DD-WRT 'custom job'

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Oct 17, 2007, 12:52:34 AM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
Hi All.

Adrian Robinson reckons that I might have some useful input here.

I'm operating in Spain, and have built a 65 node net on dd-wrt, custom
linux on wrap boards, and now mikrotik too (for 5ghz).

The way i did the dd-wrt stuff was to set them all to ad-hoc mode and
manage the routing though the use of different ip ranges on each
wireless interface.

The authentication is done at the MAC level, and each dd-wrt 'node' is
controlled using simple shell scripts - the nodes fetch commands from
a web server on the local net every few minutes.

As the kit is so cheap, i use two routers back-to back in the same box
to shift channels for the next 'hop'. 14db directional panels work
well for me out here.

The upshot of having them in ad-hoc mode is that they can talk to each
other without wds, so no bandwidth reservation issue either.

QoS and bandwidth control are also scripted, so if anyone could use
the scripts, i can post them.

Overall the dd-wrt (i use v23 on bare buffalo boards) has been
brilliant. No powerup issues, solid performance. The only problem i
get is that they can revert to the default settings if you cycle the
power repeatedly for about 10 minutes, but a ups or battery backup
sorts that one out.

Another great thing about these cheapo boards is that you can do a
really simple 2-wire mod to make them passive PoE too, and the power
chip handles anything between 4.5v and 24v. There are 4 RJ45's as
well, which makes a back-to-back setup very simple.

A *vital* command to put in the startup script is

wl -i eth2 interference off

without that, the nodes can automatically switch channels if they
think there's interference about.
Spooky to see that happen.

Phil Thompson

Oct 17, 2007, 3:04:13 AM10/17/07
to mes...@googlegroups.com
aga wrote:

> The authentication is done at the MAC level, and each dd-wrt 'node' is
> controlled using simple shell scripts - the nodes fetch commands from
> a web server on the local net every few minutes.

where in the system does the MAC authentication occur ?

if you're in ad-hoc mode I presume it can't be using the wrt-radauth
method to deny wireless connections based on RADIUS checking.



Oct 17, 2007, 5:02:50 AM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
I just used iptables to redirect everything to a server (local in this
case) unless it gets a 'mangle' mark of 0x02.
In the 'mangle' table is every MAC that that that particular node
should allow.
the MACs are fetched from the control server, which determines which
MACs each node will accept, so i can allow for roaming or fixed
locations for each users' device.

As below, where it drops anything from the client's ip range, or
redirects it to if you prefer :-

# mark everything with 0x01
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s -j MARK --set-mark

# choose whether to drop or redirect.
#iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m mark --mark 1/1 -j DNAT --to
iptables -A FORWARD -m mark --mark 1/1 -j DROP

then :-

iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -m mac --mac-source 00:14:78:79:1a:d6
-j MARK --set-mark 2

so that MAC address 00:14:78:79:1a:d6 works, but nothing else does.
The scripts that they get add all of the expected MACs to the mangle
table in the same way.

This basically what all the various auth systems do anyway, but this
was easier for me to understand.
If you use Radius, then there's just another thing to learn about, and
it still ends up doing the above - more or less.

Incidentally, i did a couple of scripts for the control server to
catch POP and SMTP too, so unauthenticated users can connect, but get
my splash page if they try the web, or if they try to download email,
they repeatedly get one saying 'pay up', or if they try to send email
they get an SMTP 'no way hose' error message.

Richard B

Oct 17, 2007, 10:13:29 AM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
What you have going looks very interesting, Adrian ("aga"). It might
well suit us in north Leicestershire. If you are happy to share your
work could you post your scripts and any explanatory documents as
files through the web interface?

Richard B.


Oct 17, 2007, 2:14:44 PM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
OK. No reason not to, despite being encouraged to make a 'New LW'.
I've given up chasing rainbows.

Basic requirements were these :-

1. cheap kit.
2. max throughput
3. simple setup ('absolute zero' config is impossible, as someone has
to fit the kit, i.e. me).
4. all control in my hands - not dependant on others

So, with dd-wrt it turns out that you can use cheap kit, and you can
run custom scripts under 'Administration->Commands'
dd-wrt is good in that it has a web interface, so basic setup is easy.

The commands wget, tc, ip, and iptables are available, so *all*
control is possible.

I run a script from the startup script that continuously gets commands
(simple shell scripts) from the control server, which is basically a
web server with php and mysql.

here's the startup script :-


ifconfig eth1 down

ifconfig br0 192.168.$IP.1 netmask mtu 1450
ifconfig br0:1 192.168.$IP.65 netmask mtu 1450

ifconfig eth2 192.168.$IP.129 netmask mtu 1450
ifconfig eth2:1 192.168.$IP.193 netmask mtu 1450
#ifconfig eth2:2 $UPLINK netmask $ULMASK mtu 1450

iptables -F -t nat
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
wl -i eth2 interference 0

route del default gw
route add default gw $GW

echo "interface=br0">/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
echo "interface=eth2">>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
echo "resolv-file=/tmp/resolv.dnsmasq">>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
echo "dhcp-leasefile=/tmp/dnsmasq.leases">>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
echo "dhcp-lease-max=60">>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
echo "dhcp-authoritative">>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf

echo "dhcp-range=e,192.168.$IP.2,192.168.$IP.
echo "dhcp-option=e,3,192.168.$IP.1">>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
echo "dhcp-option=e,6,">>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf

echo "dhcp-range=w,192.168.$IP.130,192.168.$IP.
echo "dhcp-option=w,3,192.168.$IP.129">>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
echo "dhcp-option=w,6,">>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf

killall dnsmasq
dnsmasq --conf-file /tmp/dnsmasq.conf

echo "#!/bin/sh">$CF
echo "echo 30 >$CF.t">$CF
echo "while [ 1 = 1 ]; do">>$CF
echo "if wget -O $CF.c \"http://$CONTROL?s=\`cat $CF.s\`&n=`hostname`
\";then chmod 755 $CF.c;. $CF.c $CF;fi">>$CF
echo "sleep \`cat $CF.t\`">>$CF
echo "done">>$CF

echo 0 > $CF.s
chmod 755 $CF
. $CF &


Oct 17, 2007, 2:20:13 PM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
In this setup, you give each router an address in the 192.168.x.x
range. To save IP addresses (should have used 10.x.x.x.) i split this
into 4 subnets using /26 or

Two subnets are for customers - one for wifi, one for ethernet, and
the other two are to allow downstream routers to connect by ethernet
or wifi.

You set this router's ip range by changing the top line :-
> IP=33

The uplink - providing that this isn't a gateway, is set here :-
> GW=

This bit is the IP you set as your address on the node you're
connecting to :-

Most of the rest is to create the addresses on the interfaces, and to
set up dnsmasq.conf so dhcp works on ethernet and wifi.

This bit kicks off the long-running script to go and get more command
from the control server.


Oct 17, 2007, 2:29:47 PM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
The first script - and it appears that you can only get about 1600
bytes each time - sets up the QoS prio and htb qdiscs. If you look
carefully there are queues to allow from 16mb/s down to 32kb/s, and an
overriding pro qdisc that will actually go so far as to drop any other
traffic if any voip traffic is waiting - true priority ! This just
creates the queues - it doesn;t actually allocate any clients to one
of them :-

for DEV in br0 eth2
/usr/sbin/tc qdisc del dev $DEV root 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/tc qdisc del dev $DEV ingress 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/tc qdisc add dev ${DEV} root handle 1: prio bands 2 priomap
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
/usr/sbin/tc qdisc add dev ${DEV} parent 1:1 handle 11: pfifo
/usr/sbin/tc qdisc add dev ${DEV} parent 1:2 handle 12: htb r2q 10
/usr/sbin/tc class add dev ${DEV} parent 12: classid 12:1 htb rate
16mbit burst 2k
for RATE in 16mbit 8mbit 4mbit 2mbit 1mbit 512kbit 256kbit 128kbit
64kbit 32kbit
/usr/sbin/tc class add dev ${DEV} parent 12:1 classid 12:1${C} htb
rate ${RATE} ceil ${RATE} burst 2k prio 1
/usr/sbin/tc qdisc add dev ${DEV} parent 12:1${C} handle 121${C}: sfq
perturb 10
C=`expr $C + 1`
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/${DEV}/send_redirects

iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit 5/s -j ACCEPT
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_sack
echo 1 > $1.s
echo 1 > $1.t

This bit is really important, and you must set an MTU of 1450 on your
interfaces too :-

iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-

It seems the internet is broken, and you can't do proper path-mtu-
discovery, so unless you get your packet sizes lower than the
wire ...... The effect is usually that Google works, but no other
website will if you forget this bit.


Oct 17, 2007, 2:32:45 PM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
Next comes a clean-up so we knoe where we are. It just flushes any
filtering, and stops users browsing each other :-

iptables -F -t nat
iptables -F -t mangle
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -F OUTPUT
iptables -F FORWARD
# Prevent windows browsing
for I in 136 137 139
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $I -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport $I -j DROP
echo 3 > $1.s
echo 1 > $1.t


Oct 17, 2007, 2:34:18 PM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
Next one throws the client IP ranges to the control server for a
splash page etc :-

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m mark --mark 1/1 -j DNAT --to

iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s -j MARK --set-mark
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s -j MARK --set-
mark 1

echo 5 > $1.s
echo 1 > $1.t


Oct 17, 2007, 2:38:05 PM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
Now come the client MACs to allow :-

iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -m mac --mac-source 00:02:8a:b8:c6:04
-j MARK --set-mark 2
iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -m mac --mac-source 00:15:00:23:C0:83
-j MARK --set-mark 2
iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -m mac --mac-source 00:14:78:79:1a:de
-j MARK --set-mark 2
iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -m mac --mac-source 00:40:63:D8:E0:24
-j MARK --set-mark 2

echo 5 > $1.s
echo 1 > $1.t

BTW. those last two lines tell the router how long (seconds) to sleep
until it gets the next script, and what it's next 'step' is.

That lets me remotely adjust the frquency that each node checks in. On
startup it's 1 second, so it loads fast, but after that it's once
every 10 mins. The 'ctrl.s' is the step counter, so i can remotely
tell it to re-start (not reboot) the script sequence. I only ever do
that when i'm messing, but it seemed useful.


Oct 17, 2007, 2:48:34 PM10/17/07
to Mesh wireless
I've not done the node-to-node authentication in this model, as it
seems pointless in my case. I use encryption on the air mostly, so you
cant get access anyway without the keys. If i want a hotspot, i bolt
it on the back of another node.

I had the idea of 'every node a hotspot' but i live in the middle of
no-where, and goats tend not to have laptops or PDAs ...

Some people have criticised my approach, saying that client data can
be seen by other clients. This is basically possible, as both could
know the keys, and both would have some measure of network access.

My response to that is that if someone holds a gun (or even holds a
trowel in a threatening manner) to my head, then i'll probably give
them full access to everything.

Also, anything critical is SSL, e.g. banking, is as un-crackable as we
got anyway.

Simple really ;)


Richard B

Oct 19, 2007, 7:26:28 AM10/19/07
to Mesh wireless
Thanks for these messages! I have started to mug up on iptables!


Oct 19, 2007, 11:01:19 AM10/19/07
to Mesh wireless
Many thanks for your posts above aga - can you share similar info
about the backend web/php/sql server setup eg the php scripts that are
sending and processing node data?


> I had the idea of 'every node a hotspot' but i live in the middle of
> no-where, and goats tend not to have laptops or PDAs ...


I guess there is a market/application for tracking animals though
perhaps not goats :)

How about cattle, horses or indeed wild animals - I'm thinking of
tracking and/or determining whether each beast is within range of a
given node (or has just been nicked for example)



Oct 20, 2007, 2:35:51 AM10/20/07
to Mesh wireless
The half-finished thing i've done is mysql based, mainly so i can run
it on my asterisk (trixbox) server.
The overall plan is to integrate everything, so i get system control,
network monitoring and billing for phone calls + internet all in one

Here's the 'nodes' table schema :-

CREATE TABLE `nodes` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`auth_seq` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`name` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',
`power` text,
`devs` varchar(45) default NULL,
`gateway` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`ip` varchar(45) default NULL,
`poll_interval` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`town` varchar(45) default NULL,
`country` varchar(45) default NULL,
`region` varchar(45) default NULL,
`notes` text,
`last_contact` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`restart` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`last_seq` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`reboot` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`name`)


Oct 20, 2007, 2:40:12 AM10/20/07
to Mesh wireless
Here's the main control web page/script (a.php)

$username = "mysqlusername";
$password = "mysqlpassword";
$hostname = "localhost";
$database = "wifi";

$conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password)
or die();
mysql_select_db($database, $conn)
or die();

# Save last contact time
if(empty($s)) $s=0;
$q="update nodes set last_contact=now(), last_seq=$s where name='$n'";
mysql_query($q, $conn);

# Get node info
$q="select * from nodes where name='$n'";
$res=mysql_query($q, $conn);
if(mysql_numrows($res)==0) // eek. node id doesn;t exist
{ $poll_interval=300;
{ $row=mysql_fetch_object($res);

# See if a reload has been flagged (just re-do the scripts)
{ $q="update nodes set restart=0 where name='$n'";
mysql_query($q, $conn);

# See if a reboot has been flagged
{ $q="update nodes set reboot=0 where name='$n'";
mysql_query($q, $conn);
echo "reboot";

# Dunno what went wrong, so restart the scrit sequence
if(empty($s)||!is_numeric($s)) $s=0;

{ case 0: // restarted - create filters
include "q.php";

case 1: // assign VoIP to PRIO
include "f1.php";

case 2:
include "f2.php";

case 3: // set dns server and remove dd-wrt login prompt
echo "echo \"\" > /tmp/loginprompt\n";
echo "echo \"nameserver\" > /etc/resolv.conf\n";

case 4:
include "auth-x.php";

case 5:
include "auth-x2.php";

case 6:
if(!empty($row->power)) echo str_replace("\r","",$row->power)."\n";

case 7: // Blacklist
include "b.php";

case 8: // set gateways to NAT all
if($gateway==1) include "g.php";

case 98:
include "m1.php"; // Test - get associated macs etc



echo <? echo $SEQ ?> > $1.s
echo <? echo $poll_interval ?> > $1.t


Oct 20, 2007, 2:42:56 AM10/20/07
to Mesh wireless
q.php - creates the traffic control/QoS queues

// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$RATES="16mbit 8mbit 4mbit 2mbit 1mbit 512kbit 256kbit 128kbit 64kbit

echo "
for DEV in $DEVS
$TC qdisc del dev \$DEV root 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
$TC qdisc del dev \$DEV ingress 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
$TC qdisc add dev \${DEV} root handle 1: prio bands 2 priomap 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

$TC qdisc add dev \${DEV} parent 1:1 handle 11: pfifo
$TC qdisc add dev \${DEV} parent 1:2 handle 12: htb r2q 10
$TC class add dev \${DEV} parent 12: classid 12:1 htb rate $MAXRATE
burst 2k
for RATE in $RATES
$TC class add dev \${DEV} parent 12:1 classid 12:1\${C} htb rate \$

{RATE} ceil \${RATE} burst 2k prio 1

$TC qdisc add dev \${DEV} parent 12:1\${C} handle 121\${C}: sfq

perturb 10
C=`expr \$C + 1`

echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/\${DEV}/send_redirects

iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit 5/s -j ACCEPT
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_sack



Oct 20, 2007, 2:44:48 AM10/20/07
to Mesh wireless
f1.php - assign VoiP traffic to the prio qdisc, and set the default
speed limits for clients on this node

$LOCAL="192.168.$IP.128/26 192.168.$IP.0/26";
$q="select * from products where node_default=1";
$pres=mysql_query($q, $conn);
{ $CIN=5;
{ $prow=mysql_fetch_object($pres);

echo "
for DEV in $DEVS

$TC filter add dev \$DEV parent 1: prio 1 protocol ip u32 match ip
src \${S} flowid 1:1
$TC filter add dev \$DEV parent 1: prio 1 protocol ip u32 match ip
dst \${S} flowid 1:1
$TC filter add dev \$DEV parent 1: protocol ip prio 3 u32 match ip src flowid 1:2
$TC filter add dev \$DEV parent 1: protocol ip prio 3 u32 match ip dst flowid 1:2
for L in $LOCAL
$TC filter add dev \$DEV parent 12: protocol ip prio 3 u32 match ip
src \${L} flowid 12:1$COUT
$TC filter add dev \$DEV parent 12: protocol ip prio 3 u32 match ip
dst \${L} flowid 12:1$CIN
$TC filter add dev \$DEV parent 12: protocol ip prio 3 u32 match ip
src flowid 12:10
$TC filter add dev \$DEV parent 12: protocol ip prio 3 u32 match ip
dst flowid 12:10


Oct 20, 2007, 2:47:24 AM10/20/07
to Mesh wireless
f2.php - clean up iptables, clamp the MTU, try to stop DoS attacks
with SYN cookies, and stop windows browsing (aka client isolation,
sort of).

// set up the basic table rules

echo "iptables -F -t nat

iptables -F -t mangle
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -F OUTPUT
iptables -F FORWARD

iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit 5/s -j ACCEPT

# Prevent windows browsing
for I in 136 137 139
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport \$I -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport \$I -j DROP



Oct 20, 2007, 2:48:50 AM10/20/07
to Mesh wireless
auth-x.php - shove client traffic into the queues we created, and
start assigning MACs that are allowed access.

global $SEQ;
global $row;
global $n;

echo "
#iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m mark --mark 1/1 -j DNAT --to
iptables -A FORWARD -m mark --mark 1/1 -j DROP
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s 192.168.$IP.0/26 -j MARK --set-
mark 1
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s 192.168.$IP.128/26 -j MARK --set-
mark 1

$q="update nodes set auth_seq=0 where nodes.id=".$row->$id;
mysql_query($q, $conn);


$q="select trim(roaming_macs) as macs from sales where
$res=mysql_query($q, $conn);
{ $srow=mysql_fetch_object($res);
fputs($fp, $srow->macs."\n");
$q="select trim(static_macs) as macs from sales, nodes where
sales.home_node=nodes.id and length(trim(static_macs))>0 and
nodes.id=".$row->id; $res=mysql_query($q, $conn);

{ $srow=mysql_fetch_object($res);
fputs($fp, $srow->macs."\n");




Oct 20, 2007, 2:51:40 AM10/20/07
to Mesh wireless
auth-x2.php - carry on assigning authorised MACs. This is a bodge to
make the nodes download less than 1600 bytes each time. If the script
size is > abut 1600 bytes, the wget crashes, so we feed the nodes 5
MACs each time to keep the file size down. This script gets called
repeatedly until all the node has all of the assigned MACs.

global $SEQ;
global $row;
global $n;



$q="select auth_seq from nodes where id=".$row->id;
$res=mysql_query($q, $conn);

// skip to next block of <limit> macs.
for($i=0;$i<$auth_seq&&!feof($fp);$i++) fgets($fp);
{ for($i=0;$i<$limit&&!feof($fp);$i++)
{ $m=trim(fgets($fp));
if(!feof($fp)) echo "iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -m mac --
mac-source $m -j MARK --set-mark 2 \n";
{ $auth_seq=0;
else $auth_seq+=$limit;
else //feof hit in skipping
{ $auth_seq=0;
$q="update nodes set auth_seq=$auth_seq where id=".$row->id;
$res=mysql_query($q, $conn);




Oct 20, 2007, 3:02:39 AM10/20/07
to Mesh wireless
> Thanks for these messages! I have started to mug up on iptables!

The WiFi bit is relatively easy (lol).

route, tc, and iptables is where all the magic is at.

route - for setting up your routing. I do static routing, so after a
re-start, every nodes knows exactly where the internet is.

tc - (traffic control) for creating traffic queues to do QoS and speed

iptables - mark packets so tc can shove them in the right queues,
allow/disallow MACs, IPs etc

tc is quite hard to get to know, but it is certainly worth it.

Whatever auth or commercial control system you buy, if it's linux,
then it'll use tc and iptables at the end of the day.

DD-WRT also has Layer-7 filtering, so you can catch protocols as well
- e.g. edonkey

i.e. to kill off emule/edonkey traffic you just do this :-

iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -m layer7 --l7proto edonkey -j DROP

Telnet/ssh into your dd-wrt box and type this to see all the available
protocols you can detect/drop/shape :-

ls /etc/l7-protocols/protocols


Oct 20, 2007, 3:11:08 AM10/20/07
to Mesh wireless
Here's the products and sales schemas :-

CREATE TABLE `products` (

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

`name` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',

`node_default` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`nominal` varchar(45) default NULL,
`price` float default NULL,
`up` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`down` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`notes` text,

PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`name`)

CREATE TABLE `sales` (

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

`roaming_macs` text,
`static_macs` text,
`home_node` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

`name` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '',

`address` text,
`postcode` varchar(45) default NULL,
`tel` varchar(45) default NULL,
`mobile` varchar(45) default NULL,
`priceoverride` float NOT NULL default '0',
`product` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`email` varchar(45) default NULL,
`town` varchar(45) default NULL,
`region` varchar(45) default NULL,
`country` varchar(45) default NULL,
`notes` text,
`started` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',


Nov 5, 2007, 4:55:32 PM11/5/07
to Mesh wireless
Did i say something wrong ?
I posted a load, then the group went quiet.
Sorry if i managed to offend everyone at once.


Nov 5, 2007, 5:01:58 PM11/5/07
to Mesh wireless
Gimmick :-
ring 0845 869 4715
and press 2
It will speak (in a Stephen Hawking voice) the current (updated every
5 mins) the status of my network.
Asterisk box with festival installed.
Another linux box with Nagios,to montor/alert on network status.

Richard B

Nov 5, 2007, 5:45:08 PM11/5/07
to Mesh wireless
Hi aga,

Actually, I got silence! Perhaps everyone else was trying it at the
same time. Or is it a Spanish number?

And speaking personally I thank you for all you have shared about how
you are doing things.

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