Buffalo WHR-G54S failure

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Richard B

Nov 28, 2007, 3:34:10 PM11/28/07
to Mesh wireless
I have been using a WHR-G54S (or "Air Station Turbo G") since the
start of September to plug a hole in our Locust World based coverage.
It has been reflashed with DD-WRT. A directional antenna is used via a
pigtail. Testing showed that this is the "right hand" antenna so far
as DD-WRT settings are concerned - the "left" antenna being internal.
It is set to transmit and receive on this antenna (rather than using
the defaults of "auto"). For 10 weeks the transmit power was set to
75mw, then that was reduced to 50mw. Recently service failed
intermittently and then ceased. Investigation showed that the unit
could see other networks but had apparently ceased to transmit

Has anyone else had any radio failures on this device?
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