I'm facing the same issue, so far I've been able to patch some
libraries to be more restrictive in their use of AS so as not to stomp
on extlib but this is short term only. As much as I think AS is
bloated and awful I think you may be correct that it's time to
consider a hybrid or just a switch to it. It does look like recent
cleanups have made it easier to be selective in the AS pieces you use
("require 'active_support/all'" is evil).
Does anyone have an estimate on what it would take to do a hybrid vs.
just switching to AS? Any reason to keep extlib around if merb is the
primary (or only) user? I'd be happy to pitch in with this effort.
Same here :\
ActiveSupport's pervasiveness in gems is really getting to be
bothersome. Especially for libs that are only using AS for one or two
things like basic string manipulation.
> Does anyone have an estimate on what it would take to do a hybrid vs.
> just switching to AS? Any reason to keep extlib around if merb is the
> primary (or only) user? I'd be happy to pitch in with this effort.
I started looking into it. It is getting more and more necessary to make
the switch to AS (IMHO, at least). While it is probably doable, merb is
so intertwined with extlib that it makes switching pretty annoying.
I'll be happy to help out as well. Not sure where to start exactly. I
guess removing the dependency for extlib and working from there?
In any event, this is a +1 for making the switch, or as Gary mentioned
allowing a choice like DM. It would be nice if PK & co. could pipe in
with whether this is realistic or not or if it is already on the agenda.
> --Paul
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I was trying to use MongoMapper with merb and was able to get it to
work by changing 'require "active_support/all"' to more specific
requires of just the needed extensions. I think I lucked out in that
it doesn't seem to use extensions that conflict between the extlib and
AS versions. Requiring all of AS is pure evil anyway but I'm sure I
will hit the case shortly where there is overlap or competition
between extlib + AS.
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I'm curious if you've started work on this and what the timeframe is.
I'm hitting problems mixing AS and extlib more frequently, it seems
the form builders make use of some items that differ in behavior
between the two libraries. I'm happy to help out with this conversion
since I have a very pressing need for it.