HTTPS failing for DataPoint Weather feeds

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Paul Simmonds

Feb 11, 2020, 10:13:22 AM2/11/20
to Met Office DataPoint
I am trying to use the Datapoint weather XML information.

I have it working fine locally!

When I upload my working web page to my website it fails to work;  the root cause is that the data feed is not supporting HTTPS (only HTTP);

The problem with any client side application is that the client side web page is HTTPS by default, and any modern browser does not allow an HTTP feed into an HTTPS page. (for very good security reasons).

Clearly, as HTTPS is now the recommended default for any web site, the DataPoint data feed ** MUST ** also support HTTPS.

Is this a bug / oversight / or can anyone suggest a work around??




Feb 11, 2020, 5:56:55 PM2/11/20
to Met Office DataPoint
I'd suggest proxying requests through some server-side logic. Remember that if you're directly making requests on the client side that means clients have access to your API key as well - and can potentially abuse it too.

Alistair McClymont

Nov 11, 2022, 6:05:45 AM11/11/22
to Met Office DataPoint
This is an issue for me too. Is there no https option for the API. Most APIs seem to be designed for use client side. There's other ways of ensuring API at the met office side of things, but looks like they aren't doing that kind of thing!

Wayne Stallwood

Feb 3, 2023, 3:40:30 AM2/3/23
to Met Office DataPoint

This is due to messing up the certificates when directing this API through their CDN service (Akamai)  It's issuing Akamai certificates rather than one signed for  CDN configuration needs looking at.

This breaks CORS policies in most modern browsers.

Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 08.16.14.png
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