Re: French translation of the mercurial kickstarter

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Martin Geisler

Jun 20, 2012, 8:45:26 AM6/20/12
to Ithier de Lestrange, Mercurial Users
Ithier de Lestrange <> writes:

Hi Ithier, hi Mercurial mailing list

After writing about this mail on Google Plus

lots of people said that they would be interested in helping with a
French translation... amazing! :)

So I'm now sending the mail to the mailinglist so that others that might
want to contribute can hear about it.

Ithier: you should go forward and make a fork for the translation on
Bitbucket. You can then coordinate with people there and submit a pull
request when you have something for me. Don't wait until you're 100%
complete -- it would be nice to have a translation of just the first
section to start with.

Everybody: Let me know if you would like to help with another
translation or even help with the content. Clone from

> Hi,
> I am french and I live near Paris. I am using mercurial every day and I
> really enjoy using it. I have read your Mercurial Kick Start guide and it
> is really great explanations.
> I think that it would be useful to have a french translation of your guide.
> So if no one already asks you to make this translation I would be glad to
> do it.
> My personal laptop is running Linux Mint 12, so I should be able to build
> the tutorial. I say I "should" because right now I have an error, that I
> must investigate, about a missing TortoiseHg window.
> Best regards
> Ithier
> PS: There is a typo in the dependencies of the README file, you have
> written Xvbf instead of Xvfb.

Martin Geisler

aragost Trifork
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Martin Geisler

Jun 21, 2012, 6:17:34 AM6/21/12
to Ithier de Lestrange, Mercurial Users
Ithier de Lestrange <> writes:

Hi Ithier,

I'm sending the reply back to the mailinglist -- it's nice if we can
keep the traffic there so that others can stay in the loop.

> As I said on the mercurial mailing list, I have forked the repository to

Cool! I see you've added a file there -- I had not thought of
translating the README file, but if you think it's useful then we can
include it. One downside is that the translation is manual: there's no
mechanism in place to propagate changes made in the English version to
the French version.

> I have also corrected my problems and now the build process works fine.

That's nice to hear! So now we know it can be built on at least Debian
Testing and Linux Mint.

> As I am not a python developer some packages were missing for the
> process to work properly.
> Here are the missing packages :
> pyqt4-dev-tools
> python-polib
> python-dev
> gettext
> python-qscintilla2
> python-iniparse

Ah, right -- they are mostly dependencies for TortoiseHg. I'll update
the README file with info about them.

> I have also followed your instructions on the Google+ page to create
> the french po file and loaded it in PoEdit and it works also fine and
> I am ready to translate.
> Everything is working, I am happy ;-)
> Thank you very much

Thank you for kicking this off! Let me know when you have something to
pull. Please use 'po-fr:' as a prefix for your commit messages that
concern the po/fr.po file.


Jun 20, 2012, 6:08:44 PM6/20/12
to Mercurial Users
2012/6/20 Martin Geisler <>

Hi Ithier, hi Mercurial mailing list

After writing about this mail on Google Plus

lots of people said that they would be interested in helping with a
French translation... amazing! :)

So I'm now sending the mail to the mailinglist so that others that might
want to contribute can hear about it.

Ithier: you should go forward and make a fork for the translation on
Bitbucket. You can then coordinate with people there and submit a pull
request when you have something for me. Don't wait until you're 100%
complete -- it would be nice to have a translation of just the first
section to start with.

Everybody: Let me know if you would like to help with another
translation or even help with the content. Clone from

Hi Martin, hi Mercurial mailing list

Thank you  Martin for introducing me to the list,

I am very pleased to see so many people interested in a french translation of these great tutorials.
I have already forked the Bitbucket repository ( )  and I made my first commit (a very small one just to test the setup as it is the first time I use Bitbucket !).

If someone want to help, to translate, to read over or something else, please contact me  ( Vous pouvez même m'écrire en français ;-) .

Vive Mercurial !


Jul 5, 2012, 5:04:20 PM7/5/12
to Mercurial Users
I have finished translating the first part of the guide : 'Basic Mercurial'.
Before pushing it to Martin Geisler repository, it would be great if some french guy (or girl !) could read it over.
The whole project can be downloaded in my repository:
The file containing the translations is po/fr_FR.po, so to build the project and have all the html files created you have to execute: scons fr_FR



2012/6/21 Martin Geisler <>

Nicolas Pinault

Jul 6, 2012, 7:30:12 AM7/6/12
Hi Ithier,

I cloned your repo. This was successful. But making the documentation stops with errors. Maybe this is because I am running under Windows. As I can't spend time fixing the problem, can you send me an archive with the french documentation in it ?



Jul 8, 2012, 6:16:39 PM7/8/12
to Mercurial Users
Hi Nicolas,

The build process only works under linux (debian and mint)  and even for me everything is not working fine: it didn't create the screenshots from TortoiseHg, I had to copy them manually.

So I have uploaded the french translation of the first part of the guide to this url: .
To make corrections you can use poedit. This program works fine under Windows. You have to edit the po/fr_FR.po file.

Thank you for reading over.


2012/7/6 Nicolas Pinault <>

Martin Geisler

Jul 12, 2012, 8:58:56 AM7/12/12
to Ithier de LESTRANGE, Mercurial Users
Ithier de LESTRANGE <> writes:

> I have finished translating the first part of the guide : 'Basic
> Mercurial'. Before pushing it to Martin Geisler repository, it would
> be great if some french guy (or girl !) could read it over.

Thanks for the translation! I've pulled the changesets into the main
repository so that more people can find them. They're not yet published
online, so there is still time to find any typos :)

I'm going on a two-week business trip tomorrow, but when I return I hope
to publish the many new translations.


Jul 18, 2012, 2:13:38 AM7/18/12
to Mercurial Users
I have pushed new changesets with corrections from Andre. I have also pulled all the new changesets from your repository but unfortunately, I cannot build the project anymore. I have got a java error, any idea how to correct this problem ?

ithier@ithier-UX31E ~/Developpement/tuto_hg/kick-start-fr $ scons fr_FR
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
rst2html --language en --stylesheet-path fr_FR/style.css src/vendor-branches/index.txt fr_FR/vendor-branches/index.html
src/vendor-branches/index.txt:7: (WARNING/2) While executing:

java Test

the output changed:

--- wanted
+++ actual
@@ -1 +1,13 @@
-Fibonacci numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...
+Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Test : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
+        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
+        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
+        at
+        at
+        at$000(
+        at$
+        at Method)
+        at
+        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
+        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
+        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
+Could not find the main class: Test. Program will exit.

new output:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Test : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
        at Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Could not find the main class: Test. Program will exit.
Exiting due to level-2 (WARNING) system message.
scons: *** [fr_FR/vendor-branches/index.html] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
ithier@ithier-UX31E ~/Developpement/tuto_hg/kick-start-fr $

2012/7/12 Martin Geisler <>

Scott Palmer

Jul 18, 2012, 7:32:57 AM7/18/12
to Ithier de LESTRANGE, Mercurial Users
On 2012-07-18, at 2:13 AM, Ithier de LESTRANGE <> wrote:

I have pushed new changesets with corrections from Andre. I have also pulled all the new changesets from your repository but unfortunately, I cannot build the project anymore. I have got a java error, any idea how to correct this problem ?

Install a Java 7 runtime.  You are trying to run some classes that have been compiled only for Java 7 or later.



Jul 19, 2012, 4:37:37 AM7/19/12
to Mercurial Users
Thank you for the information, I cannot say that it worked because I have completly messed up my java configuration when trying to install OpenJdk7 (and removing sun Java 1.6) :-(, but I will try again soon !!


2012/7/18 Scott Palmer <>

Martin Geisler

Jul 19, 2012, 11:41:41 AM7/19/12
to Ithier de LESTRANGE, Mercurial Users
Ithier de LESTRANGE <> writes:

> I have pushed new changesets with corrections from Andre. I have also
> pulled all the new changesets from your repository but unfortunately,
> I cannot build the project anymore. I have got a java error, any idea
> how to correct this problem ?
> ithier@ithier-UX31E ~/Developpement/tuto_hg/kick-start-fr $ scons fr_FR
> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> scons: done reading SConscript files.
> scons: Building targets ...
> rst2html --language en --stylesheet-path fr_FR/style.css src/vendor-branches/
> index.txt fr_FR/vendor-branches/index.html
> src/vendor-branches/index.txt:7: (WARNING/2) While executing:
> java Test
> the output changed:
> --- wanted
> +++ actual
> @@ -1 +1,13 @@
> -Fibonacci numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...
> +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Test :
> Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

Hmm, that's of course not supposed to happen. The vendor branch guide is
unfinished and not linked from the frontpage but I thought it would
still compile. Sorry about that...

Maybe you can just delete it on disk locally so that Mercurial will see
the files as missing (status "!"). That should let you compile the rest
like normal until we get it sorted out.


Aug 8, 2012, 7:04:51 AM8/8/12
to Mercurial Users
I have finished translating the second part of the guide : 'Boomarks'.
Like for the first part, if someone could read it over, before I pushed it to Martin Geisler repository, it would be great.
The project is always at the same place:
The file containing the translations is po/fr.po



2012/7/5 Ithier de LESTRANGE <>

Pierre-Yves David

Aug 8, 2012, 11:05:57 AM8/8/12
to Ithier de LESTRANGE, Mercurial Users
On Wed, Aug 08, 2012 at 01:04:51PM +0200, Ithier de LESTRANGE wrote:
> Hi,
> I have finished translating the second part of the guide : 'Boomarks'.
> Like for the first part, if someone could read it over, before I pushed it
> to Martin Geisler repository, it would be great.
> The project is always at the same place:
> The file containing the translations is po/fr.po
> Thanks
> Ithier
> 2012/7/5 Ithier de LESTRANGE <>
> > I have finished translating the first part of the guide : 'Basic
> > Mercurial'.
> > Before pushing it to Martin Geisler repository, it would be great if some
> > french guy (or girl !) could read it over.
> > The whole project can be downloaded in my repository:
> >
> > The file containing the translations is po/fr_FR.po, so to build the
> > project and have all the html files created you have to execute: scons fr_FR
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Ithier

Do you have an online version of it compiled to html ?

Pierre-Yves David



Aug 9, 2012, 6:35:01 AM8/9/12
to Mercurial Users

2012/8/8 Pierre-Yves David <>

Martin Geisler

Aug 14, 2012, 9:32:44 AM8/14/12
to Ithier de LESTRANGE, Mercurial Users
Ithier de LESTRANGE <> writes:

Hi Ithier,

Thanks a lot for your work!

> I have finished translating the second part of the guide : 'Boomarks'.
> Like for the first part, if someone could read it over, before I
> pushed it to Martin Geisler repository, it would be great.

I hope people have had time to send you the most important corrections,
if any...

> The project is always at the same place:
> The file containing the translations is po/fr.po

I've been away on vacation but got back today and rebuild the guide. I
decided to publish the French and Brazillian Portuguese versions even
though they aren't complete -- it is a shame if your great work should
be hidden in the repository much longer!

So please enjoy the Basic Mercurial and Bookmarks guide in French:

(Let me know if you would rather wait with the linking until all the
documents are translated -- personally I prefer to publish early and
iterate, but you might think differently.)


Sep 14, 2012, 3:19:57 AM9/14/12
to Mercurial Users

Next Part of the tutorial !
I have finished translating the third part of the guide : 'Interactions avec Subversion'. Like before, if someone could read it over, before I pushed it to Martin Geisler repository, it would be great.


2012/8/14 Martin Geisler <>
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