Merb and Rails merged

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Dec 23, 2008, 6:46:31 PM12/23/08
to merb-book
Here's Matt Aimonetti said about the merge on his blog.

- if we look at Rails 3.0 as merb 2.0, we can easily imagine how the
current work can be extended to the new version

- Rails team will also include an evangelism team which I will be
part of, so will be able to focus more on projects like the book

As Rails' point of view, Merb is "merged into" Rails. DHH said it is
not a big bang rewrite. Could that mean we're writing another Rails
book? Well, outside this community, people can think that way. I just
wanted that Merb's philosophy last as it was. How do you think about
this news?

Emma Persky

Dec 23, 2008, 10:24:23 PM12/23/08

(sorry, silently watching list, waiting for a chance to start doing
some editing)

I'm not convinced this is a good idea. Having variety and choice is
great. Different tools for different jobs and all that, different
philosophies leading to different styles. One framework to rule them
all is way to scary. Long live Merb I say. Or perhaps something that
forks from Merb now and continues on distinct from rails.

Basically I think it sucks, and all the time I have spent advocating
that Ruby is not just about Rails seem pointless.



Carlo Pecchia

Dec 24, 2008, 2:32:59 AM12/24/08
I think that the book will born already out-of-dated... And I'm also
thinking about the announced printed book on Merb from Apress & co...

Personally I think Merb as a framework will continue to be supported
for no more than 18/24 months...

But the point here is: should we continue to write/translate that book?

2008/12/24 jaigouk <>:
Carlo Pecchia

Roy Wright

Dec 25, 2008, 2:56:13 AM12/25/08
Carlo Pecchia wrote:
> But the point here is: should we continue to write/translate that book?

+1 on continuing the book

One of the royal pains I've had with rails is finding the correct
documentation for a particular version, especially the latest and
greatest. The concept of an open source book that is developed and
versioned along with the software is awesome. So this merb-book project
is positioned nicely to be the definitive merb 2, aka rails 3, book.

So a big thank you to everyone contributing to merb-book!

Have fun,

Matt Aimonetti

Dec 25, 2008, 3:18:06 AM12/25/08
merry Xmas guys, I'm sorry I did not respond to the thread yet, I'm with family.

The short answer is: NO, the book won't stop, at the contrary there is
even more exciting work to do and the book will be key during the
transition period.

I'll explain more soon.

- Matt
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Dec 25, 2008, 5:02:18 AM12/25/08
to merb-book
So many merbists are disappointed by this news. I accepted it, after
all. I've read many articles enough to say that I will stick with
Merb. There were some people who even want to switch to Django. I
decided to practice Merb more than before. Because Merb would be the
core changes in Rails3. And it could happen that Merb core team is too
busy. But evangelist like Matt Aimonetti will help us. I hope taking
this path would be natural to absorb Merb2 related skills. It seems
that there are no resources to learn Rails3 on the web except for this
book. So it is important to improve merb-book for rubists who are
interested in web app development.

1. I hope this book has some practical app making example like
pragmatic book. Our book resembles merb wiki.
2. Merry Xmas!

Matt Aimonetti

Dec 26, 2008, 5:07:05 AM12/26/08
The book is more important than ever, check my latest blog post:

Don't think that we are giving up on the book, at the contrary, we'll need a lot more work as people wanting to get a preview of Rails 3.0 will look for well written documentation!

- Matt

Zhonghai Zuo

Dec 28, 2008, 7:32:47 AM12/28/08

Sent from my iPod
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