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Uhmm, well length^2 is difficult where 1 x 3V2 x 3V2 x 3V2 = 2 ; in the mid-section (3V2)^2. ( a Multi-plecation of the “length” where the cube doubles)
0,25992104989487316476721060727823 (=3V2)
Length ^2 = squared surface area. Hence Length ^2 = not another length. In fact it is.
Increasing and decreasing (shortening) are thesame like +1 or -1.
Maybe I don’t really get the point,
With friendly regards,
Dirk-Anton Broersen
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As an example for prime-number analysis I created a programm in C++
Maybe I can create such a file, but I see that a formula must be applied in order to get a mathematical outcome.
With friendly regards,
Dirk-Anton Broersen
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Van: 'Stanislas Polu' via Metamath
Verzonden: donderdag 26 maart 2020 18:01
Aan: meta...@googlegroups.com
Onderwerp: Re: [Metamath] Re: Deep Learning powered proof shortening
Thanks Benoit,
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I hope you can run OpenAI on more proofs. Looking at some the first shortenings, it looks like it can behave as a more efficient "minimize_with" in some cases where there are many "weakenings". For instance, ~mideulem and ~midexlem use a lot of weakenings in the form of adantr, adantlr, ad2antrr, simplr, simprl... Could you run OpenAI on these two theorems to see what it does ?Benoît
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How large are the quantum logic and intuitionistic logic databases?
What would be the main value of applying our proves on them out of
Do you believe the community would be interested in an online tool to discharge goals?
The model is capable to prove some of the prime number theorems, but
proofs sizes do grow very fast. I believe we already proved 17 as an
example. Out of curiosity, why are you specifically interested in
these two classes of theorems?
Very interesting. Arguably higher level theorems proofs would
eventually become ~~ similar?
There's a general phenomenon in which you can have statements which are not equivalent in iset.mm but which become equivalent given excluded middle. Examples include inhabited versus nonempty, the two sides of http://us2.metamath.org:88/ileuni/xorbin.html , apart versus not equal, and others. The rpneg vs rpnegap example illustrates two of these - apartness and exclusive or. There's a whole section http://us2.metamath.org:88/ileuni/mmil.html#intuitionize about how to turn a set.mm proof into an iset.mm proof.
I wouldn't say that higher level theorems are necessarily more similar than lower level theorems - see for example the discussion of the intermediate value theorem in http://us2.metamath.org:88/ileuni/mmil.html#Bauer . Or any number of theorems about series convergence (which I don't know off the top of my head, but there is a bunch of stuff about modulus of convergence and such).
But I think the "would
eventually become ~~ similar?" question wasn't about "similarity"
in a general sense, but specifically about double negation. I'm
not sure I have anything to offer on that. A metamath.exe run of
"search * '-. -.'" in iset.mm shows almost no hits, nor do I
remember much of the literature I've been using talking about
double negation. I've seen things like
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-negation_translation but
haven't tried to formalize anything described there. Nor do I know
how it applies to set theory - that page stops at first-order
logic and Heyting/Peano arithmetic.
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