando de la buena vida alrededor de sus amados y
amistades como siempre, después de haber pasado por una operación de
rodilla que lo mantendrá inmóvil por unos días hasta que vuelva a
caminar una vez más. Felicidades a toda España, porque el Rey se
encuentra muy bien de salud y pronto volverá a sus labores normales
con gran alegría y mucho vigor.

CONTAMINACION DE COMIDA EN ALEMANIA: También deseamos recordar a los
dieciocho ciudadanos alemanes que se contaminaron con la bacteria “E.
coli” y perdieron sus vidas. Ellos están con nuestro Padre celestial
en el paraíso, en donde se encuentra el árbol de la vida para seguir
comiendo y bebiendo del fruto de la vida, el cual no contamina la vida
de nadie sino que la llena de vida, de felicidad y de salud eterna.

Ellos gozan de la presencia santa de nuestro Padre celestial y de sus
huestes angelicales, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo vino a redimir
sus vidas para el nuevo reino angelical, en donde todos los árboles y
sus plantas también están llenas de vida y de salud para hacer el
cuerpo del hombre, la mujer, el niño y la niña vivan felices para
siempre. Por eso, en días como hoy, por ejemplo, todos comamos y
bebamos siempre de la comida del árbol de la vida eterna, nuestro
Señor Jesucristo, para que vivamos felices infinitamente aunque aún
estemos viviendo en la tierra, porque nuestro Padre celestial es
poderoso para hacernos felices a pesar de los males traicioneros que
conlleva este mundo en donde vivimos.

Y los demás contaminados que no han perdido sus vidas, oramos por
ellos también en el nombre salvador de nuestro Señor Jesucristo
delante de nuestro Padre celestial, para que sean llenos de las
bendiciones infinitas del Espíritu Santo cada día de sus vidas, para
que vivan por siempre felices sus vidas y prosperas también en todo


May the people believe forever what I have done for them within the
Holy of Holiest, in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit, so they may
live constantly protected with all the blessings and miracles of the
daily rituals of the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the Holy of
Holiest in heaven. Then, our heavenly Father said to Moses, I am going
to come to you over a dense cloud, and I will speak to you from within
it, so people may hear that I speak to you directly from heaven so
they may believe you forever for the words that I will say and the
things that you must do.

So, Moses went up Mount Sinai to the place where he had met for the
first time in his entire life his personal savior, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach; our Rebbe was waiting for Moses faithfully in the same
place where he had met him few days earlier, so he may bless him
abundantly with the Holy Spirit’s supernatural powers. Next, as soon
as Moses arrived to the mountaintop, our Lord Jesus Christ began to
speak to him face-to-face just as when they first met; indeed, Moses
had become an apostle to Jesus Christ so he may do our heavenly
Father’s will by taking Israel through the desert into the Promised
Land, for the eternal service over the mountaintop.

In good time, Moses was standing without sandals before our Lord Jesus
Christ engulf within the fire of the continuous supreme celestial-
sacrifice of the Holy Spirit’s blessed name and glorified Ten
Commandments, so blessed Israel may be supernaturally by the
outpouring from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven of the Holy
Spirit. Indeed, it was a miracle that had never taken place before a
mere man was standing at the heaven’s gate and just a step away from
entering into the Holy of Holiest to see our heavenly Father’s
continuous supreme celestial-sacrifice of the Passover Lamb’s atoning-
blood covering our sins, so we may live blessed for our heavenly
Father forever in eternity.

For sure, it was here where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach spoke to Moses
about Israel’s separation from Egypt, moreover Moses learned that he
had to go up into the Tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest to meet face-to-
face his personal salvation that our heavenly Father had begun in the
day Adam and Eve wrongfully sinned against the fruit of life in
paradise. For this is the supreme celestial-sacrifice of our heavenly
Father’s Passover Lamb with the atoning-blood that every man, woman
and child from the nations may see and serve every day before our
heavenly Father’s altar, so He may enrich their lives with
supernatural powers, for the glory of the Holy Spirit of His blessed
name and glorified commandments.

If truth be told, our heavenly Father has made it our responsibility
by default to love, serve and worship Him only through this wonderful
and glorious supreme celestial-sacrifice that it is ever present
before Him and His Holy Spirit in heaven and on earth too wherever His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, goes to meet face-to-face
with His servants. In due time, within the Holy of Holiest’s altar,
Moses saw the Lord’s Table fully served for him to eat with the
families from Israel and the nations, so well nourished they may be of
the Holy Spirit’s bread of life and the cup of wine that represents
the everlasting-covenant of atoning-blood between God in heaven and
men on earth.

Faithfully, there was our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach standing before our
heavenly Father and Moses ready to serve the bread of life and the cup
of wine that Abram with his men had part taken from initially, so
Israel may become a special nation on earth and in eternity as well
thus to love, serve and worship Him and His name forever. Here Moses
learned from our Lord Jesus Christ that he not only had to part take
from the Lord’s Table by eating from the bread of life and drinking
from the cup of wine of the continuous celestial-sacrifice covenant,
but also that he had to execute the rituals of the eternal sacrifice
for himself and his descendants to come.

Therefore, as Moses stepped into the Holy of Holiest with the Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach as his personal priest, then he looked all over the
holy places to see if he can see God’s Passover Lamb, and Moses could
not find it—immediately, Moses looked to Jesus Christ to ask him where
is God’s Lamb that they had spoken about earlier. And Jesus Christ
said to Moses, you are looking at God’s Lamb—I am God’s Passover Lamb
with the atoning-blood over the altar that shed it is for the sins of
Israel and of the nations as well for generations to come into
eternity, so they may all escape Satan and slavery to sin forever.

That is to say, also that Moses learned that he had to enter into the
Holy of Holiest, by default, with our Lord Jesus Christ to assist him
in his usual duties of the divine rituals of the supreme celestial-
sacrifice for his sake (Moses) and for his loved ones everywhere too,
so they may live blessed forever into eternity. Because, every man,
woman and child must enter into the Holy of Holiest, by default, with
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as his or her personal Passover Lamb with
the atoning-blood of the celestial-sacrifice that offered it must be
before our heavenly Father’s altar by our personal advocate and
pastor, our Lord Jesus Christ, so we may live protected from Satan

This is a necessity that we must all accomplish on earth and in heaven
too through our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because, we must fulfill all
our personal duties with truth and justice before our heavenly Father,
so we may not only become legitimate children of God but also have the
right to enter into eternal life in heaven immediately. That is why
that our Lord Jesus Christ never stops ministering before our heavenly
Father the every day rituals of the divine supreme celestial-sacrifice
that began the day Adam and Eve sinned against the fruit of life, our
Lord Jesus Christ, so we may escape from sin and return soon to our
heavenly Father and His glorious angelic Kingdom.

And our Lord Jesus Christ said to Moses, you must come up to the place
that I will show you, but you must come alone to see me just as you
saw me the first time we met as the fire engulfed me to show you the
every step of the way away from darkness and into eternal life itself.
(Certainly, this is a personal decision that every one must make, but
he or she must make it alone before our heavenly Father and His tree
of life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so the Holy Spirit of the
blessed name and eternal commandments may guide him into the presence
of the continuous celestial-sacrifice for justice fulfilled to be

Consequently, any one else that may try to come to the mountaintop
with you, including animals, then I will come down first to destroy
them, Jesus assured Moses, because any one that has not met me yet as
you have already cannot enter into the Holy of Holiest without first
accepting my love, truth and justice within his heart. Because, it is
sin within the Holy of Holiest for any one to enter into it without
first having accepted within his heart the unfailing love, mercy,
truth and justice that I have manifested to you first over the
mountaintop, so you may deliver these gifts of love and mercies from
our Father and His Holy Spirit unto Israel.

Furthermore, any one that attempts to enter into the Holy of Holiest
without first accepting within his heart the Holy Spirit of the
unfailing love between our heavenly Father and His blessed Son
Messiah, then he must die in his sin, because no one can enter the
Holy of Holiest without God’s Son much less see God face-to-face in
heaven. Meaning also that whoever climbs the mountain to enter into
the Holy of Holiest to do the every day rituals of the supreme
celestial-sacrifice for justice, then he must be holy and perfect just
as God is holy and perfect forever, and this can only be possible
nowadays with any man, woman and child on earth by accepting Jesus
Christ’s salvation.

For this reason, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach said to Moses diligently,
you will come up to the mountaintop to the place where I will show
you, but you must come up without any one else following you including
your animals too, because, if any one follows you up the mountain he
will die in his sin for rebellion. Because, on this day for any one
trying to climb Mount Sinai without first having accepted the Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach as his or her personal priest and savior with the
atoning-blood that covers his living soul from sin, then he or she is
trying to reenter paradise, and this sinful-act will offend truth and
justice before our heavenly Father forever.

Therefore, no one was allow to climb to the mountaintop to meet with
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach if first he or she had not accepted Jesus
Christ as his or her personal savior, so our heavenly Father’s words
of truth and justice pronounced against Adam and Eve offended they may
not be forever in all eternity to come. Now, our Lord Jesus Christ
spoke to Moses in this manner, because he needed Moses to understand
that helped he cannot be in the rituals of the sacrifice by his
parents or brothers, except our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because he is
the only One that has been divinely appointed to be his personal
priest, Passover Lamb with the atoning-blood forever.

And Moses obeyed our heavenly Father’s words by doing exactly what He
commanded him to do, so He may allow him (Moses) up the mountaintop
again just as He did earlier, but this time our Lord Jesus Christ was
going to introduce him into the Holy of Holiest so he may part take
from the Lord’s Table for heaven’s sake. For it was necessary that
Moses may part take from the Lord’s Table just as Abram had done it
earlier with his men for Israel to become a special nation ready to
receive the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and eternal commandments,
commandments that will give them the King Messiah’s perfect life with
flawless salvation for everyone everywhere forever.

These are, indeed, the divine rituals of the supreme celestial-
sacrifice, within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s
summit that believed and obeyed they must be forever and ever by every
one within Israel and the nations, so our heavenly Father may live
happy ever after with each one of us on earth and in heaven.
Therefore, it is important for all the families throughout the world,
beginning within Israel, to become saved and protected from their sins
as they receive Jesus Christ as their personal priest, Passover Lamb
with the atoning-blood that will be present always over our heavenly
Father’s altar, so they may stand perfect and blameless forever before
Him in all eternity.

Moreover, this is something that overlooked it can never be, but
fulfilled it must be within everyone’s life on earth and in paradise
for our heavenly Father to receive him or her in His presence as His
eternal son or daughter, so they may by default claim daily blessings
to come into their lives to stay forever and ever. Because, the truth
is that every blessing that comes from our heavenly Father, indeed, it
has our name written in it already, so they righteously belong to us,
and this is to stay with us these days on earth and forever in heaven
too, so we may love, serve and worship our heavenly Father enriched
always in His Holy Spirit’s goodness.

Truly, these are the Holy Spirit’s gifts from within the Holy of
Holiest that will descend day-to-day upon our lives by default,
because, this is how our heavenly Father needs to have them come into
our lives so He may bless and do wonderful things within our lives and
the lives of others similarly as our loved ones and friends. Indeed,
this is how our heavenly Father has always worked with people since
the days of old, so He may bless and do wonderful things within their
lives and the lives of their loved ones, including friends too,
because this is how He is going to spread over the world the Holy
Spirit of His blessed name and eternal commandments.

Therefore, it is important that every man, woman and child within the
nations, beginning with Israel, will have to go up to the mountaintop
to meet with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach face-to-face just as Moses
had to do it, so he may enter the Holy of Holiest and execute the
divine rituals of the day-to-day celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-
blood. Moreover, once we enter into the Holy of Holiest with our Lord
Jesus Christ as our personal priest, Passover Lamb with the atoning-
blood so he may present us to our heavenly Father before His altar,
then we are born again from the Holy Spirit into a brand new world
that we never thought existed, even in our best dreams.

In actual fact, this is the divine world without Satan and his lying
devils (devils that bring darkness upon innocent people to do evil),
which our heavenly Father has created for each one of us to live in
with Him and His angelic hosts, so we may enjoy all the things that
pleases His glorious heart all day long. Meaning also that forgiven we
will never be from our sins much less receive our heavenly Father’s
daily blessing and His set apart new angelic Kingdom, unless we
personally walk into the Holy of Holiest these days with our Lord
Jesus Christ as our priest, Passover Lamb with the atoning-blood that
makes us righteous to become God’s legitimate children everlastingly.

This is something that we all must do by default, and we can never set
it aside for another day, because this is what will determine
immediately before our heavenly Father how He will deal with us, so we
may receive His daily blessings that sent they are from within the
Holy of Holiest to exalt His name and commandments forever. Indeed, it
was this ritual of the continuous celestial-sacrifice within the Holy
of Holiest that dressed Moses with supernatural abilities to pull
Israel from Egypt to cross the red Sea and stand at Mount Sinai’s
foot, so if Israel believed Moses’ words forever, then they could very
well also climb to the mountaintop and enter into the Holy of

Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father’s desire was that not only Moses
would climb to the mountaintop and enter into the Holy of Holiest so
he may see the ever present continuous celestial-sacrifice before His
glorious altar, but also He needed the Israeli families to do the same
thus enrich them with blessings all the way into Canaan forever.
Therefore, really blessed Moses was above every one else within Israel
and the desert nations, so he may conduct successfully the every day
blood shedding sacrifice upon every altar for our heavenly Father and
His blessed name, but also he could very well enter into the Holy of
Holiest anytime to speak to the King Messiah face-to-face concerning

This is the truth. Moses could go into the Holy of Holiest of the
tabernacle anytime he needed to do this, and without any blood
sacrifice of any animal, because he had done it once in for all over
Mount Sinai’s Holy of Holiest, so he may speak to our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach about anything that may be bothering him or Israel, for
example. And the rituals of the supreme celestial-sacrifice that Moses
conducted within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s
summit, in truth, it was our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach himself, because
he alone is our priest and Passover Lamb with the atoning-blood that
protects and covers our sins forever on earth and in heaven as well.

This means that Moses since he believed forever our heavenly Father’s
supreme celestial-sacrifice within the Holy of Holiest over Mount
Sinai’s summit, then he could very well walk with God and disappear to
return to paradise and never come back to earth as Enoch did in his
day, for example. As it is written: For Enoch walked with God and
disappeared, because he pleased God, and God took him with Him into
heaven never to return to earth, people looked everywhere for Enoch
for many days and they could not find him, because God took him to
heaven, so he may enjoy His goodness and the glories of heaven

Meaning today that our heavenly Father needed every one within Israel
blessed and enriched by the Holy Spirit’s supernatural gifts of the
anointed name and the eternal commandments just as Moses had been
blessed so he may obey His words faithfully every step into the
Promised Land on earth and in heaven as the New celestial Jerusalem,
for example. In other words, our heavenly Father wanted to do with
every man, woman and child within Israel the same that He had done
early with Moses, so they may become His faithful servants all the way
across the desert into the Promised Land thus they may at last become
His legitimate children in heaven as within the celestial Jerusalem.

Meaning also that what our heavenly Father really wanted to do with
every one within Israel just as He had done it with Moses, then, these
days He will do the same with every man, woman and child within the
nations, so they may become His legitimate children officially before
His continuous celestial-sacrifice within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven. This means that we can marvelously enter into the Holy of
Holiest to officiate with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach the every day
divine rituals of the continuous celestial-sacrifice that erases our
sins and makes us perfect and holy before our heavenly Father, so we
may rightfully receive His personal blessings thus to enrich His will
within us forever.

And our heavenly Father’s will for us these days as it was in the days
of old for Israel, it is that we may believe forever in what he did
with His Son Jesus Christ within the Holy of Holiest, in heaven and
over Mount Sinai’s summit, so Moses may see it and believe it forever
with all of Israel. Because, the truth is nowadays that our heavenly
Father’s call for each one of us it is to be holy as He is holy and
perfect as He is perfect still stands firm before us, so we may
fulfill His perfect will within our living hearts thus to fulfill
truth and justice to attain blessing and eternal salvation for

And the way, truth and life that our heavenly Father has set before
us, indeed, they are the same that He had to present to Moses and
every one else in the past, so they may finally stand at the
mountaintop to enter into the Holy of Holiest and see face-to-face our
continuous celestial-sacrifice that officiates for us salvation
forever. That is to say, also the way, truth and life that our
heavenly Father presented to Moses and then to Israel, they are these
days the same for each one of us from all the families of the nations,
beginning always with Israel, because we must go up to the mountaintop
and enter into the Holy of Holiest forever.

Because, only within the Holy of Holiest’s supreme celestial-sacrifice
reconciled we are not only with our heavenly Father each day, but also
we can live within it to enjoy the Holy Spirit’s protection, glory and
eternal peace that will make us everlastingly happy thus to love,
serve and worship our heavenly Father with His name and blessed
commandments forever. Indeed, for this reason our heavenly Father
separated Israel from Egypt, so they may be a different nation filled
with the Holy Spirit from the Holy of Holiest where our celestial-
sacrifice never ceases to officiate for each one of us before our
heavenly Father, so He may have love and mercy for us with
forgiveness, blessing, health, and faultless salvation.

Meaning also that just as Moses saw our Lord Jesus Christ engulf
within the fire of the Holy of Holiest’s continuous celestial-
sacrifice, so he may be born again by the Holy Spirit, then our
heavenly Father wanted the same blessing for each man, woman and child
within Israel, so they may believe His supernatural work with Son
Jesus Christ forever. Indeed, this is our heavenly Father’s supreme
concern that Israel may believe in Him through Moses’ words by
manifesting every word that he had commanded him to carry out
according to what he saw at the mountaintop and within the Holy of
Holiest’s supreme continuous celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
over the altar, so they may become better people forever.

For this is the only way, truth and life from where our heavenly
Father is going to forgive every man’s sin and bless him with an
everlasting faultless salvation, so he may reenter heaven at once thus
to begin His brand new glorious angelic Kingdom as the New Jerusalem
from heaven above where everyone believes in God’s unfailing-love
forever. And this means to believe in our heavenly Father for what He
said and did over Mount Sinai’s summit, so Moses may enter into the
Holy of Holiest for man to see for the first time the celestial-
sacrifice in progress to erase every one’s sin, so they may begin a
new life at once on earth and in heaven too.

And one thing that will surprise everybody to see the moment he or she
enters into the Holy of Holiest, it will be that we resemble to our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach from head to foot and that our names written
they are in him, so he may never forget each day to come to save and
bless us on earth. This is correct. Our names written they are within
the Holy of Holiest and inside our Lord Jesus Christ, because the Holy
of Holiest is our birthplace and our Lord Jesus Christ is our daily-
food, priest and Passover Lamb with our atoning-blood for the
continuous celestial-sacrifice that erases all sins to grant us
eternal life, so we may return to paradise now.

Meaning also that our Lord Jesus Christ is our only true living bread
from the Holy of Holiest that will nourish us supernaturally, so Satan
with his usual wilds may never harm us much less destroy our lives,
the lives that our heavenly Father has entrusted to each one of us
through His fruit of life, our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a wonderful
glorious life filled with the Holy Spirit’s gifts and many
supernatural powers that will enrich our lives just as if we were
already living in paradise and within the Holy of Holiest’s supreme
continuous celestial-sacrifice, so we may love and serve to please our
heavenly Father’s perfect will within our living hearts and eternal
souls forever.

That is to say, also that this is the powerful life from within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven that you really need to have thus to see our
heavenly Father face-to-face and enter into a brand new world where
every one as angels and very holy creatures, for example, love you
perpetually as loved you have never been before. This supernatural
love from within the Holy of Holiest, in reality, it is so powerful
that it will never leave or forsake you on earth, in paradise or
within the brand new Jerusalem from heaven above, so you will always
feel attach to our heavenly Father and His faithful angels forever.

In addition, our heavenly Father has provided His personal love to
each one of us beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise, because we
were born from His unfailing ancient love to know only: goodness,
blessing, prosperity, happiness and eternal life filled with every day
blessing on earth and in heaven as well forever into all eternity to
come. That is why that our heavenly Father told Moses that He must
meet him over the mountaintop with Israel standing at the Mount
Sinai’s foot, so every one may see him speaking to God face-to-face
thus for them to believe forever the words that he would manifest and
the great things that he would do for our heavenly Father’s blessed

Because, what happened over Mount Sinai’s summit and within the Holy
of Holiest and His glorious continuous celestial-sacrifice of His
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach may never die, but instead believed it must
continue to be within everyone’s heart forever and ever into all
eternity for our heavenly Father’s honor of the Holy Spirit, of His
blessed name and eternal commandments. Truthfully, this is our home
from where our heavenly Father gave birth to each one of us thus to
convey His image and live according to His likeness forever in heaven,
on earth and back in heaven again, but this time to live blissfully
happy within the brand New Jerusalem from heaven above where our
heavenly Father’s will prospers perpetually.

This is something that Moses understood, because our heavenly Father
personally told him anytime that he may need to speak to Him about,
then he must renter into the Holy of Holiest of the desert’s
Tabernacle that he (Moses) erected according to the One in heaven, so
he may speak through His continuous celestial-sacrifice to God himself
concerning anything on earth. And this is exactly what our heavenly
Father needed every one within Israel to do, and this is to go up to
Mount Sinai’s summit, but first with Jesus Christ within their hearts
believing in his love and continuous mercy, so he may walk them into
the Holy of Holiest where the ancient celestial-sacrifice is in
progress and burning into eternity.

This supreme celestial-sacrifice in progress is the heart of the Holy
of Holiest and heaven too that our heavenly Father has called every
angel in heaven, every man, woman and child in paradise and on earth
to love unconditionally forever within their hearts, so for our
heavenly Father to enjoy always truth and justice as He sees us from
heaven. This means that if you need our heavenly Father to bless your
life, including your friends, then you must love, pray, and respect
the heart of the Holy of Holiest, which is the continuous supreme
celestial-sacrifice that our heavenly Father started as Adam and Eve
sinned against Him, so He may forgive and grant them blessings with
eternal life through the years.

Moreover, this is important for every one to do daily, so he or she
may be born again from the Holy Spirit to cause the blessings and
great miracles from the continuous celestial-sacrifice to descend upon
their lives and of their loved ones as well everywhere around the
world, so our heavenly Father glorified He may be greatly forever into
eternity. Faithfully, we must believe within our hearts forever what
our heavenly Father did with His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach over Mount
Sinai’s summit, so Moses may make that important approach to God and
His burning celestial-sacrifice that will save Israel from captivity
with divine-protection to enter into Canaan for the holy supreme-
service to begin at the earliest possible before our heavenly Father.

Because, what have been happening over Mount Sinai’s summit and within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven had to manifest exactly as it has been
seen over the years by our heavenly Father and His angelic hosts over
Jerusalem’s bloody rock, so a faultless salvation may finally enter
into the hearts of men forever into all eternity to come. For the
words that our heavenly Father manifested to Moses were for the
Hebrews alone word for word, specially for what He had personally
revealed to him through His burning supreme celestial-sacrifice, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, and that, above all, he was to make a copy of
what he saw within the heaven’s tabernacle, so Israel may have one

Israel was also to enter into it day-after-day just as Moses and the
Levite chief priest would enter into it but only once a year and with
especial sacrifice’s rituals, however, Moses could go into the Holy of
Holiest anytime, because he had already performed the rituals of the
divine celestial-sacrifice in heaven forever—and this is Jesus Christ
himself. That is to say, also that if the Hebrews had believed Moses
forever for all the words that our heavenly Father manifested to him
through His personal burning celestial-sacrifice, our Lord Jesus
Christ, then allowed they would have been to climb to the mountaintop
and enter into the Holy of Holiest one-by-one to do the rituals of the
continuous sacrifice.

However, as we all very well know, Israel rebelled against our
heavenly Father many times before Mount Sinai and at the foot of it,
so our heavenly Father could not allow them to go up to the
mountaintop and enter into the Holy of Holiest to perform their divine
duties of the celestial-sacrifice, but instead severely punished they
were. Because, Aaron could not go up to the mountaintop even though
appointed he was divinely to be Israel’s chief priest, so he may
conduct the daily blood-sacrifices over our heavenly Father’s altars,
but instead punished he was too because he was the one that gave the
Hebrews the idea to collect the jewelry and turn it into a golden

And because of this golden calf offense, then our heavenly Father
could not allow Aaron up to the mountaintop to do the divine rituals
of the supreme celestial-sacrifice with Jesus Christ just as Moses had
done it once earlier but instead recriminated he was by our heavenly
Father and by Moses for causing Israel to sin with an idol. A golden
calf that even though Moses turned it into dust and made them drink
it, it has not left them to this day because logged it is within their
hearts until they personally believe within their hearts for justice
to confess with their lips what our heavenly Father did with His Son
over Mount Sinai’s summit for them to escape slavery forever.

But, our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of the blessed name and
glorified commandments have supernatural powers to break this darkness
within their hearts, so their eyes opened they may be to believe
forever our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach for what he personally did over
Mount Sinai’s summit to liberate them from slavery and finally over
Jerusalem’s bloody-rock for everyone’s faultless salvation. Because,
our heavenly Father’s day-after-day concern is that every Hebrew and
gentile may finally believe within their hearts for what He started
with Son Jesus Christ within the Holy of Holiest and over Mount Sinai
to manifest at last over Jerusalem’s bloody-rock, so sin may die for
life with miracles and blessings may come into existence for everyone
everywhere forever.

Indeed, this is the life that we are compatible with our living souls,
so we may live a very happy life just as if we were already living in
paradise, so we may enjoy all the goodness and glories that our
heavenly Father has created for each one of us in this life and for
the next one into eternity. In addition, this is by default to love,
serve and worship our heavenly Father through His existing burning
celestial-sacrifice that cries constantly in heaven since the day Adam
and Eve sinned against God and His bread of life, our Lord Jesus
Christ, so we may manifest ourselves perfect and holy to revere our
heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit forever.

Because, for men to love, serve, and worship our heavenly Father and
His Holy Spirit on earth and in heaven through His burning celestial-
sacrifice within the celestial Holy of Holiest, indeed, it is a
constant blessing that will enrich our living souls, bodies and human
spirit, so we may never have to suffer again any attack from Satan.
For this is what our Lord Jesus Christ manifested openly to his
disciples in Israel by assuring them that he has personally given them
power over Satan, serpents and scorpions, and nothing by no means will
ever harm them, so we may live for our heavenly Father always
protected wherever we may go on earth and in heaven too.

Indeed, we have wonderful daily blessings with angelic-protections
from heaven, because we have believed forever within our hearts for
justice and confess our Lord Jesus Christ with our lips to please what
our heavenly Father said within the Holy of Holiest, over Mount Sinai
to Moses and later to the nations over Jerusalem’s holy-hill, so we
may live perpetually blessed. These days, if we really believe forever
what our heavenly Father manifested to Moses within the Holy of
Holiest, over Mount Sinai’s summit, then we will also believe
eternally what our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished for us over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, so we may receive forgiveness and our constant
blessings of miracles, wealth, health and prosperity forever into

Today, we will live forever blessed if we only believe forever too
what our heavenly Father did for Israel over Mount Sinai’s summit, so
Israel may walk away from slavery to live a life of freedom on earth
and in eternity filled with everlasting love, health, wealth and
happiness in the New celestial Jerusalem where our God believed He is

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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