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Two Research Fellow Positions - Deep Learning for Molecular Docking, Duke Kunshan University, China

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Mustafa MISIR

Dec 13, 2023, 3:46:11 AM12/13/23
** Apologies for cross-posting **

Two Research Fellow Positions - Deep Learning for Molecular Docking, Duke Kunshan University, China

These positions will undertake a study in Computer-Aided Drug Discovery. The goal is utilizing Deep Learning to build strong and robust models for Molecular Docking.

Position #1 - Requirements

- Deep Learning background and expertise in the well-known Machine Learning / Deep Learning libraries of Python such as TensorFlow and Pytorch.
- Experience in Computational Chemistry, particularly about Molecular Docking, and the existing docking, programming libraries will be beneficial but not required.
- Master or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Chemistry, or other related discipline.

Position #2 - Requirements

- Background knowledge in Computational Chemistry, particularly about Molecular Docking, and experience in the existing docking, programming libraries.
- Practical knowledge in the well-known Machine Learning / Deep Learning libraries of Python such as TensorFlow and Pytorch.
- Master or Ph.D. in Computational Chemistry, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, or other related discipline.

Interested candidates, please email your CV including the link of your Google Scholar page and a cover letter to

Best regards,


Mustafa MISIR


Assoc. Prof. of Data and Computational Science

Lead, Machine lEarning and Operations Research (MEmORy) Lab

Division of Natural and Applied Sciences

Duke Kunshan University

Duke Avenue No. 8, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China 215316  


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