Calling for proposal for Merb ng(next generation)?

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May 20, 2011, 2:28:13 PM5/20/11
to merb

It seems Merb gets killed by politically by D and E! It seems the Merb
hasn't been developed actively any more. The original Merb had a great
roadmap for Merb 2.0 a long ago, but that never happened! So let's
declare that Merb 2.0 is dead. The Merb belongs to the community! And
I am calling the community to revive Merb as Merb ng! No more core
team in Merb! There is only Merb C.T.(Community Team). Please join to
new Merb C.T. and let' create the greatest Merb ng that the original
Merb had dreamed of!


Michael D. Ivey

May 23, 2011, 9:12:44 PM5/23/11
Who is D & E?

What problem does Merb solve, today, that isn't solved by Sinatra, Rails, or simple Rack handlers?

Sent from my iPhone

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May 24, 2011, 12:01:49 PM5/24/11

On May 20, 2011 4:28pm, Pado <> wrote:
> There is only Merb C.T.(Community Team). Please join to new Merb C.T.
> and let' create the greatest Merb ng that the originalMerb had dreamed of!

Please do! If your stuff is good, I'll commit it :-)

Look at the active_support branch for a base. It works without Extlib (merb <=1.1 is the last thing that actually uses Ext), uses RSpec 2, and has some steps towards clean charset handling on Ruby >=1.9.2, but is otherwise mostly unchanged in terms of the API. I'll likely merge it back to master soon-ish. The 1.0 specs are already gone, and I don't see a reason to stick to the old API.

The usual channels are open, so there's no need to bootstrap a new project. I have full access to the Lighthouse tracker and Github repo, and I promise not to run away and leave stuff dangling. Seeing you on the IRC channel would also be great (#merb on Freenode).

Adopt a bug:
Oh look, participation!

Michael D. Ivey" <> wrote:
> What problem does Merb solve, today, that isn't solved by Sinatra, Rails,
> or simple Rack handlers?

Is that really important? Some people don't like Rails (in fact, that was a major reason why Merb came into being) or other frameworks, some are just "anti-establishment" (rock on!), and some just want something to play with. With Merb in its current state, there's the opportunity to do major breaking changes that wouldn't be possible with – let's be blunt – frameworks with a significant userbase.

If we end up with three lines of code in a Rack handler doing everything that Merb did before, that's fine in my book.



May 24, 2011, 1:19:34 PM5/24/11
to merb
On May 23, 3:12 pm, "Michael D. Ivey" <> wrote:
> Who is D & E?
> What problem does Merb solve, today, that isn't solved by Sinatra, Rails, or simple Rack handlers?
> Sent from my iPhone

D is DDD and E is Engine Yard! I think Merb has much better design and
concept than Rails. Merb is very modular, easy to understand and hack
around, faster .... The Merb slice is a great idea. The problem of
Merb is it does not seem to be developed and maintained since Rails
and Merb were merged. The original core team does not seem interested
in Merb any more.

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