I'm a Newbie and I need help to get started with Merapi + Flash CS4 + Java

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Jun 8, 2010, 11:40:48 AM6/8/10
to Merapi
Hello to everyone,

I spent several days getting an idea how Merapi works and how to use
it. I have to create a GUI in Flash with Flash CS4 Professional (I
don't use Flex/Flash Builder!). I didn't have any success yet and I'm
getting nervous because my project has to be finished soon.

- What do I need exactly (which swc's) to use Merapi in Actionscript /
AIR with Flash CS4 IDE ?
- How do I say Flash how to use it?
- which import statements have to be used?
- Can someone give me example code for sending a message from my
Actionscript / AIR app ?

- and all the questions again concerning Java ...

You see, I'm absolutely new to everything but I need that help. Thank
you so much in advance!

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