Qorvus Qcode

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Nick halln@clannet.co.uk

Oct 25, 2007, 5:48:26 AM10/25/07
to Mesh wireless

We have tried very hard to get qcode to run on a variety of platforms
including Mini ITX and compaq's with a variety of cards Atheros 2315
chipset, CM9, prism MA311 but never achieved a working machine. I
think as they have developed their code solely on the PC engines WRAP
platform in recent years and is now become incompatible. They seemed
unwilling to persevere to fix it so we have abandoned that
avenue....... now...where's that Buffalo!??



Oct 26, 2007, 6:45:16 AM10/26/07
to Mesh wireless
Thanks for this info Nick
I was / am thinking of using the Qcode on out system but Tom from
Qcode told me it is developed for the PC engine wrap boards and may
not function on the mini ATX
So its stick the mesh box on a pole or put up with the flaky Locust
World pro.
I also am desperate to find a stable controllable system

On Oct 25, 10:48 am, "Nick ha...@clannet.co.uk"

Nick halln@clannet.co.uk

Oct 26, 2007, 10:13:45 AM10/26/07
to Mesh wireless


Your in the right place then if you also are desperate like us!!!

We have been lucky enough to be invited to SWBB to talk things over
together with Tom and Helen who been most of our inspiration for some
years now.

We were in close agreement of some of the flaky bits of LW. VoIP does
not really work past 2 hop cus of bad routing and dropouts, and
perennial No CATsplash problem. We were shocked when we learnt that
WDS hacks straight through all of LW security. I think that was the
nail in the coffin for me!

Tom is of the opinion that this is not a 'all or nothing' scenario. He
has great suceess with integrating ddwrt on a step by step basis
working from the backhaul outwards, using WDS, but leaving the LW
boxes just to authenticate untill we have a decent 'backend' to handle
all the things that wiana does. Having said that Rflow looks excellent
way to visualise your network. My colleague Dean Welbourn and I are
going to have a go at coding a very very simple 'Backend' to generate
interest in this idea of a wiana replacement and might include: a ping
poling program to check connectivity across the network and visualise
it and send alerts. We wil try to be hardware agnostic as possible to
fit with this group and the other group of meshers. Some logic to
detect a problem and send command to a meshAP to change froma gateway
to repeater to repair using any redundant links it has (because all LW
boxes will become gateways on the ddwrt backbones). Cature and process
data from Rflow. Incorpoate a radius server and simple frontend.

Anyone want to contribute, help, critisise or suggest are warmly
welcomed at CLANNET. We are at the point of gathering ideas and
putting code snippets together, putting elements of VB together cus
thats what we are comfortable coding in.

Still have to burn my first ddWRT!

Tom Anderson

Oct 26, 2007, 10:24:59 AM10/26/07
to mes...@googlegroups.com
Don't burn it........Flash it :-)


Still have to burn my first ddWRT!

Nick halln@clannet.co.uk

Oct 26, 2007, 10:46:53 AM10/26/07
to Mesh wireless
I wondered where i was goin wrong!!!
he he

> > Still have to burn my first ddWRT!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Oct 27, 2007, 6:15:48 AM10/27/07
to Mesh wireless
Great Thanks.

I will help where I can,
We have 30 odd nodes running LW pro
Some Dual 2.4 radios
Some with 5.85 BackHaul and 2.4 for Users

I can help with building and testing (I think )


On Oct 26, 3:46 pm, "Nick ha...@clannet.co.uk"


Oct 27, 2007, 4:02:24 PM10/27/07
to Mesh wireless
Dead simple.

Rig up PC/laptop directly to device with a straight ethernet cable.

Set your PC's ethernet to netmask

(I use the RT210W boards from Geoff at www.msdist.co.uk, as they're
cheap, and there's a really quick and simple PoE mod for them - 2
short wires !)

No power on the target board yet.

On the PC : Start-Run-Cmd

cd to wherever you downloaded dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin to

type in :-

tftp -i PUT dd-wrt.V23_generic.bin

Power up the target board.

BUT. Timing is crucial.

You might have to re-try that a few times, and reset the target device
a few times.
I generally find that i type the command on the PC, power up the
device, and at the *exact* moment that the ethernet light comes on, i
press enter on the PC.

You can tell when it works because the PC says 'xxx bytes transferred,
and lots of flashing lights happen on the target device.

That happens inside a minute. If the PC says 'timeout occurred' you
need to start again.

I've done about 35, so it's just a routine for me, but it was a bit
frustrating the first few times.

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