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[ANN] Metaceller

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Tudor Girba

Feb 2, 2010, 6:32:48 PM2/2/10

I would want to announce a basic version of a browser for managing
Metacello configurations already loaded in the image. It is called
Metaceller :) and it is based on Glamour.

To get it, invoke the following:

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'glamoroust';
package: 'ConfigurationOfGlamoroust';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlamoroust) perform: #loadDefault.
(Smalltalk at: #GLMMetaceller) perform: #open

It requires Metacello 1.22. If you get have the OB-Metacello package
loaded, you will get these menu items in the contextual menu of the

More features will probably appear in the near future.

Feedback is welcome.



"Obvious things are difficult to teach."

Germán Arduino

Feb 3, 2010, 6:35:00 AM2/3/10

On a Pharo-1.0-10508-rc2 Latest update: #10508 image, the installation
goes ok, but
trying to open it, the key GLMMetaceller is not on the Smalltalk
dictionary (Of course
the GLMMetaceller class don't exist on the image).


2010/2/2 Tudor Girba <>:

Simon Denier

Feb 3, 2010, 8:32:51 AM2/3/10
to, Simon Denier

On 3 févr. 2010, at 12:35, Germán Arduino wrote:

> Hi:
> On a Pharo-1.0-10508-rc2 Latest update: #10508 image, the installation
> goes ok, but
> trying to open it, the key GLMMetaceller is not on the Smalltalk
> dictionary (Of course
> the GLMMetaceller class don't exist on the image).

Yep there is a typo, it's GTMetaceller

Nice tool Doru

> Cheers.
> Germán.
> 2010/2/2 Tudor Girba <>:
>> Hi,
>> I would want to announce a basic version of a browser for managing Metacello
>> configurations already loaded in the image. It is called Metaceller :) and
>> it is based on Glamour.
>> To get it, invoke the following:
>> Gofer new
>> squeaksource: 'glamoroust';
>> package: 'ConfigurationOfGlamoroust';
>> load.
>> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlamoroust) perform: #loadDefault.
>> (Smalltalk at: #GLMMetaceller) perform: #open
>> It requires Metacello 1.22. If you get have the OB-Metacello package loaded,
>> you will get these menu items in the contextual menu of the configurations.
>> More features will probably appear in the near future.
>> Feedback is welcome.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> --
>> "Obvious things are difficult to teach."


Simon Denier

Feb 3, 2010, 8:33:41 AM2/3/10
to metacello, Simon Denier

Damn, hit send too quickly.

I was wondering about the meaning of colors in the different panes.


Tudor Girba

Feb 3, 2010, 10:58:43 AM2/3/10
to, Simon Denier

Indeed, it is GTMetaceller. Sorry for the typo :).

As for the colors, I added a small help text.



"It's not how it is, it is how we see it."


Feb 8, 2010, 2:26:58 PM2/8/10
to Metacello

Here's some feedback after playing with Metaceller for a bit.

First off it looks like Metaceller continues to work with 1.0-beta.23.

Secondly, it took a while to figure out that double-click was the
magic to see the details of the config ... and then only after opening
help window:)

I'm wondering if there is a way to remove a project from the tab list,
once I've double-clicked. I'm working in an image with all of the
configs loaded so I can run out of tab space quickly if I'm just
browsing around...

More feedback after playing a bit more ... good work!


Dale Henrichs

Feb 8, 2010, 4:11:57 PM2/8/10

----- "Dale" <> wrote:

| Doru,
| Here's some feedback after playing with Metaceller for a bit.
| First off it looks like Metaceller continues to work with
| 1.0-beta.23.
| Secondly, it took a while to figure out that double-click was the
| magic to see the details of the config ... and then only after
| opening
| help window:)
| I'm wondering if there is a way to remove a project from the tab
| list,
| once I've double-clicked. I'm working in an image with all of the
| configs loaded so I can run out of tab space quickly if I'm just
| browsing around...
| More feedback after playing a bit more ... good work!

Would be nice if double clicking on a project ref in the details list opened a project tab (new or existing) on the selected project...


Tudor Girba

Feb 8, 2010, 5:08:15 PM2/8/10
Hi Dale,

On 8 Feb 2010, at 22:11, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> ----- "Dale" <> wrote:
> | Doru,
> |
> | Here's some feedback after playing with Metaceller for a bit.
> |
> | First off it looks like Metaceller continues to work with
> | 1.0-beta.23

Great :)

> | Secondly, it took a while to figure out that double-click was the
> | magic to see the details of the config ... and then only after
> | opening
> | help window:)

This is the behavior from Eclipse. I can change it, but only after we
have a more decent tab morph.

> | I'm wondering if there is a way to remove a project from the tab
> | list,
> | once I've double-clicked. I'm working in an image with all of the
> | configs loaded so I can run out of tab space quickly if I'm just
> | browsing around...

At the moment, there is no way, because the Morph widget does not
allow it. It is on my to do list to look at this, but it is not high
up in priority.

> | More feedback after playing a bit more ... good work!
> Would be nice if double clicking on a project ref in the details
> list opened a project tab (new or existing) on the selected project...

Good idea. Done.


> Dale

Dale Henrichs

Feb 8, 2010, 6:16:15 PM2/8/10

Your update worked great! Now that I know about double clicking it's not a problem and closing tabs isn't a high priority for me either.

I've checked in some additional changes that make GTMetaceller work better with 1.0-beta.23. The caching scheme has changed for 1.0-beta.23 so I added some 1.0-beta.23 caching code (it's compatible with 1.0-beta.22).

1.0-beta.23 gets better answers for currentVersion, but it costs a bit more to calculate, so the caching is necessary.

A couple more comments:
- need to update configuration list, currentVersion and version pane when a
load is performed (within tool) so that new current version info is reflected
(the 1.0-beta.23 cache bould need to be cleared too:)
- load menu item in the version pane ... this probably falls into the category of
pulling the OB-tools menu items into the version pane...

Great work.


Tudor Girba

Feb 9, 2010, 12:18:54 PM2/9/10
Thanks Dale.

> Your update worked great! Now that I know about double clicking it's
> not a problem and closing tabs isn't a high priority for me either.
> I've checked in some additional changes that make GTMetaceller work
> better with 1.0-beta.23. The caching scheme has changed for 1.0-beta.
> 23 so I added some 1.0-beta.23 caching code (it's compatible with
> 1.0-beta.22).

Thanks :)

> 1.0-beta.23 gets better answers for currentVersion, but it costs a
> bit more to calculate, so the caching is necessary.
> A couple more comments:
> - need to update configuration list, currentVersion and version
> pane when a
> load is performed (within tool) so that new current version info
> is reflected
> (the 1.0-beta.23 cache bould need to be cleared too:)
> - load menu item in the version pane ... this probably falls into
> the category of
> pulling the OB-tools menu items into the version pane...

These should be doable quite easily. I added them on my list but I
will probably need help on the first issue.



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