I've uploaded an entirely redone walkthrough of
mmj2's embedded tutorial, and have a new draft:
Several people commented about the need to update the
embedded mmj2 tutorial first, so I took that comment to heart,
updated the embedded mmj2 tutorial (thanks Mario for your review!),
and *then* made a video out of it.
The result is longer - a bit more than an hour - because I've added
extra material, such as info about mmj2's general search capability.
Comments welcome! Make it clear what page it's on.
I've recorded each page as a separate video, and I then
concatenate them. I can fix things, but I have to re-record that page
to fix anything in it.
I haven't made this "public", since I expect I'll have to
re-record a page or two for the final version.
But that's the eventual plan.
--- David A. Wheeler