The open data AIS stream from the Finnish Transport Agency follows the regulation set by EU and by some Finnish officials.
The Supervisor states that the location of the Fishing vessels may be personal data, not a trade secret like Ville wrote earlier.
We are also filtering all messages from B-class transmitters based on the opinion of the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman in Finland. According to their statement, information from B-class transmitters can be considered personal data and should not be shared. This statement is not available in English.
It includes some tables where the column "Julkaistaan" means "to be published and the subcolumns "Kyllä" and "Ei" mean "Yes" and "No".
Finally, regarding the raw (IEC/NMEA) data our current implementation does not support this kind of operation, but this may change in the future.
I'm aware of the current development of the big global marine sites and the fact that all this information is publicly available over VHF. Hopefully open data fron the Finnish Transport Agency can add some value to other, more complete AIS sources!
- Tomi Lapinlampi / open data specialist / Finnish Transport Agency