Cannot select a row inside a wbfGrid.

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Dec 3, 2018, 5:17:13 PM12/3/18
to QTP - HP Quick Test Professional - Automated Software Testing

Please help, I'm automating an web application that has webelement in a wbfGrid. Note it's wbf and not WPF.
I can spy the objects on the grid but when I try to add the objects to the repository I get the following error.
"Cannot add the object. The object repository is read-only. Enable editing and try again."

I've .Net, Web and WPF add-in loaded.(I've tried without the WPF add-in also)
My goal is to select a row(webelemnet) from the grid.
I've also tried the following code to get number of childobjects on the page and the count is always 0.

Set obj = Description.Create
obj("micclass").value = "WbfGrid"
Set objChildren = Browser("Browser").Page("Page").ChildObjects(obj)
iCount = objChildren.count
msgbox iCount

Please help

Thanks in advance.
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