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Mar 19, 2008, 8:25:54 AM3/19/08
to Mesh wireless
Hello group,

Been invited here by Helen (who from the archives seems to invite
people all the time!)

My question to Helen was ''is this another discussion point or is
there actual development going? And if so, is this within an open
community, or are we just buzzing around the LocustWorld silo....''
This all came about by Don on the meshap list asking about people
seeking to collaborate on mesh-aware web services. I'm up for helping
develop and test wireless mesh and mesh-aware services in an open
collaborative community.

I'm currently using meraki hardware and playing with openWRT based
firmwares. My plans for the this summer (after my degree program is
finished) is to rollout my mekari mesh and to migrate my LWboxes to a
compatible firmware.

I also offer subversion hosting for development and wiki's and other
stuff - alternatively there is always sourceforge or googlecode.

Best regards to you all



Mar 19, 2008, 8:28:44 AM3/19/08
to Mesh wireless
I've just been over to the other group about meraki/fon based openmesh
&tc interesting!

Regards, Rob

Don Moskaluk

Mar 19, 2008, 9:32:58 AM3/19/08
Hi Rob

Yeah what I looking to do is get people to build application for the Mesh.
It is not restricted to a specific development or OS but I think we need to
build products for this community. My assumptions is to keep it simple,
keep it separate, & keep it clean
(following lifecycle approach.)

More information later

Don Moskaluk

Helen Anderson

Mar 19, 2008, 8:35:11 AM3/19/08
Good stuff, hope u didn't mind me inviting you.

I do only invite those that tell me they are looking at other
solutions,and feel as we do that LW is not being developed.

There were so many people emailing us as individuals because of our
affliation with the community broadband network that I felt we should
set up a group, how people move from there is up to them.

Where are you based Rob?

Cheers Helen



Mar 19, 2008, 9:56:29 AM3/19/08
to Mesh wireless
London. previously associated with the utopia that was wirelesslondon
which introduced me to the friefunk people and other euro / global
wireless hacker communities. my project is in queen's park london. it
provides hotspots which fund local community web tools and training
for local groups. I also run comwifinet an organisation that supports
community networks by donating my paid time to

pretty stagnant though in honesty. I've not done much wireless for
about 18 months what with my degree program and a baby. and also
because of the closed nature of LW.

this summer is my summer of wireless and code. planning meraki and
atheros meshing projects, replacing my LW boxen (all three!) with new
firmwares and backends that I can get into and add stuff to.

regards, Rob

On 19 Mar, 12:35, Helen Anderson <>


Mar 19, 2008, 10:01:52 AM3/19/08
to Mesh wireless
Hi Rod,
Many of us are dedicated practioners and only partly technical as
there are many parts to making a succesful community broadband
project. South Witham is a good example that has survived and
flourishes in a '3or4 play' world where broadband comes bundled 'free'
in that they created 'value added' through service to their
Yes many on us started with Locustworld Mesh but the Pro version
pricing structure and the squeeze on costs from wired broadband
together with rumours of poor performance meant take up was poor.
There are critical problems with Meshap Many of us have deployed
simple WDS networks with dd-wrt to replace expensive meshboxes
However, I think this groups focus has been on lower cost hardware,
increasing perf ormance and alternative 'complete solutions'.

On Mar 19, 12:25 pm, RobD <> wrote:

ian salmon

Mar 19, 2008, 3:02:55 PM3/19/08
Hi RobD & all!!

Welcome Rob,

I as well started with Locustworld MeshAP many years ago and been frustrated with its lack of development. We still have over a 100 MeshAp pro nodes up and running as community not for profit networks and also many meraki...

However as you must know, Meraki did the dirty on many of us and hence we shifted like many others to look at alternative open source software..The reason we wanted open source was so that our development would not be restricted. Hence we personally shifted towards OpenWRT as against the dd-WRT route

We started with many other networks and steadily all is coming into place. The open-mesh software will now run on our compaqs and is meshing happily with the small merakis and foneros! All we had to do was to put an atheros card in!

This is always what we wanted! Compaqs/dells or whatever being able to mesh with these new tiny boxes... plus its all open source! development is welcomed!!

At the moment we have a choice and its great!!

Feel free to post if you need any further help on our Open-WRT project

Best Wishes,

Ian Salmon
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